Chapter 64 - Abducted!

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 64: Abducted!

(Noah's POV - Mon. 6 July 2015)

"Pass me a cable tie," the man who is pinning me down on the floor with his knee on my back says to another.

Just a few seconds before, a hood was slipped over my head. So, between this and the piece of fabric in my mouth, all my screams come out muffled and I doubt anybody will hear me. My hands are pulled together behind my back before a plastic rod is wrapped around my wrists and tied very tightly, before the same thing happens to my ankles. The heavy weight in my back is finally lifted as the man pulls away from me, it seems, and I am finally able to wriggle on the floor of the van and kick my legs; which is not the best of ideas. The plastic cable tie is biting in my wrists, but in the end, I don't really mind. There is no physical pain that could be worse than what I am feeling in my head right now.

"Stop moving!" someone shouts a few seconds later, after my feet got into contact with something, probably the guy's legs. The kick I get in my hip in return makes me see stars.

"Take it easy! We can't fuck up or we're dead! And the boss said he wants him in good shape!" a third voice with a weird accent echoes from further away. Most probably the driver. "Have you removed the necklace?"

"Not yet!"

What? No!! Not my collar!! They can't do that! Anyway, they don't have the key to the padlock, so they won't be able to take it away from me!

"What the fuck are you waiting for? We were told to do that first!" the driver yells. His voice is much deeper than the others and easily recognizable. Oh my God, please no!! I need my collar!

"Okay, okay!!" the one on my left says.

Someone is suddenly pulling on my neck. I feel something cold against my skin before I hear the sound of metal being severed. Noooooo!!! Not my collar!!! I know it has some sort of tracker and that would be the only way for Camden to find me. I writhe as harshly as I can, certainly earning a lot of bruises, but unfortunately, the necklace is slipped off my neck. Vicious hands start fumbling in the pockets of my jeans soon after.

"Here! I have the phone too. Get some gloves, remove the fingerprints and throw them through the window as far as you can!

"That's a nice necklace! Maybe we could sell it!" Yeah!! Please do that! At least there might be a chance to catch the guy's face in a pawn shop!

"Just follow the orders!" the voice at the front yells. "The boss said to get rid of everything as soon as possible, so just fucking do it!"

Oh my God... This is a disaster! How am I going to get out of this mess? How do they even know for the collar? And why me? Are they after Camden's money? They're not making the best choice here if this is the case, because with all the money he has spent for me in the last few months, he is certainly far from rich! Oh my God... Camden... I want him so much now...

I didn't have time to process what was happening when the guy caught me in the street. Before I even realized I was kidnapped, I already couldn't move and the van was speeding away from its spot. Kidnapped? Again? What is the fucking probability to be kidnapped twice in one's life? Like seriously? Am I some sort of black cat? A magnet for problems? And why the hell am I being kidnapped this time? I never really knew what happened back in Detroit since the abduction quickly turned into an accident and I was able to escape from the trunk of the car. But anyway, that was in Detroit and I don't see how these guys could have found me again in Chicago. This has to be a totally different story!

"So, there's no possible mistake? You sure we have the right guy?" the driver calls out.

"Oh yes, no doubt! Fuck! Your Boss will be happy! It all worked well in the end and faster than we thought!" another one answers.

"See? I was right getting there early! We could have missed him if I had listened to your plans and come only in the early afternoon!" the third one brags.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" the driver grumbles. "All I'm asking for is that the old man gets in a better mood and off my back!"

"Talk for yourself! You're not the one who will have to stay around! He won't leave us in peace until he has seen him for real..." the one on my left says.

"Even after that... We're in for long hours of surveillance until he has tamed him," the third man snorts.

"Well, that'll be your problem, guys, not mine!" the driver replies.

My heart constricts as my mind tries to process what they mean. Their words sound so incoherent in the context of an abduction for ransom. Why would I need to be tamed if the purpose is to keep me for a short time to get money? It just doesn't make any sense. The ride feels like ages until the van stops. At the same time, it could have been only fifteen minutes or a full hour, I wouldn't know.

My body is aching so badly from all the thrashing on the hard floor. When I am eventually dragged and flung over a shoulder, it only worsens the pain on my front side. The guy is walking fast and it seems like we are entering a house from the sound of their footsteps on a tiled floor.

"Oh my goodness! You made it!!" a voice I hadn't heard yet says. It is rather soft and almost feminine, but it doesn't ring any bell to my ears.

"Obviously..." one of the other guys replies sarcastically.

"Good! Take him downstairs and prepare him. I'll be with you shortly for an inspection," the soft voice says calmly, completely oblivious to my muffled screams. "And make sure you keep him gagged so that he doesn't blow out my eardrums!"

Or maybe not so oblivious in the end. With that, I seem to be taken down some long staircase to a basement, I assume, before I am thrown on the floor like sack of potatoes.

"Right, let's get it done!" someone says above me before I am pinned down on the hard floor. "His wrists are bleeding; give me what I need to clean that and the large leather cuffs for now. And you, stop struggling already!" he then growls for my attention as he sits on my butt. My poor butt that is still so sore from last Saturday!

The cable tie is cut but I don't have time to move as other pairs of hands catch my arms and keep them in my back. I scream at the top of my lungs when a cold liquid is poured on my wrists and smeared with some cotton, bringing a huge sting where the ties cut my skin. After that, I feel gauze being wrapped around my wrists, and then leather padded cuffs, before I am eventually pulled up to my feet. My arms are stretched upwards and tied in a V form. As much as I try to fight, I am unable to avoid my shoes and socks being removed and my ankles to be restrained into more cuffs before what I imagine to be a spreader bar is stretched, forcing me to spread my legs open.

By then, my tears are falling freely, absorbed by the fabric of the hood and my begging for mercy remains unheard through the gag. I really don't know what I have gotten into, but it certainly doesn't sound good and it makes my heart bleed at the thought that no one might ever find me. What comes next only confirms my deepest fears. My tee-shirt is ripped off my chest. Scissors cut through the length of my jeans, on both sides, and I soon find myself in my boxer briefs. Unfortunately, it doesn't last for too long, and despite my wild moves and screams of protest, my underwear gets the same treatment as my jeans, leaving me stark naked in the presence of three perverts. Scratch that! Four perverts as the soft voice soon echoes in the room.

"Oh Jesus... What do we have here?" he squeals. "I knew my brother had the finest tastes, but this... This has to be the most delicious sight ever! He is perfect! Absolutely perfect! Though..." he hesitates as his voice circles around me. "Oh no... that's disappointing... What a tiny little weenie..." he then adds remorsefully as I feel his cold fingers grab my penis, causing me to yell even louder. My shouting immediately turns into high-pitched shrieks as he not-so-lightly squeezes my balls for a second. "Shut up!" he shouts in a more masculine voice and I comply right away, not willing to experience further torture. "Better! What a good boy you are! Now I hope that little prick of yours can stretch or I won't feel much later..."

Is that a joke? Does he mean what I think he means? Does he really expect me to... fuck him? No, I must have misunderstood that! I don't know what he looks like but there is no way my cock is going to harden to fuck anyone, even if he's handsome! The only man for whom it would get up is the one man I am missing so much right now and just thinking about his strong and protective arms throws me into a sobbing fit.

"Oh, don't cry, Pet... I was just teasing you!" he coos, caressing my chest and I almost gag at the sensation. And Pet? Seriously? "There, there, don't worry. You don't have to fear anything from me and if you're scared you won't be able to... harden," he says, whispering the last word in my ear, "I have plenty of solutions to give you a nice erection!"

With that he bursts out laughing and I only break into more tears. This has to be a nightmare and I am soon going to wake up. Yes, that's it! I must have fallen asleep on the couch and dreamt all that has happened since I got up to shower and get ready. This is only a different version of my usual nightmare and its possible continuity. In a few minutes, I am going to wake up in screams. Camden will arrive and soothe me out of the nightmare.

The hood being pulled off my head makes me startle and my eyes meet the greenest orbs I have ever seen. The guy in front of me is about my size, maybe a little taller, and of a slender build. He must be in his late thirties, with short blond hair, elegantly done, and a baby doll face. He is wearing a beautiful and refined business suit, navy blue; and the overall impression I get is that of a sophisticated man. Except for the brown shirt and yellow tie that don't match with the suit. The way he stands is definitely not that of an alpha, with his hip pushed to the side, but the mischievous glint in his eyes doesn't bode any good. I already know not to trust him. But the most obvious fact that comes to my mind is that I don't know him at all. Who the fuck is this guy?

"Hello, Noah..." he says, though, with an impish grin that makes me want to smash his face. If I am one hundred percent sure I never saw that jerk before, he seems to know me. "This is the last time you heard your name. As of now, you will be Pet!" he adds with another smug smile.

Once again, I try to pull on my restraints, wishing I could punch him, but they have been secured to chains hanging from the ceiling. The sudden sting of lashes whipping my bare butt makes me startle again. I wasn't expecting this and the humiliation brings more tears to my eyes. It also reminds me of the other men's presence behind me and my renewed panic has the one in front of me burst out laughing as he grabs his phone and dials a number.

"My dear, dear brother!! You have a beautiful jewel here!!!" he squeals. "I can't wait to play with it!!"


"Yes, he has arrived and what a beautiful sight! I totally understand your obsession with this boy!!"


"Yes, of course!! The necklace and his mobile phone have disappeared. Now he is all tied up in the basement, in his gorgeous nakedness, but don't worry, I know the rules! I know I can't play until you have seen him... Too bad, though... I would have loved to! He is plainly delicious! So? What should we do with him until you come back from your little trip?"


"A quick overview? Oh yes, I can give you that! He obviously shaved recently, so we'll have to wait for a few days to wax him, but it should be fine before you return. I guess you already know that, but he has quite some muscles... you should put him on a diet to get him back to a skinnier frame. And..." he pauses as he walks around me, stopping in my back. To my utter fright, hands part my buttocks and a thumb lightly probes my entrance for a few seconds, making me whimper around my gag. "Oh my, my, my... You're not going to like that, Brother... He has definitely been used and abused recently!!" he then adds as he walks back to my front. What the hell!?


"I guess you'll have to be patient indeed! And he looks like a fiery little minx too! I think it's going to be fun to tame him!" he chuckles. "It seems like he was recently punished, by the way..." he adds lustfully.

Okay, so the more I hear, the more I feel nauseous. I don't know who this guy is. I don't know who he is talking to over the phone. And I don't know what they have in mind but I don't like this the least. Tame me? No way in hell! The only one who is allowed to do that is Daddy. Nobody else!


"Oh, I trust you on that!" he laughs out. "Do you have any further instructions?"


"No problem! I will make sure of that! And don't worry, all the blood tests will be done tomorrow! Shall I see you as planned?" he then asks in a very snobbish tone.


"Alright! See you then!!" he cheers and then hangs up. "Right! So, you should be quiet for a few days, lucky boy, since my brother, or your new Master I should say, is on a short business trip at the moment. At least, we're not going to bother you with preparation until it's necessary! For now, I am just going to cage this little thing between your legs and you'd better get used to it, because that will hardly ever be removed," he smirks, fishing a chastity cage from his slacks' pocket.

How I wish I could tell him I don't give a fuck about his cock cage because I don't intend to get hard anyway. One of the guys behind me grips my hips to keep me still while Snobbish squats down in front of me and locks my privates into a stainless-steel device which is very similar to the one Camden uses for me at home. I am more upset by his hands touching me than the fact that a cock cage is restraining my member. I have gotten used to wearing these over time and it honestly doesn't make me feel any worse.

"Time to change your gag as well," he then says, showing me one of those gag balls. I violently shake my head as he brings the ball to my mouth. I don't want that thing in my mouth! "Stop fighting, Pet! I can't trust you to keep quiet for now, and I don't want to hear you screaming all the time, so as long as I don't deem you docile enough, you will keep this in your mouth."

"Pleas....." I try to beg when he removes the fabric, but he immediately replaces it with the plastic ball and someone else buckles the straps at the back of my head, not allowing me to finish my sentence.

"Good! I think we're done for the moment! You can take him to his new... space!"

Two gorillas then unhook my wrist cuffs from the chains above me and they lift me from the ground, carrying me under the armpits. I am led to some sort of corridor with several openings but they stop at the first one, almost across the room we were before. It looks like a cell of about 200 square feet with four walls and a large entrance but no door to block the way. I have a vague moment of hope that I'll be able to escape once they have left. However, I quickly become disillusioned when they force me to sit down against the wall on the left and spread my arms to tie the cuffs to embedded chains.

"I need your attention for a few minutes, Pet!" Snobbish calls out, stepping on the spreader bar between my feet and thus preventing me from thrashing. More or less. I can already feel scratches forming on my butt with the rubbing on the cement floor. "We can do this easily, Pet. That implies you becoming more docile and obedient very quickly. Or we can do this the hard way and trust me you won't like my brother's punishments. Nor mine. I can also choose an even easier way and drug you until your new Master arrives, but I swear you might not like the side effects."

He takes a long pause to let me ponder on that but I don't dwell on his options. All I can think about is the mess I am in and how I miss Camden already.

"My role is not to tell you the reasons of your presence here," he then continues. "You will find out in due time. Until then, you should know that I am not going to bother you much for now. We are going to visit you only twice a day, maybe thrice if you are a good pet, so you'd better have your bladder ready at those times. You will discover your program as the days pass, but there won't be much for you to do anyway for the moment. If you prove me you can behave, I may remove the gag in a couple of days. For now, be quiet and I will see you tonight, Lovely Pet!"

With that, he spins on his heels and turns to the right, followed by the three other guys. As soon as they have left, I try my best to move but my arms are stretched to the maximum and I can't rise to my feet. I close my eyes and will myself to calm down, taking deep breaths of air through my nose until my heart recovers a fairly normal rhythm. I reopen my eyes and take in the place where I am.

I have been sat on the floor against the left wall, and through the entrance, I can vaguely see the room where I was previously. There seem to be some shower heads over there that I didn't notice before. The room I am in now is quite large but it is almost empty. In the other corner to my left, there is a twin bed with a metallic frame, with shackles and chains at each corner, and an old mattress.

On the wall above the head of the bed is an embedded ring. On the next one, just beneath the ceiling, there is a very small window through which the light filters very dimly. And this is all there is. A bed, chains and me on the floor. I don't know how long I am left here in this uncomfortable position. My arms are aching from being stretched, drool is running from each corner of my mouth because I just can't help it and my butt is getting painful, not only from Saturday's intense flogging, but also from the lack of movement and the scratches I made on the rough floor. Couldn't they at least leave me some pants?

Two men and Snobbish eventually come back at some point. I hear them stop a little away from my cell and discuss, but they are whispering so I don't get what they say. I had stretched my legs in an attempt to feel a little more comfortable, but my knees immediately fold in an attempt to hide myself a little. Unsuccessfully thanks to the damn bar that forces my feet apart. This is when I realize that I am shivering. The basement doesn't seem to be humid and I don't feel cold despite my nakedness, but my body has goose bumps at the thought of what they are planning aside.

"Hello again, beautiful Pet!" Snobbish cheers a long while later as he walks into my cell, accompanied by two of the gorillas.

Both of them are quite tall and in their late forties I would say. One is completely bald and the other one has dark hair in a crewcut. As I look a bit closer, I get a weird feeling... The bald guy... Somehow, he reminds me of someone, but I can't tell who. I'm pretty sure I met him before, and recently I would say. Snobbish is still dressed in his navy suit and bright pink shirt, and carrying a tray with a small bowl, a glass of water and a yogurt.

"It's dinner time, Pet!" he says as he crouches in front of me and puts the tray on the floor beside him. Needless to say that I am anything but hungry. He pulls out a handkerchief from the front pocket of his suit and gently wipes the drool from my chin. "I'm going to remove the gag to let you eat, but I'd better not hear you!" he warns me.

Yeah, count on me, you asshole! I don't want to eat what seems to be like soup anyway, so I stretch my legs and kick the bowl with my left foot. Snobbish throws me a dark look and rises to his feet while one of the guys picks up the dish and the other one throws a towel over the mess.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Someone has decided to rebel..." he sighs. "Well, that's too bad for you because you're not getting anything else! Take him to the restrooms and then we'll put him in bed!" he then adds to the other men.

Of course, I try to struggle when they release my wrists from the chains but my members are so stiff already that I am not being very efficient. They first tie my wrists together with a snap link at the small of my back, then lift me up and carry me outside of the cell. I am taken to the left to a large toilet stall with no door and they make me sit me down on the pan. And then they wait. As if I was going to relieve myself in their presence!

"Come on, hurry up! We don't have all night!" Crewcut complains after a couple of minutes and I only mumble incomprehensible words in answer.

"What's going on here?" Snobbish asks as he makes his way into the stall.

"He still hasn't pissed!" Baldhead replies with irritation.

"Come on, Pet," Snobbish coos. "Don't be too modest. You'll have to get used to that. Be a good pet and relieve yourself now!" I reply with harsh insults that he obviously doesn't get. "It's up to you, but know that we won't return until tomorrow morning now..." he warns me. I try to stand up and nearly fall over due to the spreader bar but the gorillas catch me in time. "Too bad for him! Go put him in bed!" Snobbish orders and I am taken back to my cell and laid on the bed, face up.

The men shift my body to remove the snap link between my bracelets and as expected, they attach the cuffs to the chains that are tied to the iron headboard. Without another word, they switch off the light and walk out. I hear their footsteps fade away in the long corridor and up the staircase. Then there is only utter silence and darkness. They left the spreader bar between my ankles but they didn't tie it to the frame at the foot of the bed, giving me a little freedom of move. Unfortunately, as much as I try to use some of the suppleness I have acquired over the past few months, my restrained wrists forbid me to use any of that freedom and in the end, I only manage to hurt myself a little more until I sort of twist my body and find myself on my stomach with my arms crossed above my head.

I realize that I am silently weeping, tears falling freely down my cheeks and wetting the pillow. The little window is barely filtering any light now and I guess it's almost night.

My thoughts obviously stray to Camden and it only worsens the pain in my head. Where is he and what is he doing? I guess he must have found out about my disappearance at some point in the afternoon, certainly after he realized he couldn't reach me. Even if he thought about the collar and its tracker, that won't help him to find me and I burst into more tears as I imagine how he must be freaking out.

Deep down, I know he loves me as much as I love him; I know because he wouldn't have dedicated that much effort to make me a good boy for him and contrary to my coward self, he did confess his love for me. I didn't. I didn't reciprocate and now I feel so much remorse. He doesn't know that he means the world to me and he might never find out. What if he eventually comes to think that, since I don't love him, I am not worth moving heaven and earth to find me? What if he thinks I ran away like Alex did and simply got rid of the collar? That could be an option since he can't be sure of my true feelings for him! Then what would happen? Would he fight like Mark fought to get Alex back? Or would he abandon and get himself another Submissive?

Oh my God, no!! I can't allow myself to have such thoughts! Camden knows I have feelings for him. And I wouldn't have left Jess behind! I am sure he is already looking for me. He certainly asked for Joshua's security guy's help. The thing is how are they going to find me? How can they investigate when I myself don't even know who ordered my abduction? This is all fucked up... Who in the world could be interested in such an average boy like me? Camden keeps saying how beautiful I am but he is only biased. From what I understood, they were clearly aiming at me, but why? What is so special with me? And who could that guy be? Who is Snobbish's brother? As much as I rack my brain for that purpose, his features don't remind me of anyone I know.

With so many thoughts and questions in my head, sleep fails me that night. I think I dose off a few times but my bladder has become so painful that I can only focus on withholding my urge to relieve myself. However, there must have been a longer nap at some point and I wake up with a start when I suddenly feel hands on my right hip and someone trying to flip me around.

"Uh oh... Someone is in trouble..." Baldhead smirks as he rolls me back on my stomach. And that's when I realize how wet and cold the mattress is beneath me.

Please Daddy... Get me out of this hell!!!

Published on 18 August 2017

So, you just had the account of the whole abduction, and Noah has been settled into his new headquarters. I hope you're holding on, nothing too harsh for now. The next chapter in Camden's POV will be a bit more intense as it will be time for all the emotions to kick in. You'll see what happened in the next hours that followed the epilogues of I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars and I Would Give Him The Moon.

Despite those hard times, I still wish you a good weekend. Now I'm on my way to visit the London Dungeon... O' the irony...

And I apologize for missing so many comments over the last few days, I tried to catch up a bit last night, but I'm so busy with visiting!

Summary of the chapter:

Noah is getting all tied up, gagged and blindfolded in the van. There are three men in there. The driver has a deep voice with a slight accent. The other two cut off Noah's collar and steal his phone, before they threw them out the window. The men mention something about the "boss" being happy with their job and that the driver won't stay with them for long. Noah is then taken into a house where they meet a fourth man with a feminine voice (let's call him Snobbish), who orders them to take Noah to the basement and prepare him.

There, he is undressed and tied to chains and a spreader bar. Snobbish arrives shortly after, leads Noah to believe he will use him as a top. Snobbish then calls his "stepbrother" to inform him about Noah's presence, and gives him full details on Noah's state (fondling him a bit too), before he receives instructions on what to do with Noah. There is a mention that said stepbrother is on a short business trip.

Noah is then cock-caged and put in another room, where he is left sitting on the floor and tied for the rest of the day. They visit him again at night to feed him, but Noah kicks his bowl of soup, which angers Snobbish. He orders the guards to take him to the restroom, but Noah refuses to relieve himself in the presence of the other men (none of the rooms have doors in the basement). He is then put in the twin bed, tied up of course, and left alone.

He thinks a lot about Camden, wondering if he is looking for him – especially scared about the fact that he didn't have time to confess his love for his Daddy. At some point, he dozes off and is awoken with a start the next morning, realizing that he has wet the bed.

Note: there is no violence or sex in this chapter, so it's readable for those who fear the terrible chapters. There is only one moment that Snobbish touches Noah's privates but that's it.

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