Chapter 73 - Please Don't Die...

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 73: Please Don't Die...

(Noah's POV - Sun 19 July 2015)

There is nothing that will soothe my pain right now; not even Jeremy's hand holding mine as we are both on the bed, lying on our stomachs and obviously – or ridiculously – tied. Who knows? We might be able to flee despite our awfully painful and striped backs after yesterday late afternoon's whipping... Jeremy's comforting whispers won't help either. How can I even let him try to comfort me when he got it worse than I did? Well, we got the same treatment as a punishment, but the difference lays in the fact that I am a masochist and he is not. I deal better with physical pain and can endure it. Jeremy isn't obviously and he naturally passed out much before I did.

I actually didn't really pass out. After what happened just before the sanction, the whipping was almost welcome. All I could think about when Chris left was getting myself some blades to cut into my skin. By then, I was aching so badly that, had I been given a knife or a razor, I would have cut deep enough to make some real damage. The way they played with us, using our mouths, was difficult enough. There was no way in hell I would have willingly blown that bitch and they had to put an open-mouth gag and keep me tied. But the worst was Andrei's words when Chris was about to leave. Good luck with Master Camden, Chris! Fingers crossed he will be there!

The hell? What would Daddy do at the Black Diamond without me? I didn't want to believe that, and yet, the thought easily creeped inside my head. I could imagine him going there just to spend some time with his friends, maybe even watch a show... Chris is such a cute guy, and I know he was Daddy's favorite before we met. It could be so easy for him to convince Daddy to start a contract in my absence... I swear that was more painful than having been abused by those two bastards and I dearly wanted to hurt physically.

But I didn't have that opportunity of course. Being all tied up, there was nothing I could do about the disgust I felt and it only enhanced more pain in my head, to the point I was ready to beg for my whipping punishment. I didn't have to, though. Andrei's anger was enough to push him to play with his whips, one in each hand, and flogging both Jeremy and I at the same time. My only comfort was that Jeremy was on my left side and I can only hope that the strokes he got were a bit less strong than mine, but I can't be sure of that considering he passed out rather quickly.

I vaguely remember that Andrei and Crewcut eventually detached us from the chains and carried us to the cell where they laid us on the bed. Honestly, the punishment helped soothing my head, but my back hurt like a bitch and I doubt I would have been able to run away. That's why I don't really understand why they tied our collars and ankles to the bed frame, but they did, and the position is definitely not comfortable, even if it allows our hands to hold each other for a bit of comfort.

After Andrei and Crewcut left, without feeding us or giving us water, I tried to use the little light filtering from the window to check on Jeremy but I couldn't see much. His back was burning from the whipping but as I lightly rubbed my fingers, there didn't seem to be any blood. With the utter silence in the basement and Jeremy sleeping, the night was painfully long and as the hours passed, it only allowed me to brood over what happened and brought the pain back inside my head.

In the end, as usual, the physical pain is not the worst. The worst are those thoughts and images that flood my head. It is like they are poking small needles into my brain, making me feel like my head is going to explode. Just thinking about the unexpected voice that echoed in the basement makes me feel sick. And to think I felt pity for that bitch of Chris! Right now, I want him to rot in hell!

Once the first shock of seeing him here with Andrei had passed, I started to pay more attention to what they said. Chris was obviously surprised not to find us blindfolded at first but it didn't prevent him from explaining how he loved each time he was offered to play with Jeremy in the last three months, making me want to throw up at each of his words. I can't believe he knew about what was going on here and never informed anyone at the club! For fuck's sake, he even abused Jeremy several times without revealing who he was! I mean... This is so sick! How could he let Andrei drag him into such perversions?

However, sadly enough, the worst part for me was to hear about their entire scheme and how Chris was now planning to become Daddy's new Submissive. He confessed he always loved him but that Daddy was just not ready to take a Sub under contract at the time. Now that he has tried the experience with me, Chris believes Daddy will be able to realize that he can just have him.

I trust Daddy's feelings for me, but at that moment, I couldn't help remembering how much affection he also has always had for Chris and that clearly made the trick for a lightning jolt of pain to reach my brain. I could already picture my man, trying to fight his urges for two weeks, yield to the call for release and maybe fall for Chris.

After that, Andrei asked Chris to leave, wishing him good luck and hoping that Camden would be at the club that night. He also told him that he would certainly see them there. And then he took care of our punishment, reminding us of our mistakes and saying how he couldn't wait to be at the club himself tonight to test the waters, but I couldn't care less about his words.

All that mattered to me was that Chris was on his way to the Black Diamond, expecting to get Daddy into his pants. The only hope I had left was that Daddy would certainly not be in the mood to party after barely two weeks of my absence. I couldn't be sure about that, but that was my best option. Right now, just picturing Chris being fucked by Daddy, wearing the smuggest expression on his face, suffices to throw me into another fit of sobs and tears, making Jeremy grunt a bit as he tries to shift and soothe me.

"This is not going to work, Noah..." Jeremy whispers very low. "He won't manage... Camden loves you too much I'm sure..."

I don't know how he guessed what my distress was about – more than the pain – but we immediately fall silent as the door to the basement suddenly opens.

"Good morning, my sweet pets! It's well over 9, you've had more than enough of sleep!" Andrei says with a silky voice. "Hope you had a good night, because you have a loooooong day ahead. But first, let me see those backs..." I feel Jeremy tense and hiss beside me as I see Andrei brush his hands rather softly over his back first. "You were not used to that anymore, Kitten, right? It's been a long time since I last had to punish you so badly. Come to think about it, it only happened once... You've always been such a good Kitten... Hopefully, you've learned your lesson well and won't try anything stupid in a long time..."

"Yes... Master," Jeremy replies painfully.

"It's not that serious apparently and it didn't even bleed, so you should feel better soon. Too bad you had to be disciplined on the eve of a long trip," Andrei sighs.

Oh fuck! I had completely forgotten about that transfer to another State he mentioned yesterday, but he said sometime next week, not today! I am pretty sure we are still in Illinois right now, and not that far from Chicago, but if he moves us to another State, it will only make things more difficult for people to find us! Or... we could have a better opportunity to escape during our transfer.

"Now this one's a different story..." Andrei then says and I can feel his fingers press on the welts of my back, making me bite my tongue to suppress a whimper. "I know you're a masochist, but that still hurts a bit, right?" Fuck you, asshole! I swear I'll get my revenge at some point! "Playing hard..." he chuckles before he leans back up.

"Do you need me at anything or can I go back upstairs?" Crewcut asks.

"No, I'm good, Will. Thanks. I can handle these two! Go back upstairs and start preparing things for tonight if you want."

"What do we do with the other guy, the one that Vadim brought yesterday?" Crewcut asks.

"Shit! I had forgotten about that one..." Andrei grumbles. "Can't believe he managed to follow us here. That was really a narrow fuck-up here. Thank goodness Vadim was leaving and caught him before he gave the alert..."

"Yeah and don't worry. We got rid of the car and destroyed his phone after sending a text to his boss so that he doesn't look for him all too soon... I still think we should leave as early as possible."

"You're probably right. We'll leave in the afternoon where we're ready. Go prepare your stuff upstairs while I take care of a little something here, and I'll join you in a moment," Andrei replies in a smug tone that doesn't bode anything good at all.

"Alright! Enjoy, Boss!" Crewcut replies with a dark chuckle before he leaves.

"Right!" Andrei cheers after a few seconds. "As you probably just understood, I've changed my plans and we're moving out today. This is a bit hasty but with that idiot who located us, I can't take any risk. We are heading south and I hope you will enjoy your new location. It will be much warmer, especially in the winter, which means Fabio will be able to keep you naked all the time! As you can imagine, it won't be a pleasant trip for you, but sadly, I obviously can't put you on a plane to make it shorter. So, it'll be a long drive to Texas, we'll probably drive at night and rest during the day. Before your little brains start working for nothing, you won't have any opportunity to escape, I'll make sure of that, and you'd better behave if you don't want to end up bound and gagged in a crate. Noooooooow..., as much as I really enjoyed my evening last night at the club, that Sub I used had a really loose hole and I am desperate for some tightness!"

Jeremy and I are still lying on our stomachs, still bound and unable to really move, just staring into each other's eyes. At Andrei's last words, his eyes fill with tears and I unconsciously reach for his hand, hoping to give him a bit of comfort as I remember Andrei's promise to use him this weekend. I really don't know how he intends to do that, or where, but what I know is that I would rather not witness it, unless it makes Jeremy feel better. However, the situation radically changes when a finger suddenly slips between my buttocks and goes to poke at my entrance, making me tense and start whimpering. This time, this is Jeremy's turn to squeeze my hand when he understands what is going on.

"Definitely ready! Or at least, that should do!" Andrei cheers. Definitely NOT ready! I won't ever be ready for that!! I mean, I don't want Jeremy to take it, but I don't want it either!

"Master... I thought..." Jeremy croaks as he tries to prop himself up a bit, but I scowl at him.

"What is it, Kitten?"

"Isn't it... my turn?" Jeremy asks meekly, making me burn inside with shame. Oh my god!! That guy's kindness has no limit, then? Is he ready to volunteer for me? No way I would accept that!

"Are you that eager, Kitten?" Andrei coos, brushing the back of his hand on Jeremy's face. "Or is someone trying to beg for forgiveness? Or trying to protect his cute little companion?"

"Don't..." I plead to Jeremy.

"You don't need to beg him, Pet," Andrei then says, kneading my ass cheeks. "It's you I want to fuck today, and I'm going to fuck you; hard; and raw; and without preparation of course. You're going to remember me for a few days!"

"Master... I haven't had time to... prepare him... and give him some advice like Timmy did with me..." Jeremy begs again, confusing me on what he means.

"Well, he'll learn on his own, and don't worry, Kitten. Your little companion here is a masochist. He can take the pain much better than you do!" Andrei chuckles.

"But don't you want me to help with his enema, first?" Jeremy insists. What? I'm so struck by their conversation that I can't even form words anymore.

"There's no time for that today, Kitten, I'll do without. Now let's get to it, Pet!" he then purrs in my ear, already detaching my restraints from the chains and not even giving me time to process what was just said.

I try to struggle when he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me up against his chest to carry me to the torture room, but with my back hurting against his front and my weakness due to the lack of food and activity in the past few days, I can definitely not measure up against him. Jeremy's sobs are breaking my heart, which doesn't help either. In the end, Andrei doesn't have that much difficulty to tie me on the punishment bench where I find myself on all fours and tightly restrained. I would so much like not to give him the satisfaction to see me panic and cry, but I just can't help whimpering and thrashing on the leather bench.

"Scream all you want, Pet. I don't mind. It's actually exciting me," he sneers. "Not sure your friend over there likes it, though..." he then suggests, reminding me of Jeremy who is freaking out all alone on the bed. That calms me down a bit and Andrei seems to enjoy that a lot as he keeps on chuckling while his thumb just brushes against my hole. "Ahhhh Pet... Can you imagine how eagerly I have been waiting for this moment? Of course, this is no longer what I had been promised two years ago, but well... I guess I just have to be happy with what I have!" he sighs with heavy remorse. Oh God... Is it time for some confessions?

"Did you know that your father was a heavy punter?" he asks but I don't even bother to reply. Not that I would have known what to answer anyway. My father, or my mother, and I have never been close and after how they treated me during all my childhood, I don't really give a fuck about their financial situation. "Well he was, and your parents were about to lose their house... Do you know what they did? They sort of sold you... to me... against enough money to cover all their debts!"

Right now, I just feel like throwing up and my chest is actually heaving further to this revelation. My stomach being empty, it is only painful and Andrei laughing out loud only makes it worse. So that's what it was all about? My parents sold me? Their son?

"You didn't know that, did you? Well, they did. We had an agreement. I was supposed to cover their debts and in return, I would be in possession of their deliciously beautiful... young... and very virgin boy. They agreed not to report your disappearance, or at least, not make too much fuss about it. So, I did. I gave them the money they needed and then I arranged your abduction. Except that said boy escaped when he was kidnapped!" he growls, slapping my buttock real hard.

I'm so shocked. What kind of parents do that nowadays? I mean... I know that this disgusting practice still exists in certain countries, but this is the freaking United States of America we are talking about! I always knew that my parents didn't like me and that they put all the blame of my sister's death on me, but was that a good enough reason to sell their own flesh and blood to some sort of perverted demon to cover their own debts? That just makes me sick!

Now I also understand better my father's wrath when he caught me in my bedroom with my boyfriend Bryan, and understood I was no longer a virgin. I had somehow ruined his plans, which is probably why he got so angry. Their deal included stealing my innocence, and it was too late.

"Of course, with you probably telling the story to all your friends, I couldn't afford to try again right away and had to wait for a few more days before the next attempt, but someone decided to run away... I never knew what happened exactly and why you decided to flee from your parents... I thought it was another of these teenage crises but when I visited your parents a few days later and they blurted out the truth about you being fucked by a little twink... your father beating you down..."

I can feel his anger growing from the way his fingers get rougher and rougher as they knead my buttocks. But his anger is nothing compared to the fierce and consuming wrath that runs through my veins now that everything becomes clear in my head... The first abduction attempt... How I never dared revealing this to my parents... Or to anyone at all for that matter... The next few days in the doldrums and how Bryan used it to convince me to have our first time back then. Not that I regret it, especially not now that I realize it probably saved me from falling into that psycho's grip two years ago.

"So, of course..." Andrei continues, "when I realized I might never get you, I wanted my money back, but your asshole of a father had already lost almost everything into more bets! I just did what I had to do, back then..." he coos, taking a desperately fake remorseful tone. "I got them killed... That was all they deserved after all..." he says softly, now gently brushing my hips and humping his covered hard-on against my backside. Yeah, my parents deserved that. That's probably the only thing I can agree with... I can't even think of them as parents. They were just abject creatures! "So, I'm sorry, Pet, but mommy and daddy are dead... Though... you had found a new Daddy, hadn't you?" he chuckles, making me tense and shiver. "Oh no! Silly me! You don't even have that one anymore!" he then laughs out.

His laughter makes me want to kick back in his crotch and rip his head off his chest! How dare he even mention my Daddy? Be it Daddy or Camden, it just sounds utterly inappropriate in his mouth and I hate him for just thinking about the man I love!

"He looked quite like a wreck last night when I met him and shook his hand..." Andrei then whispers smugly and that brings tears to my eyes at the image of Daddy being sad. "But don't worry. I think he is already getting better now. How would you like to know that he may have already found a new Baby Boy?"

"Never!!! He'd never do that!!" I scream, blurting out the words faster than I would have had time to refrain them.

"That's what you think, Pet! But I did see him leave his friends at the couch... followed by... Chriiiiiiiiiisssssssss..." he murmurs, hissing the bitch's name. I can't believe a word of this. I won't let him break me down with that kind of phony information. "And do you know where they went? To Daddy's playroom... so that he could play with his new Baby Boy..."

"Nooooo!!! It's not true!!!" I sob, refusing to believe him.

"Trust me, it is! It turns out that I went to my rented playroom at the same time and saw them walk into his! I bet they had a wonderful night as I wasn't able to reach Chris over the phone this morning!!" he laughs out again and all the images that flood through my mind at that moment just bring me over the edge and get into a painful fit of tears. "Oh yeah, Pet, cry all you want! Now you know that Daddy never wanted you and it's all good for him because you're MINE now!!! All MINE!!! Now let me claim what I own!" he barks as he walks to my head, with the bulge of his crotch just in front of me.

"Boss!!!!" Crewcut calls just as Andrei begins to unbuckle his belt. "There's Chris on your phone. I told him you were busy but he says it's urgent!!!" the man explains as he walks into the torture room, hands a smartphone to his boss, and leaves right away.

"I hope you enjoyed your night with Master Camden, but this is not the best moment Chris! I was just about to..." Andrei growls but he seems to be interrupted and I can distinguish a few words from the receiver. A lot of hysterical sobs too.

"... gun... temple... over..."

"What? What are you talking about?" Andrei yells.

"... them everything..."

"To whom? To whom did you tell everything? And what did you say exactly?"

"Camden... and even Liam... where you are..."

"What!? Are you fucking kidding me, Chris? Because this is not even funny! You didn't tell them where we are!!!"

"... their way... Sorry Jeremy and Noah!!!" The last four words clearly reach my ears but what makes me scream is the sound of a gun being shot and then the terrible silence. The deafening silence when air has completely left my lungs while Andrei processes what just happened. Oh my God... I think Chris just committed suicide... No... That's horrible...

"Wiiiiiiiiiiill!!!!!" Andrei suddenly shouts, pulling me out of my trance, and then this is like chaos. Andrei is already moving things around, throwing stuff in some large duffel bags when Crewcut barges in. "We have to leave! Now!! We must be gone in thirty minutes max! That asshole of Chris just committed suicide while I was with him on the phone and he just said he gave our position to several persons!" Andrei exclaims. "Go get the van ready, I'm taking care of them!"

I wouldn't be able to describe the agitation that follows for the good reason that I am tied to the fucking bench, unable to move, and even if I tilt my head to see what is going on behind my back, I can't see what is happening in our cell, and this is where Andrei is at the moment. I can hear Jeremy mumble in pain as the motherfucker must be preparing him to leave.

"Noaaaaaaaaah!!!!" Jeremy's scream as he is calling my name is shrilling. It makes me shiver with terror until it becomes muffled in his mouth, probably with a ball gag.

Then I don't know what happens. I hear Andrei hurry upstairs and that's when the dramatic aspects of the situation hit me. I have no idea what happened between Daddy and Chris last night, but it seems like an epiphany washed over the bitch and brought him to end his life. That's hard, I know. But right now, I don't feel too sorry for him. Maybe in the future, if help arrives in time to save Jeremy and me.

I mean, it's sad for Chris, but fuck! After what Jeremy has been through for almost a year and a half, I am not going to shed a tear for someone who knew everything about the situation for at least several months and even supported it as he never cared to rat on the abusive situation here in all this time. However, this is not what matters for now.

What matters is that Chris finally found his conscience and eventually had the guts to reveal our position to some people. And that clearly means hope. I have no clue as to how much time we have ahead of us, but I sincerely hope that the rescue is going to arrive before we leave. And in this respect, when Andrei comes back down to the basement after a long moment, I swear to myself that I'll give him a hard time in an attempt to slow him down.

"Your turn now! And don't make it difficult, Pet, because we don't have time!" Andrei barks as he starts to remove all my restraints. I fake to be really weak and wait until I am completely free of my moves. As soon as he has pulled me up to my feet, I let the adrenaline flood in and do its job. I just become a real ball of anger, a wild animal. I am truly weak but I just try my best to kick, strike and scratch as much as I can, hitting him at least once in his balls and reaching his face quite a few times.

Sadly, Andrei has called Crewcut for help and the latter is quick to bind my arms behind my back with a zipped cable tie. While he slips a pair of boxer briefs over my butt, Andrei promises me hell once we reach our new destination but I couldn't care less because I well intend to get the first opportunity to flee with Jeremy. In the meantime, he flings me over his shoulder and starts heading out the torture room.

"I'll go put him in the van. Finish off here and we'll leave in five minutes!" Andrei growls for the attention of Crewcut and hurries out of the basement. Even if I am screaming and thrashing all I can, he still easily gets upstairs and walks hastily out of the house. I am afraid I won't be able to delay him much further but it seems like what I did was enough as he comes to a stop just when the outside sunlight reaches my eyes. Having been locked in that basement, my irises take a bit of time to adjust and I can't see what is going on in front of him but I still hear the door of a car being opened and a lot of growling that follows. "Fuck! Will!!"

Andrei roughly dumps me on the gravel ground and I sincerely pray for the new comer to be a policeman but when I turn around and look up, my heart nearly jumps out of my chest. My Good Samaritan... Camden... Daddy!!! Tears immediately flood my eyes. I can hardly believe that the man I have missed the most in the last two weeks is here, right before my eyes, and despite the tragic situation, I can't help noticing how gorgeous he is in his fitted jeans and white tee-shirt.

I also register his rather pale and very tired face, but that is quickly replaced with a burning wrath that I have never seen on him, even when I pissed him the most. The rage and determination displaying in his eyes as he lunges forward is terrifying, but that doesn't prevent me from worrying and fearing for him when he reaches Andrei and tackles him to the ground.

"Noah! Run away!" Daddy shouts as the first blow hits Andrei but I am too terrified to register the order when I see the older man hit him back. I just remain seated only a few feet away from them. Andrei steers to reverse the situation and a few more blows are exchanged as the two men fight, until Daddy manages to get the upper hand back by straddling the bastard and pinning him to the ground. He has a bit of blood dripping from his lower lip and I cringe when he takes a brief pause to stare into my eyes. "NOAH! GO FUCKING HIDE IN THE FOREST!"

"Nooooo," I plead as I shift to make my hands pass in front of me so that I can help him.

"NOW!!!! OBEY! AND NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, STAY THERE!" he growls even louder.

From the look in his eyes, I realize that having me around doesn't help him to focus, so I nod and end up rising to my feet and wobbling toward the borderline of trees to the left. There is actually not that much space in front of the mansion, and it is all bordered by a very dense and bushy forest, with an old outside building behind which I go to hide among low bushes. As soon as I have concealed myself, I turn around and look at what is going on. It must have been barely two minutes since Daddy arrived and things happen very quickly.

Daddy and Andrei have slowly moved further to the car and the van in their struggle, getting a bit closer to me. Although I am concentrating on their fight, I can't really be sure about who gets the most blows, but I am under the impression that my man has the advantage. He actually fights like a devil and I believe he is about to put Andrei back down.

Or at least he was about to.

In the hubbub of the action and their grunts and growls, I have completely forgotten about the rest, so when the loud shot of a gun echoes, I startle and look back toward the house. Crewcut is standing by the entrance of the mansion, pointing a gun at the men and my heart stops beating for a few seconds when my eyes shift back to where they are. Daddy's inanimate body is lying on the ground and all I can see is the red spot spreading on his shirt. My scream remains blocked in my throat and my muscles refuse to work as I want to rush to him.

"PET!!!! Get your ass here!!!" Andrei shouts. "Don't make me come and get you!"

"Andrei, we don't have time! There might be more people coming in the next seconds!!" Crewcut yells as he brings more bags to the van. Andrei lets out a huge growl of frustration and gives a huge kick in Camden's side, making me wince and cower in my spot. I can't hear what he grumbles but Crewcut tugs him toward the van. "Forget it! We can't stay here any longer!"

"I SWEAR I'LL COME BACK AND GET YOU, PET!!!!" Andrei barks as they head to the van.

And that's when it hits me. Oh my God!!! Jeremy!!! No!!! Crewcut has already started the van when I fully realize what is happening but when I finally manage to stand up and walk out of the bushes, the van is already rushing away. I try to run after them but they quickly pick up speed and disappear in the narrow path.

"Jeremyyyyyy!!!" I keep calling his name and run but my vision being blurred by the tears, I end up sprawling on the uneven ground.

I ignore the pain in my right knee when it hits some rocks and pull myself back up. The van has already disappeared and although I am shared between two options, I already know that one is impossible to achieve, so I turn around and head back toward the house. More tears spill from my eyes as I get closer to the unconscious body lying on the ground. The left side of his white tee-shirt is now drenched with the red substance, making my heart clench when I finally reach him.

"Daddy... please... no!!!" I mumble as I collapse in front of him.

He is lying on his side; his lips are bleeding and a bit swollen already. I don't know where he got shot exactly and I don't dare moving him, so I tentatively reach for his neck to try and find his pulse, but I am shaking so badly that I can't find any.

"Please... Daddy... wake up!!" I sob while I move to his back and try to gently pull his chest in my lap. "Daddyyyy... please..." Panic is hitting me and I just don't know what I should do. I palm his jeans' pockets for his phone but can't find it and I slowly fall into despair. Despite my attempts at stimulating him and calling his name, he just won't react. My guilt for letting Jeremy go only adds to my pain, and all I can do is just cling to his body. "Please... Don't die... I need you, Daddy!! Pleaaaaaaase!!!!!"

Published on 10 September 2017

That's the evilest cliffhanger I have ever done so far, I think... Sorry about that, please don't hate me... There you are with the last two plot twists. One was that Andrei managed to escape and the other one is that he took Jeremy away... Again. I know this is a terrible twist of fate, but this is how the story goes and you'll have to wait for The Darker Side Of The Moon to see what happens to Jeremy.

In the meantime, try to find relief in the fact that Camden and Noah are finally reunited – I know, it doesn't sound much, with Jeremy not being saved, but that's at least a little something. Because of course, Daddy won't die. In the next chapter, you'll finally see how everything unfolds and I promise high emotions.

Also, tomorrow I will publish the prologue of The Darker Side Of The Moon. Then like I said many times, the story will really start in December.

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