I'm Back! 😈

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Welcome to the sequel of Tears in My Eyes. As you all know that Nadakhan's the villian in this story and Jay's somehow Thunder(will be explained in the future chapters) and Nya's the hero in this story. Many mysteries are revealed in the future chapters.

"Where is he?" Dogshanks said as she and Flintlocke walked around looking for a teapot. "According to my calculations, he's somewhere in these rocks. Mind if you-" "Punch these stupid rocks, got it!" Dogshanks interrupted and she punched many rocks and everywhere in the cave started to shake. "We should-" "Wait! There it is! The teapot where our master's at" Dogshanks said and Flintlocke picked up the teapot. "Nadakhan! We have freed you again!" Flintlocke boomed and orange smoke surrounded the whole entire cave.

"I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nadakhan boomed and laughed very manically. "Nadakhan, we have come here to tell you that Clouse has failed you and we need you to finished of what he have failed" Dogshanks said.

"Dogs, we don't need to finished that pathetic fool's plan! I have a new plan for succeed" Nadakhan said and Flintlocke smiled.

"We're after the girl this time right?" Flintlocke asked the djinn.

"Actually, we're not. We're after him than her" Nadakhan said as he threw a knife at a appeared picture of Jay. "It's time to bring the pirate who have bonded with me very well and he reminds of this ninja" Nadakhan added and he looked at a dusty ship in front of him.

He used his magic and transformed the ship into a renew one and Clancee and Doubloon reappeared. "We're free? But how?" Clancee said in confusion.

"Don't worry about that. We have someone to get revenge on. Someone who's able to fool me but this time we won't be too easy on him" Nadakhan boomed and every Sky Pirate cheered.

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!!!!!

Is this a good start?

-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!!

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