Let it Rain 😭

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"Lloyd! The bomb in City Hall is disable" Shade said through his comm. "Good, everyone got out of Borg Tower because of a really bad bomb that can't get disable" Lloyd repiled back before turning to his friends  who looked worried. "Ninjago's saved, right?" Kai said and Cole nodded no. "Thunder summoned his second wish which is to revive Dilara but we all don't know why he would do such a thing?" Cole said and the ship floating above many buildings shine darkness. 

"Not for long!" Nya said and she summoned her elemental dragon and fly towards to the ship. "NYA! Come back!" Kai shouted to his sister. "We have to go after her, Kai, just in case, she won't get hurt by Nadakhan and Thunder" Zane informed the red ninja and he nodded. 

The 4 ninja summoned their elemental dragons and fly after the water ninja. Nya landed her dragon and unexpectedly, Nadakhan appeared in front of her and choked her. "Perfect timing, Nya" Nadakhan boomed and Nya kicked him in the stomach in order for him to let her free from his grip. "Where's Thunder, Nadakhan?!" Nya shouted and take out her katana. "He's preparing himself for a well rested battle against you of course! You'll never get your boyfriend back! EVER! He's planning to use his final wish and no one can't stopped him!" Nadakhan said and laughed. "I'm ready to go against him, Nadakhan, but we can still stopped you and your stupid plans! He will never use his final wish and you can't forced him to use it!" Nya said and Nadakhan growled and the 4 ninja landed their elemental dragons. 

"Perfect timing, ninja! ALL OF YOU! The bomb's will blow up in about 13 minutes to destroy Ninjago!" Nadakhan said and Thunder walked up to them. "Thunder, use your last wish! NOW!" Nadakhan said and the pirate smirked and laughed. "What's so funny, Thunder?!" Nadakhan growled and the pirate sighed. "It's you, Nadakhan! You have felt for my trap the whole time. I use two of my wishes to helped the ninja out and I won't help a jerk like you of course. Remember, I have my final wish and I won't use it at all" Thunder said. 

He strike lightning at the djinn knocking him down and closed his eyes. 

Go back to your body, Jay, my work here is done-Thunder. 

Thank you, Thunder, I'll remember you forever-Jay. 

Me too and continued being who you really are-Thunder.

Thunder's soul disappeared and the ordinary sapphire blue eyes come back on the blue ninja. 

"I'm back!" Jay said and his friends all smiled and hugged him at the same time. "So glad to have you back!" Lloyd said with a smile and knowing his friend, he's able to fool the djinn once again. Nya smiled and as the others let go of hugging the brunette, she kissed him. 

"Jay, there's something I need to tell you" Nya said. "What is it, N's?" The brunette said and Nya placed her hand on her big stomach. "I'm 9 months pregnant, Jay" the raven said and Jay gasped. "Nya! You're pregnant! I'm so sorry of doing this to you!" Jay sad and Nya hugged him. The brunette smiled and hugged her back. "It's okay, Jay, I'm happy you're back" Nya exclaimed. 

Nadakhan got up and saw that Thunder's not in Jay's body anymore. He grabbed a sword and growled. This is all of the girl's fault! She bring back the blue ninja! Now it's time for me to kill her like I did to Dilara! Nadakhan thought. 

Slowly he floats and run to where Jay and Nya are at. "Guys! Look out!" Cole shouted to the two. Jay knew what to do. He let go of Nya's arms and pushed her out of the way just in time to let Nadakhan stabbed him in the heart. 

Nya gasped and as her boyfriend's body fell on the wooden planks of the ship. 

"NO! NO! NO!" Nya cried as she run up to her boyfriend. 

"Jay! Don't die on me! Just don't!" She yelled into tears. Jay coughed up and spat blood out of his throat. He picked up his hand and touched her cheek. "Shh! Don't cry, Nya. For me, please" Jay reassured the water ninja. Nya stopped crying so that she can hear her boyfriend's last words. "N's, good luck on raising our child for me, and always remember that you are the best you" Jay sadly told her and his eyes become so heavy for him to open. The last thing he saw was his girlfriend and he smiled as he die.

Cole and Lloyd end up crying and hug each other in comfort. Kai and Zane slowly closed their eyes and cried inside but outside they're sad.

"Jay! Wake up! Please! This is not it's supposed to end for the two of us!" Nya shrieked and rain formed and started to poured.

The raven cried and sobbed into sadness over the dead body of her boyfriend.

Ed and Edna gasped as they landed the Bounty onto a building and end up crying into tears as well.

Nadakhan smiled and laughed very manically.

😭 I kill off Jay! I'm so sorry, readers, it's a risky move I have to risked.

Forgive me of killing Jay! Please forgive me!

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!!
-Sunnyninja13 crying in the corner of her artroom. 😭

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