*Bonus* Birthday Date

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Requested by: Hippydoodle98 and TheOfficialMintFrap

Request: Oreo giving Pudding Cup a birthday present(Hippydoodle98) and a date by a waterfall(TheOfficialMintFrap)

I'm really sorry for mixing the two requests together ;-;

But hopefully these drawings make up for it? 

AH, I'm so horrible-

Not to mention I did say this part was coming out Wednesday, but it came today instead.

Also, the lighting for these is absolute crap-

Again, sorry ;-;

But here are the drawings, then!  I'm a bit proud of these, actually XD

Oreo: Okay, 3...2...

Oreo: 1!


reo: Happy birthday!  Do you like it?

Pudding Cup: It's...


udding Cup: It's beautiful!

Oreo: Not as beautiful as you~


udding Cup: Stop it...(it got cut off, HGh-)

Oreo: lol

Pudding Cup: There's just one problem..

Oreo: What is it?

Pudding Cup: Were you so caught up in my birthday, you forgot about yours?

Oreo: Huh?


udding Cup: We were born on the same day, doofus.

Oreo: Oh...I forgot..

Pudding Cup: Happy birthday, Oreo.

These two are too cute for my heart to handle, AHHh-

Just one or two more chapters after this, and the book will be on it's second break :>

I'll do my best on the drawings!

I'll see ya in the next ome, love you!  Bye! 💖💖💖

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