*Bonus* This Is Very Misleading

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Woah woah woah guys, slow down XD

Pudding Cup: Oreo, not so hard!

Oreo: I thought you said-

Pudding Cup: I know what I said, but it hurts!

Oreo: Sorry...

So, Pudding Cup was being her clumsy self again, got a splinter in her hand.  So now Oreo(like the freaking gentleman he is) is trying to get it out.

What, were you thinking of something else?  What could you have POSSIBLY been thinking of? XDDD

I'm kidding, it's fine if you were thinking something else, that was my goal here :P

Actually, once, I fell in some sharp grass, and then I had to use a sewing needle to dig under my skin to remove the pieces.

It sucked, and it hurt a lot ;-;

But that was months ago, so I'm fine! :D

But that'll do it for today, and I'll see you in the next one!  Bye, love you! 💖💖💖

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