Day 8: Did I Forget To Mention I'm Not An Engineer?

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I have no idea how to draw an IKEA cabinet XDD

Hopefully this is okay XD

There's not much to say about this one, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow! Love ya! 💖💖💖

Update 7/22/2021

Still don't know how to draw an IKEA cabinet

So I didn't :)

Shoulder hug????? 😳😳

I get the feeling Oreo is a touchy person. He hugs his friends lots :)

Wait no that's just me self projecting nevermind </3

Actually I get hug vibes from episodes 4-8 Oreo, but from episode 9 and on he just feels different. Probably because of the body, voice, and story change. Urgh :/

Anyway, bye bye, love you <333

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