Day 1: Holding Hands [Sabre X Spency]

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World: Assassin's Creed (Episode: Jett Saved The Day)

Note: I'm gonna be pretty much rewriting EVERYTHING they said, but gonna add a bit of my own touch for shipping purposes! Most (probably all) lines go to FavremySabre!

The two males sat at on the roof, both having a story that haunted them most. The former League of Silence member, and unsure assassin, sat at the edge of the roof.

"Hey man, what's wrong? What are you doing up here?" The bandana male, Sabre, asked to the other. He took a seat beside him, Spency to be exact.

The two looked at the moon in silence before Spency spoke up.

"Mourning..." He simply said, still looking up at the full moon. "Oh-um..." Sabre hummed in response, feeling the awkward tension rise among the two.

'Relax it cool..' He thought, but instantly asked the wrong question. "Mourning, about what..?"

'Nice going Sabre!' He then thought, mentally smacking himself.

"Lucas...your mom, et cetera (ETC).."

Sabre looked at Spency for a moment. "You do know you're allowed to stay, right?"

Spency, finally, looked down from the moon and then shifted his gaze towards Sabre. This made his eyes glisten a bit by the moonlight, but made him look more upset.

"I-I mean..." Sabre stuttered, trying to sum up his words in the split second he had. "I know that I've been a back and forth person with all these emotions of what's going on and everything..."

Spency looked back up at the moon, trying his best to take Sabre's words to heart and mind.

"But look man.." He placed a hand on Spency's shoulder, getting the male's eyes reverted back to him; which made him a bit nervous again.

"I've forgiven you," Sabre said with a warm and genuine smile. "And..even though I forgave you last time and then I found all this out-"

He stopped once again, processing what to say.

Spency looked up at the moon a third time. Sabre's hand was still placed on his shoulder.

"-I know that, this is it, right? It is it, isn't it?" Sabre prayed at this point that his mashed up words made sense to the younger male.

There was another moment of silence, then Spency spoke up again...

"I...I know you aren't mad..."

Sabre removed his hand as Spency turned to look at him directly. "But I am.."

'This is gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you Sabre...' He thought, sighing quietly as he glanced down at the roof.

"I get that you want us to be friends, but if that's gonna happen- I need to learn to be a better friend to begin with."

'Just...friends..' Sabre thought sadly, but still showed a concerned and warming smile to Spency.

"But-but look man, I just want our friendship to be intact and if you leave I..worry about it and..." Sabre took in a quick deep breath.

"You didn't even know what you were doing because you were brainwashed and all that really don't have to do this."

A pained smile crept onto Spency's face as Sabre continued talking/ranting.

"You don't have to go! You can just have fun with us.." Sabre rubbed the sleeve of his disguise that he was still wearing. "And it could be- uh...A night to remember for the next morning and we could go on again and do our thing like..usual, you know?"


"We could...we could..." Sabre's face was a dark red at this point because he had so many things he could tell Spency right now, but he knew it wasn't the best time. 'Thank goodness it's dark out..'

"We can figure this out..we can travel the new world together," Sabre said, wrapping an arm around Spency's neck in a brotherly way, or, he hoped it came off like that.

"With a group...Flub, Jet- maybe we can convince him to stay too- and Colleen.."

Another silent moment, it was getting too old at this point...

Spency forced out a quick, small, unhappy chuckle. He scooted away from Sabre as a sign for him to remove the arm, which he did.

Spency looked down at the ground below them as he began to talk. "I honestly want to go, I- I want to figure out who I am..."

"I-I think if I just explored for a bit, I'd be able to understand myself better," Spency finished, now looking back up at Sabre.

This pained Sabre to here all of this, especially coming from the man that he-

"Alright, well- I mean, I can understand that logic..but just know if you ever need a friend," Sabre said, choking out the last word with hesitance. "I'm here for you, alright? If you ever need anything! You can find me, you already did it before," He said with a light chuckle.

"That's the problem..!" Spency raised his hands up as he said this in slight anger, but calmed down as fast as the anger came. He placed his hands back down on the wood; his hand now a bit closer to Sabre's.

"I wanna do the same for you but...I just don't think I'm a good enough person to deserve your kindness." The last few words sounded like Spency was about to break down in tears, which is true, he was, but he didn't.

Sabre was taken back by the statement, he saw it coming-yes- but it just came out so sad and bitter. After a few seconds of harsh hesitance, he moved his hand to be ontop of Spency's.

Spency's face went red as he looked down at Sabre's hand, then up at him.

"Spency...You didn't deserve any of this, and it's all my fault that this all happened to you.." Sabre said, scooting a little bit closer to Spency.

"It's my fault that I joined The Creed like my father had's my fault that I thrashed out at you and Colleen when you two didn't deserve it at all..!" Tears began to form at Sabre's eyes, but they soaked into the cloth that covered them.

Sabre was about to continue, but didn't when he felt Spency force his fingers to intertwine with Sabre's.

This silence was better than any other one they had...

Sabre looked down at their intertwined hands, now realizing they were pretty much holding each other's hands.

Spency was looking at Sabre with a bright smile, tears threatening to fall. He stood up, bringing Sabre up with him because their hands were still linked.

"You mentioned something about Flub exploding the prison..?" Spency questioned, making Sabre snap out of his trance.

"O-oh, yes! It was pretty..pretty funny honestly," Sabre said with a light chuckle, making Spency chuckle as well.

Spency grabbed Sabre's other hand with his open one, making the two face each other. "Thank you..." He said quiely.

Sabre was silent as he looked at Spency's face, mostly looking at his lips. "N-no problem man..!" He said after a moment.

Spency smiled with a light scoff as he released Sabre's hands, making the assassin frown mentally.

"Come on, the others are waiting," Spency said, heading to the tree they climbed onto the roof from.

"Yep..." Sabre mumbled, looking down at his hands. "They sure are..."

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