Day 4: Hospital Visits [SGCGamer/SGCBarbierian X GhettoGamer]

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World: Roomates (Just pretend this existed!)

Note: This is based on the Hanahaki Disease; Definition (Mine): The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals. The disease can be  cured when the beloved one returns their feelings (can only be romantically) or surgery to remove the flowers, along with the feeling's of romance from the victim. This is from my understanding, could be wrong, don't take my word on it! The design for Ghetto is above, I'm in a bit of a rush to write this so I ain't gonna give big details on how he looks. Nick is just...Nick?

"Room 381," The front desk attendance said to the darker male. Ghetto nodded to the female that worked there before heading off in the direction she pointed at.

In his hand he held the string of a 'Get Well Soon' balloon. Flowers would've been his first option, but that would've been ironic...and considered cruel.

'Hope he is better..' Ghetto thought as he positioned his hood to be even against his back.

The male stopped in front of the door. 'Room 381,' the sign said in bold white letters.

Ghetto exhaled quietly, ready for some sort of water works to happen again. 'Just calm down...crying won't get ya' anywhere man..'

Ghetto opened the door slowly, trying to stop the door from creaking. It did indeed creak, catching the attention of the brunette laying on the bed.

"Oh...hey Ghetto.." Nick, the victim of the cursed disease, said to Ghetto between quiet coughs.

There was a breathing mask over his mouth and nose, helping the younger male to breath. Just in case, there was a pump near Nick in case enough oxygen wasn't going through the mask. (Think that's a thingy..?)

"Hey man, you feeling better?" Ghetto asked, closing the door behind him with a quiet 'click'. He sat down in his usual seat, the chair next to Nick's bed.

Nick shrugged lightly in response, a quiet wheeze following right after.

"I'll get better.." He said with a weak smile to Ghetto.

Ghetto smiled painfully to Nick, hating to see his best friend in such a state. Nick hadn't told ghetto who his crush was, which also angered him slightly.

"Ghetto-" "When are you gonna tell me? Might as well tell me so I can help ya'!" Ghetto interrupted Nick, his anger beginning to boil.

"All of this could be avoided Nick, just tell me! I can go grab 'em and you could confess and maybe something could work out?"

Nick looked at Ghetto as he continued arguing why he should confess the person that was making this happen and that everything could be fixed.

"Just...please man..." Ghetto pleaded at this point, placing a hand on Nick's shoulder.

The moment Ghetto made contact with Nick, he started coughing harshly and wheezing loudly. A few petals fell out of his mouth and stayed trapped in the mask he wore.

"Woah, woah! Breath!" Ghetto shouted in panic, pulling off the mask so the flowers wouldn't go back into his mouth.

Nick leaned forward as he continued Coughing and wheezing, trying anything to get a gasp of air.

"Nurse!" Ghetto stood up, but Nick stopped him before he could get far.

Nick had a hand grabbing onto Ghetto's sleeve, a death grip keeping Ghetto from going anywhere. "Please...stay.." Nick wheezed out, panting quietly right after saying the two words.

Ghetto was hesitant before sitting back down in the chair, pressing the nurse button without Nick noticing.

Nick could feel as another flower grew inside of him. 'Gotta tell him before I go...' He thought.

Nick patted the mattress next to him, wanting Ghetto to sit on the bed with him. He was still coughing and such as Ghetto sat down beside him, it getting worse.

"Relax..relax....clear your mind.." Ghetto said quietly, rubbing Nick's back in an attempt to help, but he had no..

"Gh-ghetto..." Nick tried to speak, but the petals keep falling out, soon being replaced with full flowers.

Nick leant against Ghetto, closing his eyes as the coughing carried on getting worse and worse, if it could get any worse at this point.

"Nick, just please tell me.." Ghetto pleaded once again, tears threatening to fall.

Nick looked up at Ghetto as the darker male wrapped an arm around Nick. "I-I..." He looked down as more flowers began to fall out of his mouth.

"Is it someone I knew? I can call them!"

Nick used every bit of his strength to look back up at Ghetto, a warm and weak smiling on his face. "I-it is...he's m-my closest friend..."

'Forgot about that..' Ghetto thought, Nick being gay slipping his mind. He of course didn't mind since he was Bi himself.

"Alright, and..?"

Nick placed a hand on the side of Ghetto's face, making him turn and look down at the small brunette.

"And...he's right in front of me.." Nick said, in barely, a whisper.

A dark blush formed at Ghetto's cheeks as he realized the person that Nick him..

"S-so I..." Tears began to roll down Ghetto's cheeks as he realized the shocking truth. HE caused this pain and suffering to Nick, never making it better..

"I-I'm...I'm so sorry!" Ghetto choked out. He hugged Nick tightly, beginning to sob quietly. "I didn't know!"

Nick smiled as he felt his eyes get heavy and his body felt cold. "I...i love.."




Note: Am I the only one that's actually about to cry? T~T Sorry for this being a bit late, but hey, still day four!

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