Day 8: Original Idea [Markbrine X Jack]

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World: Herobrine Lake (sometime after Mark fuses with Herobrine)

Note: I couldn't come up with an idea for day 8 for either of the option, so I decided to just post this one that I happened to make! Hope you enjoy either way!

The familiar ray of light vanished from around Jack.

"Where the hell am I..?" The male asked quietly to himself.

"Joseph!" Jack called out, taking a step off the platform he teleported to.

The last thing he could recall was talking to Joseph in the forest; a sudden burst of light consuming him and the last thing he heard is Joseph shouting for him.

"...f**k is this?"

Jack stood on a circular platform floating in the middle of a starry sky.

He stepped towards the edge of the platform, looking down to see a continuation of the sky.

Jack placed his hands on the side of his mouth to shout once again, "Joseph!"

"Hello, /Jack/~"

Jack turned around quickly to see the source of the voice, panic starting to consume him.

A pair of white eyes greeted him, along with a devilish smirk that belonged to his former scientist friend- Mark.

"M-Mark.." The words slipped out of his mouth, making it a quiet mumble.

The male raised his pointer finger to shake back in forth in a 'no' manner. "How many times must I explain this, Jacky?"

'Jacky? The s**t?!' Jack thought, never having Mark- or whatever /it/ was- call him 'Jacky'.

"Where's Joseph?" Jack snapped at him, taking a step towards the monster in an intimidating manner.

"Don't worry, your friend is just fine! Sent him to a.../tropical/ get away," He chuckled quietly.

'Tropical..? Wait- no, no, no!'

"You better bring him back here or else-" "What? You're gonna...kill me?" Mark- Herobrine, Markbrine?- questioned in such a teasing manner. He stepped closer to Jack and tapped his nose with a quiet 'boop'. "You're so cute when you're angry, you know that?"

"Wh-what was that..?" Jack questioned with shock and a flushed face.

Markbrine- has a nice ring to it- sighed quietly in annoyance. "Since you 'didn't' hear me, I suppose I could say it one more time...I said~"

Markbrine stepped closer, but Jack couldn't step back; as if he was frozen by an invisible force.

He wrapped an arm around Jack's small and fragile waist to pull them closer together. His other hand moved to Jack's chin to forced him to look at Markbrine.

"You're cute when you're angry~"

Jack's face turned light pink by the compliment. "Thanks...I-I suppose?"

A light, genuine smile formed at Markbrine's lips as he scanned Jack's face...and a bit of his body.

"I see why Mark's so fond of you, Jacky."

Jack processed which question he should ask first:

'What kind of fond?'

'Wait, Mark is still in there?!'

"Since we're in a rather...romantic setting, shall we have a dance then?"

"A wha- woah!"

Before Jack could finish his question, Markbrine twirled Jack in place.

After the twirl, Jack ended up in the same position before, trapped against Markbrine with his other hand holding Jack's.

Markbrine began to hum quietly as he swayed the two towards the middle of the platform.

The area Jack came to the place was no longer there, making the platform flat and a perfect place to dance.

Jack could no longer tell if he was being forced to dance or...he was actually enjoying it.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Markbrine asked to Jack, looking at the void around them.

Markbrine, as usual, interrupted Jack before he could answer, "Took awhile to make, but in the end..."

He suddenly dipped Jack, making the other male squeeze Markbrine's hand in fear that he was going to drop him.

They stayed in the position as he finished the sentence.

"It was worth it, wouldn't you agree~?"

Jack looked up at Markbrine, staring into those blank, white eyes.

The white eyes looked...beautiful from the angle Jack was at.

They were a bit darker because of the little light around them, but glistened with the stars above them.

As Markbrine pulled Jack back to his feet, he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.

Jack shoved himself away from the possessed male. "What- what the f**k is going on here? Where the hell is Joseph and why the hell am I here?!"

"You really can't tell..?" Markbrine's voice was so upset, it was both odd and scary.

Jack remained quiet. He didn't want to believe it was for the reason he thought.

Mark loved him.

A low growl escaped Markbrine's lips; thunder adding onto it.

Jack stepped back in the familiar sense of fear as more thunder could be heard.

"You know what /Jack/, just forget any of this happened!" Markbrine said in his cheerful and devilish tone, but there was a pained expression with it.


"Why did he /ever/ deserve to have feelings for you?" Markbrine laughed crazily, stepping closer to Jack.

"Mark, I-"

Jack was lifted into the air; Markbrine's hand guiding where Jack floated.

Jack's breath quickened as he was moved off of the platform and above the endless void.

"Mark, please! I know you're in there!" Jack pleaded, looking at the male.

"It's not like you'll remember this anyways!" Markbrine continued to laugh, tears now rolling down his cheeks.

"Goodbye! Tell Joseph I said hi!"

Jack was released form the invisible grip. "Mark!"


Jack's eyes blinked a few times before remaining open.

A figure stood above him, blocking the rays of sun from hitting his eyes.

"Jack! Are you alright?"

"Joseph...?" Jack groaned quietly, looking up at the figure.

"You scared me there buddy," Joseph exhaled in relief. He extended a hand to Jack, which the male accepted.

"What happened..?" Jack asked once he was on his feet.

"I have no just sort of- collapsed."

Jack rubbed his head, trying to ease the enormous headache he had.

"Can you remember what happened?" Joseph asked.

Jack was silent for a moment.


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