Day 1: Five weird habits

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1- Bitting nails
This is the most common weird habit, and well, I'm not an exception. I've started to bite my nails since I had teeth, and it didn't stop until I turned 16. That's a pretty  long time... During those years, I did try to retain myself from destroying my hands, but none of my methods worked. Then thanks to another weird habit of mine, which I'm gonna tell you later,I quit bitting nails.

2- Tapping nails
This habit began when I took up playing piano at the age of nine. I didn't "have" nails at that time, but my mentor did. While she was demonstrating my lesson, beside listening to her playing, I was also listening to her nail clicking on the keyboards. Somehow I enjoy it. The time I quit bitting nails was also the time I received my first smartphone, and my nails were long enough to make the clacking sound on the screen. Not just my phone screen only, I like tapping nails on every hard surface, just to hear their sound. It's quite relaxing in a way only I understand.

3- Cracking knuckles
Not only fingers but my neck also. I tend to crack my fingers knuckles in class, which result in a lot of eyes staring at me. Sometimes I crack my neck to scare off people, and sometimes it works. Not that I'm proud of it, but it does give me few hilarious moments. Or degenerative spine.

4- Singing spontaneously
This usually happens when I forget my earphones, and no sane person would listening to music through phone speaker in public. I hate standing with a bunch of strangers without music in my ears, so I kinda have to sing to myself. Of course at a volume that no one could hear but me. Occasionally, at my or my friends' places, I would sing out loud. And my friends tend to shut me up by various ways.

5- Bilingual
Yeah, this is a weird habit. People say that bilingual can help you in the future, but for me, it's a bit of a problem. I can understand perfectly both Vietnamese and English. However, if you ask me to translate from one to the other, then sorry, you should use Google instead. The boundary between these two languages, for me, is too clear and strong to cross. In other way, while using English, I would think in English but not Vietnamese. Another weird thing related to bilingual that I use a lot of words in English while talking, eventually I don't know their Vietnamese meaning. I still know what they are, but in English only.


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