Day 19: Life choices

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I chose to be nice. But what if I become bad?

I chose to be smart. But what if I do something stupid just for once?

I chose this guy over that guy. But what if I redo?

I chose this over that? But what if I choose the other?

Would it be different?

Of course it will be. But that's not the problem.

The problem is people have choices in their lives. And they choose everyday. Even choosing not to choose is an option.

Which will lead to one major question: What could happen if they had chosen the other way?

If you had made your choices, be fine with it already. Do not have second thought. You've had time to make up your mind, you've had time to choose. Don't waste more to rethink.

I wasted a lot of mine for that. Please don't be me...


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