Day 30: Conscience

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This is the last day, last minutes of our #30daywritingchallenge...

And also my first day of work...

I came home, exhausted. My back hurts like hell, and still hurting. My feet, they're burning inside. My hair was full of fried chicken's smell, and I just managed to get rid of it ten minutes ago. Oh, I haven't mentioned my knees, yet. The floor was so fucking slippery, I stumbled three times and felt on to my left knee once. I am so gonna buy a better pair of shoes. Today, my part-time job has made me to rethink about the world of fast food franchises.

You might be asking why I'm telling you all of these. Well, we are close to the point.

I have homework. Nah, I'll do it next morning, before class.

It's 11:40 pm at the moment. Twenty minutes left 'til new day. I should sleep like, half an hour ago. Yet, here I am. Or I was, to people who will read this in the morning. Why I didn't sleep earlier, you may ask. I got home at 10:30, that's the first reason. The second one is my conscience, telling me that I mustn't quit the last day of writing.

G'night people. And that's the end of the challenge.  



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