Day 7: Loneliness

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I wish I was playing hide and seek. I would close my eyes and count to ten. When I open them, everybody would be gone hiding. I would go search for them. And I would eventually find each of everybody.
I wish I was playing hide and seek, because at least I would find someone...

Right now, if I close my I and count to ten, I won't hear any "Come on, let's hide here!", "She is almost finish." or "Oh no, I can't find a hiding spot!". None I'll hear.
And if I open my eyes, I won't see any footprint or listen to someone trying to catch their breath after rushing to find a hiding spot. None I'll do.

This is the stage of loneliness...

Since they arrived, they've lured people into their "den" with their stupid magical light. Everyone was fooled and came to them. Everyone but me. And none have returned.

Since mankind was no longer the dominant kind, they started to go out of their "den" and hunted for those who survived their luring light. The last of the real human were captured and slaughtered, then became their meals.

I was fortunate. I hid so well they couldn't find me.
At the same time, I was not. I don't want to be the only human left.

I wake up by myself. I hide by myself. I go out, dodge them and search for food by myself. I talk with myself. I play by, and with, myself. I go to sleep by myself. I repeat all of these by myself.
I am alive by myself.
And there is nothing more pathetic than being with myself only.

The stage of loneliness, I said...

Sometimes the negative thought clouded my mind. Should I just kill myself now, so I can be free from this lonely torture? Should I just go in front of them and be the single member of "Suicide Squad"? Should I die?
But then hope gets me. I want to survive. I want to live. Maybe there still someone out there alive, too. Or maybe some people are prisoner of them, and I'm their only savior. Maybe when I close my eyes and count to ten, this nightmare will be gone, I'll wake up and see everyone. Safe and sound.
These thoughts keep on fluctuating day by day by day...

For now, I have to embrace the loneliness. My loneliness...

Their light kinda fascinating, I guess...


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