Day 1

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11th May 2020💜

Describe my personality..

Umm.. this is hard..My personality..

I pretty much pass as a first rate comedian without me intending to be *flinch*..

Most of the encounters I've had in life, the opposite party always conveyed to me later on
that their first impression of me is either "Why is she so silent?" or "such a rude girl"..

Hey I'm really sweet, if you know you know *wink*.. but imma always have my guards up.. call me paranoid but an awkward hello would seem much real and genuine to me than the excited "yo baby.. how you doing"..No offence to you guys who is that way.. but the blown up stuffs never appeal to me much..

And the irony is the people with whom I've started on a rift are the ones closer to me today..

Those who knows me,know that me and sassy stuffs never go together.. mainly..
1. they make me uneasy and embarrassed
2. Dude.. I'm a writer I play with words so they don't deceive me.. show me some actions..

Besides people have told me that I hold on to things longer.. idk whether that is a boon or bane.. But yeaah..

I've been labelled an introvert cause quite contrary to my out going sister I'm always silent.. I prefer books than going out and "associating".. books have your back and dont turn out to be snakes you see.. so I'm safe..
but hey..there you go...with people who I've warmed up to, I chatter incessantly that their ears bleed.. true Im a chatterbox but a limited edition.. so I'll go with the fact that I'm a ambivert..

And I'm shy.. to the point that the moon shy away from my shyness.. make sense? nay.. the bottom line is I've got a touch of shyness a bit more than what is needed, that I even decline video calls from my best friend cause eye to eye contact freaks me out.. yeah a manufacture defect.. I never meet people in the eyes that my teacher once made me speak again and again until I met her eyes *phew embarrassing..*

I always had and still has a knack for breaking rules and i've got a tendency to automatically get in to trouble even if the trouble is miles away from me.. being a prefect at school I guess I've set the record of being the most troublesome senior prefect the school ever had the misfortune to have..

My anger is something im not very proud of, I get angry so quick that it vanishes even quicker (why though idk).. and god knows why I cry more when im angry compared to when im sad..

My Sarcasm and inability to control my tongue is pretty much the reason for all my troubles but manh.. My sarcasm is directly proportionate to how much I don't like the person in front of me.. so cant help.. you earned it..

I can be hyperactive and so lazy that I need someone to pull me up, just it depends of my mood...

um.. Beside all these I can be so sweet at times that I put sugar to shame and rude to the point that I can make you cry and cry for making you cry..

I think this just about sums me up.. The bottom line is I'm literally a practical joke roaming the earth..

And if I've missed something in here do acknowledge me in the comments.. Im open for critisicm..

Seee ya..

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