Day Fifteen: Book or Webisode?

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It depends on how you look at this. So like the format I wrote to figure out my favorite friendship, I will do the same for this.

Ever After High™ Books + Diaries
I cannot stress this enough when I say that these books are full of information. These amazing reads are filled with friendships, relationships, budding romances, difficult situations, skills (mad skills!), difficulties and hardships, and magic! An avid reader and fan of EAH couldn't ask for anything better.
Also, there is so much character for the "misunderstood". Two hexcellent are Apple White and Lizzie Hearts. They have a lot of depth in the books.
These books are breathtaking. The diaries, while small, give us great information as well, the information the fandom needs to back themselves up in a quarrel, create videos, draw fan art, create doll photography, and (oh!) write fan fiction.

Ever After High™ Webisodes + Movie (s)
The webisodes are a visual of what we read about or see as dolls. I light up for webisodes; they are awesome. However, I feel as though they are rushed. Take for instance, the first chapter (season) of Ever After High. Remember Legacy Day and the preparations before and the ever-aftermath? It is nothing like in the books. I don't want to get in depth with LG because quite frankly, I don't feel like I have any patience.
You can't hexpect to fit all of this awesomesauceness in like, 2-3 minutes.
Which is why I love specials! They are a lot longer.
Don't claw on my throat, because I know that with financing, creating merchandise for (one of the, if not) the top three franchises (MH and Barbie included with EAH) in Mattel, and promoting new dolls, it can be a little difficult creating webisodes.

So #TeamBook or #TeamWebisode?
I really don't think I can decide, to be completely honest :/.

This one was a true stumper. Forget the other days I have worked on so far, this one was real difficult.

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