Day Nine: Favorite Relationship

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Dexven is perfection. That's all.

I'd really just like to take a moment and clear some things up for some people. Some people (mostly Dexpid shippers) are ticked because they thinking along the lines of Oh, Raven only likes Dexter because he wrote her the love poem.
There are also thinking that Dexter shouldn't be so blind and see what was right in front of him the whole time.

Lemme tackle that first.

Riddle me this, because I am curious. How can you hexpect someone who is madly crushing on someone else to just drop it and start having feelings for the person who was crushing on that someone who likes that someone, especially if they only see you as friends, nothing more? How can you hexpect that? Just because Cupid likes Dex doesn't mean he has to just drop his hopes of getting Raven and crush on someone he doesn't really like! I mean come on people.

Also, Raven does like Dexter. A whole lot. It is hinted in the books several times, it just isn't shown, which is why I don't like the webisodes very much. To me, webisodes are just visuals of what we try to imagine. Shannon Hale's books have way more depth. Mattel probably planned for Dexven to be a thing from the beginning.

Want some hexamples? Read the three books! They have so much che-myth-stry, the Brothers Grimm need to consider building a second lab just for them, ehmagrimm (total Clique moment)!

All in all, I love this ship 100%! How about you? Do you like Dexven/Rexter?
If you ship another couple, please be respectful as I am trying to do so. I do not want any hate on my story.
Also, I'm not trying to hate on any Dexpid fans or trying to get back at them or making them feel bad. I'm just being real and sharing my opinion on my story. Thank you so much, my fellow fairytales!

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