Day Seventeen: Favorite Magic Ability

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...H-hey people...look, I'm sorry about now putting up a chapter...oh, y-your tomatoes look very...ripe. Are you gonna...cook something with them?

*gets pelted with tomatoes*

Okay, okay, I'm sorry for not updating yesterday (June 17th)! I just got a little busy. But I'm back now! That's what's matters

From Ashlynn's animal and nature communication powers to Kitty's teleportation powers, to Maddie's Wonderland powers, Darling's time freeze powers, Blondie's ability to unlock anything, Cerise's ability to run hextremely fast, Daring's blinding teeth, Dexter's piercing baby blue eyes, Cedar's new Revealer Rays and ability to tell the truth, Cupid's love powers, Briar's exponential hearing ability while she sleeps, Apple's singing and helping powers, Raven and Faybelle's evil magic (Raven:purple fire magic::Faybelle:blue electric powers), and so many more, I am not so sure!

Wait, I know it! Top five, startiiiiiiiing now!

5th Place: Cerise Hood and the Power of Speed
I have always wanted to run fast and look like a charmpion!

4th Place: Cedar Hood and the Power of Truthfulness and the Revealer Rays
I want to know the truth!

3rd Place: Kitty Cheshire and the Power of Teleportation
Wouldn't you just love to disappear (literally) from awkward-times-ten situations or just mess with people and get away with it? Yeah, me too!

2nd Place: Darling Charming and the Power of Freezing Time
Shaking my hair and freezing time? I think, yes! I'd love to stop time!

1st Place: *drumroll please...*

1st Place: Raven Queen and Faybelle Thorn with the Powers of Dark Magic (Fire and Electric)
Sometimes, when I'm enrage, I could go out of control. How interesting would it be to have things freeze or levitate? Very!

What about you? What's your favorite magical ability?
Hex you later fairytales!

P.S. Please pray/have a moment of silence for those families who lost loved ones in the devestating and treacherous South Carolina church massacre that took place last night (06/17).
Lord God, please help this country :(

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