Day Thirteen: Favorite Teacher (A Questionable Title Choice Indeed)

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I don't like this title. I'm gonna change it.

A few seconds later

Before: "Day Thirteen: Favorite Teacher
After: "Day Thirteen: Favorite Teacher ( A Questionable Title Choice Indeed)."

I know you people are like, "Um, what? This girl is crazy!"

You are absolutely right! :)

But its not because I'm crazy that I changed the title. I honest-to-madness don't like any of the teachers just yet.
The ones already introduced to me, I just was not interested.
And while Momma Bear and Madame Maid Mariam sound really sweet, I haven't seen them in action yet, so I just cross them off.

Cross out!

Other than them (and the Pied Piper who sounds totally cool!), the only other person who I can tolerate and have seen is the youngest of the Brothers Grimm, Giles.
I'm just so glad the Babble spell has been broken and he is now co-headmaster again! Milton is too, because he seems a lot more happier with Giles.

I found it so refreshing when I found Milton's real reason for favoring the Royals. It was because of the incident that happened when they were children (see Thronecoming.).
But now that Giles is back and has forgiven his brother, things may go back to normal.

Notice that I did say may.

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