An old reunion: part 2

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At tots, Ava was going to in it for the surprise of her life.

She came back from delivering a baby porcupine, she decided to go to her room to sleep


Pauline: (on the PA) Ava report to the control tower, Ava to control tower immediately, you have a package

Ava: (sigh) what is it this time

She walks up to the tower where she was going to get a surprise.

Ava: what's it is captain beakman-

But when she go in, she was shocked to see a pilot stork with blue hair.

Ava: (gasp)

Antonio: hey there sis

It was her brother Antonio.

She was speechless for words and didn't know how to react to him, all she can do is stare at him, gawking and eyes looking sad. He walks up to her.

Ava: Antonio?

Antonio: (chuckles) the one and only

She walks up to him.

Antonio: aren't you going to hug your brother

She runs into his arms and they hugged, she looks to see captain beakman smiling at her, she then lets go.

Ava: what are you doing here

Antonio: I can see you sis, wow how you grown, I haven't see you since my graduations

Ava: you look great too

Antonio: thanks after you and mom fight and you left, I got so mad at mom, so I left her and went to find you

Ava: huh? You were looking for me

Antonio: yes you see I had search everywhere for you but I couldn't find you

Ava: but how did you find me

Antonio: your friend captain beakman, recruited me and when I heard what you been doing, well I was so proud of you, I had to see this for myself, so here I am and I wanted to see you again

They then hugged again.

Antonio: I miss you so much sis

Ava: I miss you too Antonio

They left go and faced each other.

Ava: you were the only one in the family who was nice to me

Antonio: and you were the only one who understood me

Ava: huh?

Antonio: I didn't like the attention mom was given me, and I hated the way she treated you, she was always praising me, bothering me, treating me like I was her golden child, never giving me any space, always following me everywhere, making my own choices, i was being pressured a lot, I thought it was obvious to you

Ava: (gasp)

Ava couldn't believe what she heard, he was bother was suffering as much as her by their mom.

Ava: oh Antonio I didn't know

They walked around tots, complaining about their mother.

Antonio: why do you think, I've always been nice to you, I knew you needed help and when I heard you were taking drugs, I got so scared and blamed mom for it, I was so worried so I came as fast as I can to save you, I am just glad you have a family who cares about you

She looks back behind to see captain beakman and JP.

Ava: well here at tots we like to treat each other like family

Antonio: that's real nice sis

He wraps jus wing around her shoulder, to comfort her and pull her close to him.

Antonio: I'm glad that you doing good and what you do is great, dad would've been proud

She frowns as she thought about her dad, her dad Eric died while he was delivering a tot, he was a flier like her.

After lunch, when the two siblings were bonding together, they were practicing flying and talking about what happened to him.

Antonio: so after I left mom, I disowned her and joined the flight academy where I majored in 1st pilot and after I graduated I went to find you

Ava: incredible, here at tots I'm known as the fastest flier

She gets up and shows her super-speed flying then flies back down, he claps for her.


Antonio: that's really impressive sis, I'm proud of you

Ava: well speediest those run in our family

Antonio: I just wish mom could've been proud of what she's have, I often blamed myself for causing fights between you and mom

He looked down and she was how guilty he looked, she smiled at him then put both wings on top of his, he looks.

Ava: I never blamed you, mom was a terrible mother

Antonio: sometimes I wish I was like you, given some space, cause we both know that mom only wanted to use one of us so she can take credit for her good parenting

Ava: yeah

Everything was going great until....

Captain beakman: Ava

Ava: yes captain beakman

She turns to see captain beakman giving her a worried look.

Captain beakman: I need you and your brother to go to the front gate, you have a visitor

Ava and her brother looked each other in confusion and when they got to the front gate, they were shocked to see a female stork, with black hair and wearing a blue housewife dress.

Ava/Antonio: (gasp)

Ava: mom

It was their mother and she looked not happy but not angry either.

She walks up to them.

Gloria: hello Ava

And when she looked up to see her brother, she smiled.

Gloria: Antonio!!!

She tries to give him a hug but he scolded at her and pushes her away.

Antonio: ugh

Gloria: (gasp)

She made a upset look then backed away looking back at Ava.

Antonio: hello mother

Gloria: ok I guess I deserve that, Ava I know what I did was bad

Ava: how did you find me

Gloria: your father worked here and I figured you would be in his footsteps, after you left your brother abandoned me and I was left with nothing, I always prayed that I could live off your brother once I shaped him In the image

Antonio: I knew it once a bad mom always a bad mom

Gloria: and now I realize that I was wrong, I was wrong for choosing your brother over you, for always fighting you and for disowning you after what a great job you done

She walks up to her and places her wing around her but her brother grabs her and pulls her underneath his wings.

Gloria: and after hearing what you been doing I thought eh whatever

Ava: (gasp)

Ava couldn't believe what she and her brother heard

Gloria: so I came back hoping we could start over and your brother could forgive me and we can be a family again

Ava: you want me back even after what happened

Gloria: Ava I need you baby

Ava: you never cared about me, you only came back cause you think you can live off my hard work

Gloria: Ava, Antonio please I don't have a job or money and I really need to fall on you too please

Antonio: forget it mom, I'll never help you after the pain you cause to Ava

Ava: I had nothing to fall on cause of you, did you even care about me

Antonio: of course she didn't all she talked about was that you were the bad stork of the family, she was a terrible mother

She then got angry

Gloria: ANTONIO I am your mother

Antonio: your not my mother, you were never my mother, good mother's care for their tots no matter what, and you are not a good mother

He turns his back at her and she started to feel powerless as she now was begging on her knees to ava.

Gloria: Ava please you wouldn't abandon your mother would you

Ava was shocked by how much her was now wanting her but was still hurting inside about the past.

Ava: you were never there for me when I was sent to the hospital or when I ran away, all you ever thought about was how your favorite golden children would take care of you

Gloria: Ava!

Ava: your a shallow mother and I don't need you to see how great I've become, I've done great without you and I don't need your approval to see that it is so, and besides I got a new family and a mother figure who wouldn't be disappointed in me

Gloria: Ava please

Ava: I think you should go

Gloria: but Ava

She points her wing outside.

Ava: go!!!

After seeing that both of her only children gave up on her, ava's mother felt something broke inside her and she ran and took off.

Ava felt hurt for what happened, she looked back a little, her brother puts his wing on her left shoulder and on her right was captain beakman grabbing her shoulder and smiling.

Then Freddy ran to her and hugged her tightly.

Freddy: it's ok Ava, I know what it's like to feel abandoned by your parent

She smiles down at him and hugs him back.

Ava: thanks Freddy

She then looks back at her brother.

Ava: and thanks for always being there for my Antonio

Antonio: that's what families are for Ava

Ava: yeah what families are for

Antonio: I love you sis

Ava: love you too

Ava didn't need her mom to feel love not when she has a family like tots and her brother.

She was happy.

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