Days of the future

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It was another day at tots...25 years in the future.

Freddy and pip were all grown up now, Mia lucky and Freddy's baby sister flora are grown now and junior fliers.

Flora and lucky came back from delivering babies, lucky came back jogging with a baby carrier on his back and flora flew back down, when Freddy and pip were watching her.

Her hair grew into a ponytail with a mixture of purple and pink.

"Look at her...I'm so proud" adult Freddy says as he had pip in his arms.

Yes in the future, pip and Freddy were in a relationship, they became more then friends over the years, they also have an open relationship with KC.

"Hey guys" adult KC came in, touching their shoulders and kissing their foreheads, "it's time"

But they weren't the only ones in a relationship, Mia was walking outside to lucky.

She was wearing jeans, sneakers and a blue t-shirt, lucky was wearing the same thing but he wore combat boots and his shirt revealed his muscles.

"Welcome back baby" Mia says as she opens her arms to him.

"Good to be back my love" lucky scoops her up by her butt and lifts her up.

"Oh hehehe"

Lucky spin her around and stopped holding her in his arms, they both looked at each other.

Over time growing up together, lucky and Mia grew feelings for each other.

Then his dad, JP came in, but he was very old, his hair was gray but still was good looking even when he's age, but...

He's gone very sick, his wings don't work anymore so he has to walk with a cane and he was coughing a lot.

"Very good job my job, papa is so proud of yo-ah-Ack-ack-ack"

"Papa" lucky ran to his dad as he fell on the ground, his illness was bad and he dropped his cane.

"Ack...I'm ok lucky" JP says as he and lucky get up and Mia hands him his cane back.

"Thank you Mia" then lucky and Mia watch in distraught, lucky was worried.

"I worry about him Mia"

Mia then comforts her boyfriend by pressing her paws on his chest.

"I know you do"

"He's getting weaker and he's not getting better, I'm worried that...I can't lose him, he's been with me since-what am I going to do"

"Hey he's strong and you're just like him, you have to stay strong for him, that's what he would've wanted"

They both sat down and she puts her paw in his.

"But how can I stay strong when...I don't know what to do Mia...I'm scared"

"I know you are" Mia then pulls lucky in a warm comforting embracing hug.

Lucky wasn't the only one to lose a parent, Mia was facing the same problem.

In captain beakman's bedroom, the captain was in her bed and connected to an IV.

Mia became captain and took her mom's place till she got better.

But she wasn't getting any fact she was getting much worst.

Mia stayed by her mom's bed, holding her hand...when captain beakman was gone...Mia was going to take her place as captain.

But Mia isn't sure if she wants that.

Outside of HQ, Bodhi was meeting his adult daughters Gia and Gina.

"Gia, Gina, hey girls"

"Hey dad" both twins hugged their father and he was being pinned down by his 15 grandchildren.

"Ah oh hey" Bodhi laughed as he was playing with his grandkids.

"We heard about Mia's mom, we thought we could cheer Mai up" Gia says.

"Would you mind watching the kids dad" Gina asked.

"Sure...oh hahaha" Bodhi was playing with his grandkids.

Then somewhere inside, a female tiger was fixing the conver belt.

It was Tanya who was taking after her dad's work.

"Ok dad, it's fixed" Tanya climbs back down and mr. Woodbird walks next to her, wrapping his wing around her shoulder.

"That's my girl"

But things were getting worst for lucky, he was in the kitchen, he could barely eat what with what's going on with his father.

Then he saw his dad trying to fly when he flew it took Ava and Freddy to help him.


"Papa" lucky rushes to help them.

"It's ok...I'm fine" JP groaned.

"Papa, your not strong enough yet" lucky reminds him as he walks him to a table and he sits down.

And JP felt like it was his time, "lucky...I think it's time we should talk about something"

This wasn't going good, "i don't think I'm going to live long, It's only a matter of time till my actual time comes, I'm not going to be here long...I need you to continue our family name running, always be the strongest bravest handsomest and fearless flier in that for me"

Lucky couldn't believe what he was hearing, his dad was giving up when he knows him better than that, he gets up angry.

"No papa, you can make it, you have to fight through this because if you don't-"

JP gets up, trying to calm his son down by cupping his shoulders.

"Now Lucky"

"Then I won't forgive you for this"

"Lucky...I know your scared and you don't want this to happen but some bad things happen and I need you to stay strong for this"

"But papa!"

"Lucky...everything will be fine I promise"

But lucky couldn't deal with it anymore, he ran from his dad, not showing his tears, passing by his girlfriend"

"Lucky, lucky wait" Mia called out for him.

But he didn't stop running, he ran to his room, leaning against the door, then he heard a knock.

"'s me" it was Mia.

He opens the door and lets her in, "I can't believe he's doing this" lucky was rambling on how he was upset at his dad as Mia sat on his bed.

"I know your upset"

"I can't lose him Mia" lucky was angry as he huffed and sat on his bed next to her, rubbing his head.

"Lucky I know you want your dad to get better but we have other stuff to deal with right now"

"Like what Mia! What is so important then my dad refusing to get up, what could be more important then hat I'm dealing with right now"

"We're getting kids" she blurted the answer.

Lucky was about to say something when, "I-really?" he asked.

"Yeah" Mia nodded.

Lucky felt guilty as he slapped his own head.

"Oh Mia...I'm so sorry...I didn't know"

"Hey hey, it's okay, I know this isn't the best time what with what's going on with your dad right now"

"I know Mia and I'm sorry, this is great really-"

Just then lucky started to get an idea, "this is really great" he started to get excited, "now he has a reason to stay alive" lucky jumps.

"What, lucky are you sure" Mia asked as she gets up and lucky grabs her shoulders.

"Mia...we're about to become parents I want my dad to see his grandkids, I lost grandpa...I won't lose him too"

Just then Pauline came on the PA.

"Calling all fliers, emergency in captain beakman's room, emergency in captain beakman's room calling all fliers"

Lucky and Mia looked back at each other with worry.

"We should better get going" Mia says.

And in captain beakman's room: Mia lucky JP mr. Woodbird Tanya pip Freddy KC Bodhi and his grandkids Gia Gina Ava and Tony surrounded around captain beakman's bed.

Her time was coming, she was pale, coughing a lot and weak, she felt restless.

"My time has come, i wanted to say, it has been an honor to be your captain, you are are the best fliers I have had the privilege with working with,'s time you all went on without me, you have your own story to make, you all...aren't just are were the best family to me...remember me as not as captain but mother figure to all...thank you all for giving me the best years of my life"

Everyone started to cry, they shed a tear but Mia was emotional the most, she ran out of her boyfriend's arms and fell ok nuer mom's bed, holding her hand.

"Mom no, you can't leave me, please don't go" Mia begged her mom to stay as tears ran down her face.

Then captain beakman smiles as she placed her wing against Mia's cheek.

"And Mia-Mia, you were the best thing I ever had, I need you to be a big girl and take my place" she takes over her hat and slides it to Mia.

"Your going to have to be the captain now"

" mom I can't do it, I can't be captain...please you have or fight this..." she then whispered, "you're going to be a grandmother, I can't do this without" she sobbed.

"I know you're going to be a great captain and a mother, I need you to stay strong...promise me Mia..promise me you'll take your role as captain...promise me Mia"

Mia was crying a lot, she took a few breaths then she nodded her head.

"Ok mom...I promise" she sobbed.

"That's my girl" captain beakman reached out wings open and she and Mia hug one last time.

Mia cried harder as her mom rubbed her back to soothe her.

"I love you my Mia-Mia" captain told her with her last breath.

"I love you too mom" Mia sobbed.

Then for a brief minute, they let go and Mia kissed captain beakman's forehead, her eyes till watery.

"Thank you...thank you all so sure my...story" then slowly she laid back, her eyes slowly closing.

Then she was gone, tear ran hard down Mia's face as she cried into her boyfriend's chest, lucky hugged her to comfort her, Gia and Gina touched Bodhi shoulders as he frowned while holding some of his grandkids, Tanya frowns and mr. Woodbird wraps his wing around her shoulder and pulls her closer, she leans her head on his shoulders, Ava looks down as Tony cups her shoulders, she placed a wing on his hand.

Pip and Freddy hold on to each other as their morn over captain beakman's death.

After captain beakman's funeral, her death has been an effect on everyone, including lucky.

He was in the cafeteria sitting and was thinking about his dad, captain beakman didn't get tot see their kids, soon it was going to be his dad's turn, what about him, their kids are due any day soon, lucky wasn't ready yet, their kids needed a grandparent.

"UGH" he slammed his fist on the table and he ran to his dad's room who was laying bed, his time was coming soon.

But he was jumped when he saw lucky storming in his room.

"Ah" JP screams.

"Papa you have to fight this through I Can'tose you like Mia lost her mom, I need you"

JP sighed he saw he was going to have to show lucky everything was going to be ok.

"Lucky everything will be fine, I had my time and now it's you time to take over, I know you are going to be the best well not flier but best delivery dog ever"

"Papa please I can't lose you, me and Mia are going to have kids, you're going to be a grandfather"

Then JP face dropped as his eyes widen, he couldn't believe what he heard.

"I'm going to be a grandpapa"

"Yes dad, your going to be a grandpapa, that's why you have to stay strong m, do it for me, do it for your grandkids, they need a grandpa"

And just like that, JP's spirit was rising up, he stand up and got out of bed without having to use his cane.

"Ok lucky for you...I am going to fight this so I can see my grandkids"

"Yes...that's my papa" lucky jumped cheered.

JP was going to fight through this, meanwhile with mi, she was still having a hard time trying to cope with taking her place as the new captain while move on without her mother.

She sat on her desk, still emotional, her face was stained with tears, she's been crying all night, her mom's hat was sitting in front of her.

She couldn't accept the fact that her mom was gone, she doesn't think she's qualified to be the new captain.

Then she finds an old portrait of captain beakman and her at her graduation.

She got a closer look and remembered how much her mom put faith in her in graduating high school, she knew if her mom believed her back then, then she believes she can be captain, she believed in herself to be captain.

So she puts on her mom's old hat, it was time she took her place: as the new captain of tots.

It finally became time for Mia and lucky to meet their new kids.

In the nursery, everyone was surprised to meet Mia and lucky's babies: six kitten and puppies.

A British Shorthair, a Persian Kitten, a Maine Coon kitten, a German Shepard puppy, a bulldog and an husky.

All siblings were playing with each other, Mia who was in her mom's uniform was in lucky's arms, they were in awed to see their new babies.

And JP who was in perfect health thanks to lucky was surprised to meet his grandkids for the first time.

" grand babies...they are perfect" JP scoops them up and hugs them tight, the kids laughed as they were smiled at their grandpa.

Then JP looks back at Mia and JP then he smiles as he cups Mia's shoulders.

"Your mother would've been proud of you"

"I know she's what she would've wanted" she says as she looks up at her boyfriend.

Then they let go as she puts her mom's hat on and was standing upstairs above the fliers.

"Alright fliers...let's get these tots to their moms and pops" Mia says as every flier takes off.

Ava and Bodhi took off at the same time, lucky tan as he wave bye to his dad who was waving bye back while he was watching the kids, tony was helping KC in the nursery and Tanya was helping her dad with an invention, flora took off as she looks back at Freddy who was taking his place as pip got his back.

"You ready Freddy" pip asked.

""Ready then you know it" Freddy answer as he took off.

Mia watches as the fliers deliver tots, she looks at the picture of her mom and smiles.

"Well I did it mom, I know you would be very proud" she then goes to work.

And somewhere in heaven, captain beakman was watching her and he was smiling.

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