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It was another day at tots. Bodhi was sleeping In his bed. He wakes up.

Bodhi: (yawns)

He smiles at the crib as he remembers that he was giving a gift. He walks slowly to the crib and peeks his head inside.

Bodhi: good morning my little girls, how are my little angels doing-AH

but he found that the carriage was gone. He looks around the room searching for them.


he rushes out of his room and looks everywhere in tots.

Pip and Freddy were heading to the nursery. When they bumped into Bodhi.

Freddy: I wonder how Bodhi is with his baby girls

Bodhi: AH!!


Pip/Freddy/Bodhi: ooh

The two collapsed on the ground as Bodhi ran into them and fell backwards.

Pip: bodhi what's wrong

The three get up.

Bodhi: oh it's my girls, their missing

Pip/Freddy: (GASP)


Pip: what happened

Bodhi: AH ok-well I woke and when I went to check up on the girls, I found them gone and I don't know where they are

Pip: oh don't worry we'll help you find them

They go look around and Freddy spots them on the wheel.

Freddy: found them!

Bodhi: where

Freddy: there on the conveyor belt

They all look to see Gia and Gina climbing on the wheel.

Gia/Gina: (giggling)

Bodhi: AH!!!!

He runs towards and as they were about to fall.


Ava flies by and catches them in time and flies down to them.

Ava: uh oh, no you two you can't play on the conveyor belt, it's for babies that are going to be delivered to their forever family and you two already have a family

Gia/Gina: (laughing)

He hands Bodhi back his kids.

Bodhi: oh thank you so much Ava

Ava: no problem Bodhi

He holds his kids and hugs them tightly.

Bodhi: oh girls I'm so glad that you two are ok, but don't you two ever do that again

He makes a worried look as they look down in guilt.

Gina/Gia: sworry daddy

He then change his frown back to a tender smile.

Bodhi: oh I can't stay mad at you too, I'm just glad you are ok

Gia/Gina: YA

Bodhi: come on

As he takes them to the nursery, pip and Freddy look back at Ava.

Ava: well I better get going, see ya guys later bye

She flew so fast, faster then usual.

Freddy/pip: whoa

Freddy: that was fast

Pip: as usual for Ava

Freddy: no I mean really fast

Meanwhile at the nursery, Bodhi was dropping off  Gia and Gina.

Twins: (giggling)

He puts them down on the ground,

Bodhi: ok you two be on your best behavior with KC, I'll be right, stay here and listen to KC ok

Twins: (giggles) ok

He smiles

Bodhi: ok, good bye girls

he kisses their forehead and goes downstairs to deliver an baby alligator.

Twins: bye papa

Pip and Freddy walk inside to meet the baby their delivering.

Pip: hey KC is the baby we're delivering ready

KC: yep he's right here

The two look to see a baby frog hopping around.

Fred: ribbit (laughing) ribbit

Pip/Freddy: AW

Freddy: aren't you a cutie

Pip: well it's time to get ready for here forever family

Freddy: alright let's go

They were all at the gate, waiting for their baby, they saw ava getting ready to deliver a baby owl. Freddy noticed her taking out a substance of what looks like a red and white pill. She rolls her eyes at both ways to make sure no one was looking and swallows the pill.

Freddy: huh?

Freddy was curious so he walked towards her.

Ophelia: hoot, (laughing)

Freddy: hey Ava

Ava: OOH

She was started but turns around to only find that it was just Freddy.

Ava: oh Freddy, it's only one

Freddy: yeah hi, what was that thing you could

Ava: oh huh what are you talking about

She tries to play dumb as she acts like she didn't take anything.

Freddy: well I saw you took something out of your pocket, it looked like Candy what was that

She finally admits it and takes the same pill out again but it was purple and white this time.

Ava: ooh you mean this

Freddy: yeah what is that

Ava: ooh-well it's my!!! Medicine

Freddy: ooh medicine, are you sick

She reaches up to her forehead to check her temperature but she backs away looking nervous.

Ava: oh no Freddy, it's for-to-help with my speed

Freddy: oh I didn't know you needed medicine for your speed

Ava: oh but I do you see Freddy, I have this illness, everyone I go fast, I get sucking I stop and I want to go really fast, so I take this medication to help boost my speed

Freddy: oh ok

Pip: hey Freddy, our baby's here, let's go

Freddy: oh coming, ooh and good luck Ava with your  illness and delivery

Ava: thanks and bye Freddy

They were delivering their baby at the same place Ava was delivering hers.

Pip: you ready Freddy

Freddy: ready pip Flamin-go!

The three took off.

Pip/Freddy: La-da da-da da-da-da
Bringing this baby home
La-da da-da da-da-da

Ava: (coughing) (coughing) (coughing)

They noticed Ava coughing a lot and that she was flying down.

Freddy: what's wrong with Ava

Pip: I don't know but she should see what's wrong with her

So they followed her and saw that she was looking nausea and then flew down, put the carriage down, runs to a tree and bushes and starts vomiting.

Ava: (Blaargh). (Gagging)

Freddy: (gasp)

Pip: Ava

They rushed over to her as she turns to walk towards them, but when she walks towards them.

Ava: guys-ugh

She nearly collapsed on the ground, pip and Freddy runs towards her and catches her in time.

Pip: oh Ava are you okay

Freddy: yeah you look really sick

Ava: huh oh ok I'm fine, I just need to-

She walks over to the carriage it fall right next to it.

Ava: ugh

Pip: Ava

The two quick rushes over to her and help her up, she grabs her head.

Pip: ok ava, I think your too sick for your delivery, I think you should go back and get some Rest

Ava: no no, I must deliver my baby, ugh

She was about to grab her package but starts to feel a pain in her stomach, pip grabs her wing. He then gets an idea. He picks up the pad and got a look at the map and saw how Fred and Ophelia's homes were.

Pip: ok I'm going to take Ava back to tots, Freddy you finish delivery, Fred's home is just up ahead

Freddy: ok but what Ophelia

Pip: she lives next door to him

Freddy: ok, bye guys I'll see ya back at tots

Pip: come on Ava, let's go back to tots

Ava turns around and hugs herself as pip helps her.

Freddy: oh and Ava

She turns to Freddy.

Freddy: get well soon

Freddy goes back to the delivery as Ava goes back to walking.

After they made it back to tots, pip took Ava to her room and laid her down. She still felt a severe stomach pain and then started to have abdominal cramps.


Ava: UGH

She grabs her stomach as pip pulls her cover up and rubs her arm, just then captain beakman came in.

Pip: captain beakman

Captain beakman: hey pip, hey Ava

She walks over to her bed and sits next to her. In her mother mode.

Captain beakman: I heard that you were feeling sick, so I thought I come and see how your doing

She looks up and smiles.

Ava: I'm fine captain it's just a little illness

Captain beakman: and that's why I decided to have you take some time off until your well

She quickly got up in a panic.

Ava: NO, I'm fine captain beakman it's just a small illness, I'll be fine tomorrow, I just need some rest, I have to do my deliveries

Captain beakman: and you done an amazing job with your deliveries and I think as you your reward, you deserve a day off

Ava: but what about my deliveries

Captain beakman: pip and Freddy will cover you

She finally gave in as captain beakman puts her head back and covers her in a blanket.

Captain beakman: now get some rest

She walks out, pip follows, he shuts off her light and as he was about to close the door.

Ava: pip wait

Pip: yeah Ava

Ava: I don't know if it's too much but can you stay with until I sleep

Pip was how scared she was and smiled as he shut the door behind him.

Pip: sure Ava

Ava: thanks pip

Pip: that whats family is for

Ava tries to sleep her fever but then started to felt a l pain in her chest.

Ava: ugh, AH, ugh

Pip saw her turning around in bed, just then Freddy came in.

Freddy: see still feeling sick

Pip: yeah but she says that it's an little illness

Freddy: wow, well I guess that the illness yes was talking about

Pip: huh? What do you mean Freddy

Freddy: oh well before she took off for her delivery, I saw her took a strange medicine, she says that it was for her Illness she was having and to boost up her speed

Pip: ooh

They both look back at her

Freddy: well I hope she'll get better soon

Pip: me too, ooh and until she get better, we're going to be doing her deliveries

Freddy: yippee

Ava then woke up with a headache.

Ava: ugh

Freddy: hey Ava, you feeling ok

Ava: yeah I'm fine

Freddy: oh good just making sure, ooh and hey you dropped this

He hands her back her substance.

Ava: o-ohh thank you Freddy

Freddy: no problem, just be sure to take one before you go back to bed, ok

Ava: ok Freddy and you know what I will

She takes one out, it was round and purple, bites it and drinks some water and goes back to bed.

The two exit her room. The next day Ava was feeling better then before. Pip and Freddy were leaving the cafeteria when they saw Ava looking better.

Pip: oh hey Ava you're feeling better now

Ava: I told you, it was just a small illness and I just needed some bed rest

Pip: ok it's good to see you awake

Ava; thanks I'll see you guys at the gate

As she flew up, she started to feel dizziness.

Ava: whoa!!! What is happening

In her head she saw the whole room spinning, it was making her hard to concentrate. She started To have loss of balance.

Ava: whoa

And without looking.

Pip/Freddy: AVA

She crashes into JP.

JP: huh, ooh

Ava: ugh

They both collapsed on the ground, JP got up a little.

JP: ugh Ava what are yo-

he then saw that when she got up, her body was limping. Her right arm and left leg was not moving.

Ava: ugh


he caught her, and helped her up.

JP: you are not well, you need to get back to bed

She pulls herself around from him.

Ava: no!

She then pulls out her substance and takes out three different types of pills and swallows them whole.

Freddy: ugh aren't you supposed to take only one at a time

Ava: at this rate, I need all the medicine I need

She flies up to the top, nearly losing her balance again and almost falling. JP follows her and grabs her shoulders.

JP: come on, you need some rest

He walks her to her room. Pip and Freddy looked at each other as they started to worry about ava's health.

The next day they saw out of bed and looking drowsiness as she force herself to open her eyes.

Ava: ugh, ok captain beakman I'm ready

Freddy: huh (gasp)

Pip: Ava!! You shouldn't be out of bed, you're still not feeling well

Ava: I must make my delivery

She tries to walk out but pip grabs her wing and turns her back to her room.

Ava: ugh, I have a delivery to make, she's gonna kill me

Pip puts her back to bed.

Pip: relax Ava nobody is going to hurt you

Freddy: here why don't you take some of your medicine

He takes out another substance colored pill and hands it to her, she takes it, looks down at it, she hands it back to him then grabs the bottle dumps out five pills.

Freddy: whoa

Pip: uh Ava I don't think you're supposed to take more then one pill-

She swallows them hand the bottle back to Freddy and takes the other and takes it. She then goes back to sleep.

For days Ava's illness was getting much worse, then pip started to think. The medicine isn't making her better it's making her much worse.

Then one day mr. woodbird decided to check up on her.

Wooddird: hey Ava, I just want see how your doing and if your fever has Gone away-WHOA

he saw that she was having a seizure in bed, she was shaking a lot.

Woodbird: oh my SOMEBODY COME HELP

She was taken to the medical room everyone was there. Woodbird was examining her.

Captain beakman: well mr. woodbird how is sge doing

Woodbird: well she has the following symptoms: slow pulse, difficulty breathing,  blue lips and feathers, she face is becoming clammy And she has loss of consciousness

He walks up to her and grabs her shoulders.

Woodbird: I think we might assume the worst

Freddy: aw it's this medicine

He takes out the substance.

Freddy: I don't think it's working

Pip: huh it seems like the more Ava takes them the more sicker she's getting

Freddy: ugh I think it's my fault, I shoulda've  help her, stupid medicine

He throws it across the room, woodbird walks over to it, picks it up and examines it.

Woodbird: ugh boys, I been round medicine before and this isn't medicine

Pip/Freddy: huh

Pip: then what is it

Woodbird and captain beakman shared the same worried look.

Woodbird: boys I think it's time we told you about Ava's illness

The next night Ava woke up she found herself in the medical room

Ava: ugh, here where am I

She reaches her pocket for her substance but found that it was gone.

Ava: (gasp) oh no no no no

She then decides to go to the medicine cabinet and found different types of drugs marked.

Ava: amoxicillin

She takes them off the shelf and looks at them.

Ava: huh it's not what I'm needing but it will have to do

One by one she takes them. Down In the cafeteria after hearing about ava's drug problem. Pip felt bad for her and Freddy was scared for her.

Pip: (sigh) I don't get it Freddy if Ava was suffering from depression why didn't she ask for help

Freddy: maybe she didn't wanted help, maybe she was afraid that we'll reject her

Pip: she knows that we would never do that, we're family and family take care of one another and I know what it's to carry such a burden, she needs our help and I say we talk to her when she wakes up

Freddy: ok

Just then Bodhi came in.

Bodhi: oh hey guys have you seen my girls

Pip: their missing again

Bodhi: oh I turn my back for one minute and then next thing I know their gone

Freddy: oh where could they have gone

They looked everywhere in the building then then saw the door to the medical room open.

Bodhi: Gia, Gina are you girls in here-AH

pip/Freddy: (gasp)

And what they saw was horrible, Ava was eating all the drugged pill, bottles all over the floor and Bodhi's girls were next below her and when she dropped a few pills. Gia and Gina picked one of them up and as they were about to take it.

Twins: oh (laughing)

Bodhi: AH

Bodhi quickly rushes towards them and takes the pills away from them.

Bodhi: phew

Pip: Ava no

Pip and Freddy rush over to her and try to take the pills away from her as Bodhi ran out of the room with his daughters and calls out for help.


It alerted captain beakman, JP, KC and woodbird, they all ran in the medical room and helped pip and Freddy getting the unknown medical drug away from Ava.

Captain beakman: (gasp) AVA don't

Woodbird: uh oh

Captain beakman and woodbird hold Ava back as pip and Freddy try to grab the medicine out of her hand.


JP tries to push them apart.

JP: (grunts) Ava please this is for your own good


pip: (grunts) Ava please we're just trying to help

Freddy: we know why you do it and well we know how you feel


everyone was shocked to hear about that last thought. She finally gave in, let's go of the bottle, falls on her knees and begins to cry.

Ava: (sobs) yo-u don't know what it's like to have an expectation from your family, they won't you to perfect like your brother, you tell them that why can't you just love me for who I am but all they Servín you is just a disappointment (sobs)

Captain beakman bent down and wraps her wings around her shoulders.

Captain beakman: that's why you're wrong Ava, we're family and here we treat each other fairly no matter who's best at what

Ava broke down crying.

Ava: (sobbing) I just wanted to make the pain go away

Captain beakman pulls her in for a hug and she cries on her shoulders.

Captain beakman: then let me take that pain away

Twins: (crying)

Bodhi stand near the doorway experiencing what he saw, he felt bad as he was holding his daughters, the twins cried, it became quite in the room.

After the whole drama, captain beakman took Ava to her room. She shuts her door and behind her was Freddy and pip still worried about her.

Pip: so how is she captain beakman

Captain beakman: she'll be fine, she just needs some time to herself

Pip: I wish we could've known earlier, we would've stop her

Captain beakman places a wing on his shoulders.

Captain beakman: this types of things happen to everyone pip, not just flies, I know cause it happened to me once

Pip: you?

Captain beakman: yes I suffer from anxiety and what you saw Ava doing was called overdose, it's a thing people with mental problems use, they take lots of drugs to ease the pain but too much of it can mejj Ku e you sick and well it hurts

Freddy: well if you had it before how did you make it stopped

Captain beakman: my sister had me go to an intervention with my family and it worked

Pip: that's it, will give Ava an intervention, if it helped captain beakman, it can help Ava

Captain beakman: well I guess it would be good for Ava and at this point she's going to need all the help she's going to need, we can schedule an intervention the day after tomorrow ok

Pip: yes captain beakman

Freddy: yes ma'am

Captain beakman: ok well it's been a long night, you two better get done sleep, we have some stuff to deal with in the morning

Pip/Freddy: night captain beakman

Freddy: do you really think this intervention will help Ava

Pip: it has to Freddy, it's our only hope

They opened ava's door a little and saw her sleeping.

Pip: night Ava

To be continued

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