Things that makes me happy (24th May)

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There are plenty of things which make me happy. I generally don't need something really special to be happy, I become very happy even on small things.

So, if my sleep doesn't get broken early morning by my brother on sunday, it makes me the happiest person on earth because sunday is the only day I don't have to wake up at 4 in morning.

Winning a battle for TV remote against my brother makes me so happy(which is rare, if I might add).

Eating chocolates from my own little treasure at late night during my night studies makes me happy.

Discussing cricket with my Dad and watching matches with him, sometimes cheering for same team and sometimes childishly arguing over different teams makes me incredibly happy.

Being successful in pulling pranks in class on my classmates or even teachers with my group makes me happy.

Playing cricket with my cousins and friends in our society is the best part of day.

Watching horror movies and scaring my already scared little brother is ultimate source of fun.

Cooking something and getting appreciated for it makes me so happy.

And currently, those group calls with my best friends is ultimate joy.

Re-reading my favorite novels makes me happy.

Watching cricket with my cousins makes me very happy. Although I don't have a single friend who is a cricket fan but explaining to them what happened in match and how amazingly team won gives me so much happiness.

And spending time with mom and dad, listening to their stories and sometimes narrating my own makes me happiest of all.

That's all..

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