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Describe your Personality.

Okay so now that Iam mature enough I can tell about my personality.

A totall Introverted and Ajeeb 😅. Like seriously I don't know when my mood changes . It took me 2 seconds to become sad from happy or happy to sad ( a totally confused person Iam).

🍁 I am a introvert,  love to spend time alone with my thoughts.  I don't like to sit with alot of people they make me so much scared and uncomfortable.

🍁 I don't like to share my thoughts as I feel people will not understand my point of view and instead they will make fun of it.

🍁 I am a shy type of person but if anyone talk bad about me or my family specialy my mom then they had to face my wrath and beileve me my anger is a whole lot of dengerous things to see.

🍁 I hate outings . I don't like to go out for shopping, dinners whether its with family or friends. I don't like to attend even marriages and there is a huge reason behind this which is kind of personal but I really want to share it.

(I am a victim of domestic abuse and public mocking) .

( My childhood was not the same as most of everyone. We were not financially stable and thats why we were facing alot of problems . I don't have toys , I didn't go to the parks etc. You know I had never teste Icecream until I was 10 years . Yes it's my reality. My father used to beat me to get his frustration out. Its so hard to talk about this , I am crying while writing it.

Anyway as about public mocking , I was badly mocked about my skin colour, my style of dress and my weight. We were not having money so how do you expect me to wear designer and expensive clothes. I used to wear clothes from sunday bazzar only in 5 rupees. My real life start at the age of 15 or 16 where we become financialy stable Alhamdullah and I got to fulfill some of my wishes but you know what if your chilhood is bad your whole life will be somewhat disturbing.)

Reason about telling all this is that it has a role in making the person who I am.

🍁 I hate people because they don't understand your emotions and condition and will hurt you in every possible way so why to talk to  them( bhar main jaian).

🍁 I love to write rather talking or telling.

🍁 I love begs and earnings and I have a huge collections of them.

🍁 I am a soft drink person rather then a tea or coffee. I can drink bottle after bottle of a soft drink easily in day.

🍁 I love to eat different type of food and I also love cooking them.

🍁 I was a cry baby in my chilhood up to 13 years . I used to cry on small things. But know I will not cry even how big the thing is. You can come lash on me and I will never say a word to you and after 2 minute I will start talking to you like nothing happens.

🍁 I was in depression for almost a year but nobody knows not  even my parents.  I used to put a huge smile which I still do to mask my hurt and emotions.

🍁 I love to eat chips and popcorn  alot.

🍁I am a good listener and a good advisor and a good secret keeper.

🍁 I usually not make easily friends but if I make one I will be so loyal till the end .

🍁Wattpad help me alot to overcome my lonliness. As some of my sissy tag me talk to me . It makes me feel like some is there for me and Iam very thankful to them.

🍁 I am so naive that if I see  someone desparat for help or if I see a  single tear in someone's  eyes I will immedialy help them and beileve me (dhoka har barr mujhay mila hay).

🍁 I hate doing makeup and stuff.

🍁 Okay so I have a habit .  I don't know it's a bad one or good but the thing is when ever some girl come infront of me all doll up, wearing nice clothes , putting alot of makeup. If that girl  started to show off her self I will say something shitty on her face that will make her so embarrassed and uncomfortable that next time she has to think 10 times before meeting me.😂

🍁 People think Iam rude. But in reality Iam protecting  myself from being hurt.

Okay that's it . Iam sorry if I make you uncomfortable by telling my past but it was like necessary to tell this as it play a huge role in building my personality.

Thankyou so much for reading it.

Day 1 completed

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