Final Note

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Author's Note: 

Can you believe it's almost been a year since this book was published? Honestly, if it weren't for loyal fan Achente, this book probably still wouldn't be done. 

Will there be a sequel? I actually planned on writing one, but then I was like nah, because I already lost the spark of writing Nat. Maybe in the future!

Here are 5 facts about 30 Letters From the Dead

1) It was inspired by 30 Reasons to Die. But, the spark fizzled about by the 10th letter, and I was like, should've made it 10 reasons. Oops. 

2) In the beginning, I had no idea why Natalie died. I think that's why I'm a bad writer, I wing the plot as I write, which is why there are so much plot twists. 

3) There is a shitload of plot holes. I'd edit this thing, if I weren't so lazy. 

4) It's not in chronological order. Honestly, I don't know which events happened when, and sometimes, I forget what grade she's in. (Junior/11th grade, right?)

5) My favorite letter was #6. Yeah, the one I co-wrote with Achente. What was yours? 

If you ever wondered what Natalie's handwriting looks like...

"If you have managed to make it this far, I would like to congratulate you. Firstly, thank you for taking your time to look through thirty letters from yours truly, and secondly, I'm shocked you can read my handwriting. 

My hands are shaking as I am writing this to you all. I know you must  be feeling angry, disappointed, sad, pitiful, excitement, unsure, embarrassment, and a lot others, I'm sure. 

Should you fail to send my letters to the next person in a week, my collection of letters will be published in our town newspaper- you have my word from the grave. I don't know what's gonna happen, and I hope I never will, should I be right and I die.

I'm damn sure so many of you are wondering "Alright, that bitch is dead. So, what do I do now?" My advice? 

Live your life to the fullest. Get married to your true love, start a family, see your grandchildren one day. For that, I envy you. You will have a future that I will never be able to have. 

My last words to you? Everyone has a story, if you would bother to just stop and listen.

Yours truly, 

Natalie Palmer"


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