Letter #11: The Girl Who Wanted To Fit In

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"I wish that I could be like the cool kids, 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in, I wish that I could be like the cool kids, Like the cool kids." Echosmith ~ Cool Kids

Bebe Rexha plays April

April, the bad girl.

What makes a bad girl? I would always wonder how society assigned names.

Maybe because you are rebellious, skip class, get into a fight, and curse like a sailor. Also, did I mention you have a kickass wardrobe?

Anyway, the thing between us should stay secret, but I did mention that I wouldn't keep any regarding my death.

So here I go, from my point of view again.

~sophomore year, summer time~

"... so, this is why I think that papers like these, should be burned." As I finished my conclusion, I dramatically lit the sheets on fire.

"Damn, it was fast." Jasmine mused, referring to how fast the flames consumed the paper.

The crowd suddenly parted to the principal in his glory, red faced, shaking with rage, and with his infamous death expression.

"DETENTION!" He boomed. It should have been me getting expelled but Principal Burner's thirty year old daughter was hooking up with my father, which saved me.

I sighed and shrugged, "How long, sir?"

"ONE WHOLE MONTH!" He yelled before slapping a pink slip in my hand.

"Damn, Principal Z, take a chill pill." I called to the direction the principal last stomped off in.

At three exactly that day after school, I showed up into the detention room.

The detention teacher grunted, barely looking up from her magazine as I plopped down on one of those chairs barely looking up and doodling on the table.

Very much like the teacher, I barely looked up as someone new who had entered plopped down next to me.

It wasn't until it was about fifteen minutes before detention was over, did the girl speak. "Natalie Palmer? Didn't expect you to be here." I lifted my eyes to the bold girl. "Did it take you forty five minutes to come up with that?"

The so called "bad girl" chuckled, "You got sass."

I smirked at her, "What did you do?"

April's piercing green eyes found mine, "They said it was class disruption, but I call it just having a bit fun."

I smiled, "Well I got in for burning homework." She wolf-whistled, which made me feel awesome inside.

We chatted until detention was over and I nearly burst from joy when April invited me to sit with her.

~ lunch the next day ~

From the corner of my eye, I saw Colette and Jasmine at our original table. I gave them a quick smile before returning to listen to April. "...so, yeah?"

I quickly think back before nodding my head, "Uh, sure! The cheerleading team sounds great!"

We buy lunch before walking to the courtyard to continue talking. "So, you know, Diana Raymonds is the cheer captain. She's sophomore, just like you, Nattie." I remember Diana because she was in my math class and she was actually a nice person.

"Yeah. I'll consider. How 'bout you? Are you going to be trying out for cheerleading?"


You see, my point is, April, you influenced me down the path of cheerleading, and I did so, only wishing to fit in with you.

But what did you do?

You shot me down like a bird from the sky. Perhaps one of things I think of myself now is unworthy. I kind of admired you from afar, and I guess I wished for you to approve of me.

But you never did.

Disappointingly yours,

Natalie Palmer

A/N: I know this was a crappy letter, but I have absolutely no idea what to write for this chapter and it is allergy season. Plus, I'm lazy. This might be edited soon, but until then, oh well. So far, this is my least favorite letter. And no, it did not take me a month to write this. It took me two weeks because I had writer's block and I procrastinated too much. 

Do you think that this book would be something you would read?

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