Letter #29: The Girl Who Never Knew Her Savior

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"So wake me up when it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older, All this time I was finding myself, and I, Didn't know I was lost," Wake Me Up~ Avicii 

Halston Sage plays Alyssa


Sometimes, I wonder why you bothered to help me on that day. Don't you remember that day, Alyssa, honey? It was just over two weeks ago, well from the day I'm writing now. It should be in the early Decemeber, though.

I was so broken, so lonely, I wondered why you bothered approaching me. Alyssa- I'm sorry but alas, your attempt prolonged my life by just weeks, to your dismay. But, be happy, to know that I wanted to end my life the day after you would tell me to never lose hope.

When I was crying in Starbucks, over what I had done to the couple, how I wrecked a girl's life and broke a boy's heart, you came over and told me everything was going to be alright and just give life a chance

Did you say that to every charity case you saw? Most likely. But, you see, I might have chosen to live, if something didn't happen. 

I'll keep this second to last letter short, because even though you deserve more, I can only give you less. 

Thank you for changing my life forever, 


N/A: You may hate me for this, but I'm going to post the last chapter on the last day of the year, as this tradition. I've joined Wattpad on 12/31, finished my first Wattpad book on 12/31 last year, and this year, I'm determined to do the same. 

I promise that the last and final update will not be half-assed, and I hope you'll love it as much as I do. 



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