Chapter 12: Reason #19

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Reason #19: I feel happy knowing the kids are safe with you

It's been three days since I last received a call from Kaoru.

Three days since I told Rei half of my story.

And three days since Rei made vigorous love to me.

Frankly, I'm still sore everywhere. He ravished me thoroughly. That's why I'm not surprised at the sight of my body covered in bruises and lovebites.

Rei, that bastard. Making me so sore I can't even move without grunting in pain.

Currently, I'm under bed arrest. Says who? Says the same demon who did this while said demon went out with the kids to fix some things at school. Projects, papers, research; stuff like that. I knew Shun and Shin were okay. They both had their daddy and Aki with them.

They left early so they'd be able to come home earlier, according to Rei.

Hopefully, according to Aki.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in." I tried sitting up. The keyword here is TRIED. Because, reality was, I was struggling to sit up properly that the maid who entered had to immediately come to my aid. My body flushed pink in embarassment. All the while, I was cursing a certain blonde man who was the father of my twins.

"Thank you, dear."

The maid, Rea, smiled at me before straightening up and giving me a small package. I looked at it questioningly, thinking why there was no return address or anything. It was just a box covered in brown paper.

I took it from her, my eyes never leaving the unusual package. I was seriously confused.

Rea, on the other hand, was preparing to leave and stopped

when I reached for her arm. I looled up at her, smiling softly. She looked at me, not saying a word, before rerurning the same gesture. I returned my gaze to the mysterious box.

I unwrapped the brown paper, tearing it slightly, as she took it from me assuming it was rubbish. I skimmed the box and slowly opened it with careful hands.

My eyebrow shot up in question when I saw the inside.

"What the-?" Inside the box was a CD. A CD and nothing else. Rea looked at me, confused as I was before I reached inside and gave it to her so she could place it in the player Rei and I had in the room.

"Rea, you may return to your chores once you're done with that." I told her when I got this funny feeling fluttering in my stomach. She nodded silently, still concentrating on her task. When she had finished, she handed me the remote and left.

"This has 'Kaoru' written all over it." I muttered as I pressed play. As soon as I did, my eyes widened at the figure in he screen before turning into a hateful gaze.

Right there.

Kaoru was smiling at the camera.

He still looked the same. His chocolate brown hair neatly combed to the side. His face sporting whiskers that made him look older, his emerald eyes glinting in mischief. His body same as the last I saw him, lean and strong. All in all, he still looked beautiful.

I grimaced at the sight. Memories with him came rushing in like a raging flood.

He hadn't changed physically for the past years. He still looked innocent yet dignified, smart yet fun, handsome yet formal. However, I knew more than anyone that he was working with a sick head. If I had known that a monster was residing in that beautiful man, I wouldn't have risked anything.

"Hello, Jin. Miss me?" My breath trapped in my throat at the sound of his voice. The same low voice that seduced me to my doom was ringing in my room. It felt like he was in the same room as I was. I shivered in fear at the thought, coaxing myself to calm down.

Damn him. The fear he instilled was controlling me and I couldn't do anything.

"Jin. God, I missed you. Staying in that Godforsaken prison was horrible. But the worst part of all was not being able to see you. I was so lonely. Why didn't you visit me, Jin?" He frowned, showing his tired lines that decorated his face. "Were you so busy building a new life with this-" He held up a picture of Rei looking nonchalant in his basketball uniform. "bastard of a man? I can't believe you, Jin. How long has this affair been going on? Huh?! I stayed faithful to you, Jin! Loyal. Even when temptation came, I withstood it because I knew you were waiting for me to come out from that hellhole!"

Unconciously, I started clenching the blanket sitting on top of me. My hands sweaty and clammy from hearing him yell.

How pathetic. Five years and he still had the same scary effect on me.

"No matter. It doesn't matter anymore because I forgive you. I forgive you for marrying him, for sharing your gorgeous body with that filth, for giving birth to those fuckers he calls children. I forgive you so don't worry." He smiled in the screen, sending chills down my spine. The hairs on my skin standing in alert.

I knew that smile. That was the smile that pulled out the helplessness in me. The smile that taught me to open my legs while he raped my body over and over again. The smile that told me there was no end to this nightmare.

"Jin, my love. I just have one question. I know you know the answer. Now then. Do you remember the words I live by? I taught them to you everyday, right?" He paused as if he was really waiting for me to answer. "No? Really? It's okay. Don't beat yourself up for it. It was five years ago so I understand. I really do. Now, let me refresh your memory."

My eyes widened in fear as he removed his shirt, my breathing broken. Immediately, I stiffened at what was gruesomely carved on his skin. The words etched on his skin as dried blood scattered, his stomach covered in grotesque scars.


"Remember?" He smirked at me. His face amused at his handiwork. The goddamned psycho was proud of his work, so proud that he didn't bother wearing his shirt again.

"You can hide and you can run, Jin. All over the world, even. But you will never escape me. You can take refuge by hiding behind Haru, the police and that motherfucker but you'll come to me on your own. You know who owns you. The day you told me you loved me was the same day you acknowledged you belonged to me. And. Only. Me."

Kaoru walked closer to the screen, his face covering every inch. "I'm coming for you, love. This time you won't be escaping. Even if I have to remove both your beautiful arms and legs."

He paused, returning his smile. "Get ready. I'll be there soon." He laughed before the video disappeared. However, his laugh continued to play in my ears as I sat there staring at the blank screen.

At that moment, my head came up with a revelation.

There were three things I found out:

He's near.

He's coming.


I'm not coming out of this in one piece.

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