Chapter 5: Reason #26

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Reason #26: You trust me enough to never doubt me

"How?" I asked in disbelief, dipping my words in hate. 

"I'm great, actually. Well. Feeling great after that 'happening'." He answered in a mocking tone. I could even see his lips forming a smug smirk as he let a brief silence follow. 

"You know it had nothing to do with me!" I replied venomously. He chuckled darkly in the phone, making me shiver in hate.

"Jin, baby. How could it have nothing to do with you when you were my entire world. What happens to me, follows you to your grave." I froze and started taking deep breaths. With every breath I took, I could feel his disgusting hands all over my body again. The way he caressed my skin like a kid would with a puppy. The only difference was he left hateful tingles.

"I am not your baby. I never was. You should have disappeared, why come back?!" I asked as softly as I could, knowing Rei and the kids were in the living room. 

Damn this phone! Why didn't Haru buy a cordless phone to place here?!

"Don't say that, babe. We've been through a lot together. Me and you." He replied using the same tone he did five years ago to lure me. 

I'm not stupid enough to fall for the same thing twice, asshole!

"Jin, you can't hide from me. You can't pull away from me. You know you belong to me. Why fight it?" My eyes widened in shock. How could he have thought that I would think of him like that? 

He's a stupid motherfucker, that's why.

"I don't belong to you. I didn't belong to you five years ago, what makes you think I'd think I belonged to you now?" I heaved a breath, trying to muster all the hate in me as I continued to spit my words at him. "I will never belong to you. So, do us both a favor and never show yourself again and never contact me again." I trembled in anger as I slammed the phone down as hard as I could. The anger slowly turned to shock then fear. Fear of what he knows about me now. I had to contact Haru as soon as I could. I couldn't risk my babies and Rei, especially with that psychopath running around.

He was supposed to be gone. Haru said he'd never come back and I assumed he was dead. I can't believe I was stupid enough to believe he was dead. That bastard doesn't know how to die. For him, it's a special skill everyone can do except him.

I moved away from the telephone as I tried to look for my cellphone. I patted the pockets in my pants, searching for the gadget hurriedly. "Where is it?" I whispered, giving up when I felt no familiar bulge there. 

I have no choice but to use Rei's phone. 

I straightened myself, willing my fear to disperse as not to worry Rei. He didn't know this past of mine and I intend to keep it that way. 

He doesn't need to know.

Slowly, I made my way to the living room with, what I hoped was, a smile on my face. Looking around, I saw the twins with their father in the playpen. Rei was reading a story to them while Shun and Shin were sucking on their pacifier. The little monsters were sitting up as they listened to their father, surprising me at how behaved they were. They were never like that with me. Crawling around and making a mess was what they did to me. 

"Rei." I called softly, catching the attention of three heads. It was unnerving to see an adult Rei with 'baby Rei's looking at me with curious eyes. I cleared my throat, thinking of the goal I had in mind. "Could I borrow your phone? I need to call Haru and my phone must be somewhere in the bedroom. I don't really want to go that far just to fetch something so small." I smiled shakily at him as he lifted a delicate brow. I knew I had to get away as fast as I could before I spilled the beans. I didn't like lying to him because I never once did it to him. 

Except now.

The thought left a bitter taste on my tongue as I tried to keep the innocent act going. He looked at me for a few more minutes then smiled, reaching for his phone lying in his shirt pocket. I walked towards him while he stood up and stepped out of the playpen, avoiding the mini 'Rei's as they scrambled to crawl to me. 

"Here you go, love." He reached out his hand with the phone and I reached for it. Suddenly, he dropped his phone and grabbed unto my wrist. It was a firm hold but not tight enough to hurt me. I looked at his face in surprise as he quickly pulled me into his embrace. He held me to his chest and I started panicking. I thought of pushing him off me but that would have only made me suspicious. 

"Jin. Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, one of his hands stroking my hair gently. I shook my head but he didn't let me go. "You know, you're really pale. You look like you've seen a ghost. Did you?" He asked softly. His hand calming me down whileI wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"I didn't, trust me." I rested my head on the crook of his neck and sniffed him, taking in his natural scent. "I just - I'm not feeling so good. And I remembered something important to tell Haru so I needed your phone." He pulled away slowly, lifting my head up to stare at my eyes. Then, he smiled and bent down to pick his phone up and hand it to me. I smiled at him, trying to make him believe I wasn't feeling well.

"After you call Haru, let's bring the boys up so you could take a nap. I'll make sure the monsters have their pacifiers so they're not noisy." I nodded at him, keeping the shaky smile on my face. I walked out the living room and headed to the library. The library was soundproof so I was sure Rei wouldn't hear me talk to Haru. I bolted the lock on the door before dialling Haru's personal number. 

Only three 'ring's passed when I heard the familiar voice. "Rei, what's wrong?" He asked monotonously. 

"It's Jin, Haru." I replied in a shaky voice, pacing the room back and forth. I noticed Haru's tone changed as he asked what was wrong. I took a deep breath, willing my nerves to calm down. It took only two words to rile Haru up and it was:

"Kaoru's back."

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