Day 19

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"Whats up ahead?" I ask, climbing onto the hill that marks the end of the fields.

Thankfully, other than Vespi's slaughtering a rabbit, nothing had happened.

"A big bunch of mountains." Mid replies. "With lots of rocky bridges and edges."

"Alright, lets go."

We approach the mountain.

The area is quiet and still, deathly silent.

Mid walks on, blending in perfectly with the brownish soiled hard rock. My blue skin sticks out like a sore thumb. And in a place like this, I'd love to blend in.

Vespi's red coat is definately standing out, especially with his cactus green wings.

But he pads around, not giving a care.

Either he knows there is nothing to fear here, or the things here fear him.

Nonetheless, he seems quite relaxed.

He digs his claws in as he heaves himself up onto a ledge.

"After you?" Mid asks.

I give him a look but take the hand grips on the wall.

I've never done rock climbing, and here was definately not the place to learn.

With the shaky lose grip holds and the drop of certain death if I fall.

I don't know if Dirtmen can splat to death but I could tell Mid wasn't eager to find out.

Vespi barked to us, as if wonderung why we were so slow.

"Vespi, we aren't as agile as you are." I reply, breathing hard.

He accepts that answer and pads away from the edge, waiting for us on the platform of crumbly rock.

With a final heave, I thrust myself onto the platform, and aid Mid in pulling him up.

We stand there, staring at how far we climbed. And, of course, we look up.

"Get ready for some more climbing, guys." I sigh.

Mid groans but I already pull myself up with a grip hold.

Vespi watched us with interest as he embeds his claws into the rock, making his own grip hold, and literally runs up.

Mid and I, on the otherhand, begin our tiring perilous ascend.

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