Chapter 12: Help Me Forget And The Demon Of Namimori Appears

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DAY 34


It's only me and Tsuna in the house. The others went to do their on thing.

"um.....Tsuna-kun, about yesterday, you don't really have too" I started a conversation.

"but I want to help you forget. Really! I want you to be happy and I want to help you" Tsuna replied.

"okay, thank you then" I blushed again.

"if you want to help me forget, then you must know my past about him then"

Tsuna nodded. I took in a deep breath. "I'll start"

"I first met him during fourth grade. He was nothing to me that time until our field trip.

I almost fell to to a cliff during our field trip. Carl saved me that time and there.....I fell in love with him" I started.

"as years passed, I confessed to him and he became my BF during sixth grade, graduation. I was happy.

Then first year high school, a lot of girls tried to seduce him but nothing. Then there, the day I saw him with my friend Molly, I was heartbroken" I held back my tears.

"that's all, so short" I said.

"atleast I know why you liked him" Tsuna said. The tone of his voice changed. As if he's angry and not angry at the same time.

"ne, can you help me?" I asked.

He gave me a warm smile. "of course" he replied.

Reborn's POV

"still recording, Reborn?"Lal said, pissed

"why are you pissed?" I asked.

"give some privacy!" Lal yelled.

I ignored her and kept on recording.

"not on my watch" I replied.


Jewel's POV

Day 34,

I kind of got emotional this day. I asked Tsuna if he can help me forget.....again. I told him also my past.

He said that he'll help me. I was so happy to hear that. I don't know why but my heartbeat raises whever I'm close to him.

Please help me forget....


I closed my notebook and went to sleep, with a smile on my face.

Unkown's POV

"Leggendia, princess of the flames, you still don't know why your heartbeat raises?" I said.

I chuckled a bit. "I thought you would know because you've experienced it....... but it ended in a not so good way" my smile faded.

"Leggendia, are you sure that you want to go back to world? You will........."I trailed off and sighed.

"just be careful of what you wish for"


DAY 35

Jewel's POV

"Dame-Tsuna, Jewel, today we're going to Namimori" Reborn blurted out.

"huh? Why?" I asked.

"I want you to visit the school and I want dame-Tsuna to come and accompany you" Reborn replied.

"let's go, Jewel-chan!" Tsuna insisted.

"okay, let's go!" I said.

So, we went to Namimori and....there were unexpected guests.

The whole gang was there except for Mukuro and Hibari.

"uh......Reborn..." I turned to my left and Reborn was gone.

'that sneaky bastard!' I thought. 'I know you heard that, Reborn. I know your somewhere here, watching'

"Woah, what brings you two here? Tsuna and Jewel?" Yamamoto asked.

"uh.....Reborn said that I'll visit the school and Tsuna-kun will accompany me" I said.

"hmmmm. The kid said to all of us that we should visit the school" Yamamoto replied.

I knew it! Reborn was up to something but what?

"let's enter then to the EXTREME!!" Ryohei yelled.

We nodded and entered. It really looks like the one in the anime. The green fences, the school building, the court, and there are some places that the anime didn't show.

The others went to their own classrooms. I went with Tsuna. I counted the seats, 39 all in all.

Tsuna's seatmate is Kyoko.

Thug! Thug! Thug! Thug! Thug! Thug!

My heart aches! The both of them are just talking and Kyoko laughs. There's nothing wrong so stop it heart!

"I'll go wonder around the school" I said and it seems no one heard me because they were busy talking to one another and no one answere me back.

I left the room and wondered around. I saw Ryohei's classroom. I saw the Library, it wasn't that big but it has lot's of books. I saw many restrooms. I even saw the disciplinary committee's room.

I found the stairs going to the rooftop. At our school, there's no rooftop. I opened the door and's a wide place.

I went over to a fence and hold on to it. I can see the whole town. The shrine, the shopping district, Tsuna's home and the park too.

"what peaceful town" I muttered.

"who goes there?" a famillar voice said.

I turned back slowly and saw the Demon of Namimori. I was like 'oh shoot!'.

Fangirls would shout or faint if they saw him. This is not the right time to shout because he'll bite me to death!

"who are you herbivore? What are you doing here?" Hibari asked.

Please, please, please don't remember that I was the one who vandalised the school when Reborn gave me the tasks.

His eyes widened. 'uh-oh' I thought. He knows!

Without hesitating, he started attacking.

"wait, I can-"

"prepare herbivore!"

"Noooo!" I yelled.

He keeps on attacking and good thing I learned Arnis and karate! I dodged some of his attacks and some landed on me.

It hurts. Just imagine a metal, steel, cold and hard tonfas hitting you with full strength! He hitted my arm and cheek.

When he was about to deliver the final blow, I stopped it with my hands.

"wow, your strong for a herbivore, stranger" Hibari, the cold-hearted guy who hits girls with no mercy said.

I got pissed. "My name is Jewel Caster and I'm not weak!" I yelled.

Calling me weak offended me. I released flames from my ring and sky flames appeared.

I tossed his tonfas from his hands.

Without hesitating, he tried to kick my face! I blocked it. After blocking it, I rushed to the tonfas.

"I'm giving you a taste of your own medicine!" I said and charged at him.

I know how to use arnis sticks and it's like using tonfas...I think.

I striked at him and I landed a blow on his arm. He was about to kick the side of my stomache but someone stopped me.

"stop it, you two" a brunette said with orange flames coming from his head.

The others came too.

"I enjoyed our fight, Jewel. I don't want to call you a carnivore or omnivore so don't think of other things" Hibari said then left with a smile on his face.

The flames of Tsuna disappeared.

"Jewel! Why were you fighting Hibari?!" Tsuna said. He looks kind of angry.

I avoided the question. He looks angry and as if I can just say that he's guardian attacked me instantly. It's my fault for vandalising the school too.

"since when did you came here at the rooftop?" I said instead.

"a while ago. I and the others screamed that you two should stop but you both didn't listen and don't avoid the question!" he yelled.

He and his friends were shouting? Since when? I didn't hear them scream or shout. Was I to concentrated in our fight and that's why I didn't hear them.

"Why were you fighting Hibari?!" Tsuna yelled angrily again.


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