Chapter 16: Day 39 Start!

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Jewel's POV

Huh, where am I? I'm in a white room again. Aqua's realm?

The scene unfolds and it shows that I'm in Tsuna's house. Everyone was there, including Mukuro and Hibari.

It was quiet. I wonder why?

"um....are you all okay?" I said, starting to regret of what I just said.

Silence. "No, it's not alright" Reborn said pissed.

Why is he pissed? Why does everyone gives each other glares like they don't like them.

Gokudera glares at Tsuna, Tsuna glares at Reborn. Reborn's giving off a dark aura at Hibari and Hibari wants to 1000x times bite Yamamoto to death. Yamamoto was staring at Ryohei really scary. Ryohei doesn't seem to be hyper and instead, he looks bloodthirsty while looking at Mukuro. Mukuro has his trident and he really badly wants to hit Gokudera with it.

"uh......why are you all mad?" I asked. Stupid mouth! Why did you talk?!! I'm dead meat!

"because of him!" they all stood and pointed at the person their glaring at. Reborn suddenly became uncursed. He turned old.

"what did he/they do?" Mouth!!! Why are you talking?!!!

They all looked at me, sitting in the couch.

"me?" *mentally face palmed* Why are you betraying me, mouth?

Tsuna suddenly cursed at them and got my hand and carried me bridal style and ran outside.

Wait, what's happening?! I just remember fighting Yamamoto and now I'm back at Tsuna's house.

"Jewel" Tsuna said in a cool but not calm voice. I looked up, seeing his face. He's angry.

"don't think of Yamamoto" he said.

Why? And how does he know what I'm thinking about?

Tsuna brought me somewhere far, far from his guardians and tutor. I have a bad feeling about this.

He stopped when we reached a place with trees. He then placed me down in the ground.

I was about to ask what's happening but he spoke.

"don't leave. Just stay here" he said as he went HDWM and flew.

Wait!!!! What the hell's happening?!!!

I waited for an hour or so and I got tired of waiting. I suddenly see myself in front of the gaurdians and they're all angry. Tsuna cursed and brought me here then told me to not leave and stay?! No way!

I got up and started walking. I don't know where I am but I want to get out from here.

"Leggendia" a voice said and it caught my attention. No one's suppose to know that name, because of that, I accidently fell to an edge and landed on water.

My body won't move no matter how much I try. I forced myself and nothing. I'm somewhere with trees and then somehow, there's water. A lake? River? Swamp?

I almost reached the dark part of the water and then a hand reached mine and got me out of there.

I was already at the surface and I'm gasping for air. I coughed also because I drank some water.

"I told you to not leave" I heard Tsuna's voice.

I looked at him and he was full of worry. "s-sorry" I said, looking back down.

I shivered as I felt cold. Tsuna removed his jacket and placed it on me.

"next time, listen to me"

"but you just left me! I don't even know what's happening!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry" Tsuna said as he......kissed me, in the lips.

I went red and backed away-wait, I can't. I'm at the edge and I might fall again.

I broke free from his kiss.

"what was-"

"I love you" he said. eh?

"ever since I met you, I loved you" he said, looking deep into my eyes, full with honesty.

He held my hand. "we were angry at each other because of you. Hibari wants to bite you to death and make him yours. Mukuro wants to control you make your power his. Reborn lost it and wants to kill you and Gokudera started treating me like the enemy" he explained.

"the others are fine. They are at my side, to protect you" he continued.

My head can't take it, because of me, their famiglia will be ruined.


He kissed me again, a deep one. I want to break free. Why is he acting like this? What exactly happened yesterday?

He backed away and breathed for little air and continued.

He backed away again made me lay on the ground. 'oh shoot!' I thought.

I'm wet, which I think boosted his pleasure. When did Tsuna started acting like this?!

He started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Tsuna stop!" I beg.

He didn't listen and he continued unbuttoning. I closed my eyes and then.....huh? I suddenly felt nothing.

I opened one eye and-

"aaaaaahhhhhh!" I screamed as I see Tsuna started stripping and started sexy dancing at Gokudera. Dafuq.

I was just there, laying down and gently sitting up. They didn't notice my scream. The fudge! What the hell's happening.

"Juudaime!!!!" I looked at a another Gokudera running towards him and what the hell's he wearing!! He's just wearing plain apron! I feel like I'm going to nosebleed.

"that is not me! He's Mukuro!" the apron Gokudera said.

Then the Gokudera beside the sexy dancing Tsuna turned to Mukuro and the f*ck!!

He's half-man, half-horse. He's like a centuar. A pineapple head horse!

"GWAHAHAHAHA!!" I started laughing out loud and I'm rolling at the ground, not also making sure I fall off the edge.

Then Mukuro started flipping his hair back and forth. It's like the one from youtube. Seeing Mukuro flips his hair with a horse body really made me laugh.

Tears of joy are forming in my eyes.

"I'm so pretty to the extreme~" I looked at Ryohei and-

"Ahahahaha!" I started laughing harder and tears fell.

Ryohei is dressed in girl's clothes snd he has make up. He's all covered with white powder. He also keeps on telling 'I'm so pretty to the extreme~'. He also wears a wig in pig tails.

"I hahahaha can't hahaha take hahaha this hahahaha!" I kept on laughing.

The others just keep on coming, nonstop.

Then, I don't who's but someone throwed their underwear at my face. I removed it and-

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" I screamed.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" I screamed as I sat up from my bed. A dream? Please let it be a dream, please let it be a dream!

The door opened and I saw Tsuna and the others came rushing in saying "are you okay?"

Then I caught a glimpse of Gokudera in an apron but with clothes this time and I fainted.

Before I fainted, I said to myself. 'curse you side effect!'. It's the side effect on staying in another realm.

And on that day on, I became careful around those guys.


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