Chapter 29: Sacrifices

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"it is easy" I said.

"now, watch and learn" he said and disappeared.

I was engulfed by a white light. Infront of me, it was like an invisible screen.

It showed Yamamoto. His in a dark place. I know this. It is one of the episodes of KHR!

There was Bianchi, Reborn, Gokudera, Tsuna and Ken.

Ken noticed Yamamoto is not using his other arm. The arm he uses in batting the ball.

"that's not all. He's being careful with his body" said Reborn.

"all you do is run. Are you making this a fight of endurance?" Ken said to Yamamoto in his wolf channel.

"well, I have something important in my life besides playing mafia" Yamamoto admitted.

Yeah, there's a tournament of baseball. He wants to join of course but he needs a perfect and fit body.

Reborn kicked Tsuna and he fell down. Ken was about to eat him, that's what he said anyway, but Yamamoto throwed a rock at Ken.

"I'm your opponent, right?" he said, then becomes serious.

Ken switched to cheetah channel and dodged the rock that Yamanoto throwed at him. Then Ken bit the arm of Yamamoto.

Yamamoto hit his face by using the handle of his sword and Ken fainted.

He...sacrificed his arm. He sacrificed his arm, not able to play his precious baseball and the tournament. He sacrificed it for a friend.

Then, it changed. There was MM, fighting Bianchi.

MM used her clarinet and Bianchi brought out 2 big trays with food. She used it as a shield.

For a woman who is obsessed with love, she took the risk of being exploded.

MM made her clarinet to a nunchuk. MM hitted Bianchi, hard and in exchange, Bianchi made her clarinet to poison cooking.

Well, I would not take the risk of being exploded and in exchange is a low percent of defeating the enemy.

Her sacrifice, being hitted, hard. It may sound little but the risk is too much.

Then, Bird came. There was the bloody twins/brothers, and they were about to kill Kyoko and Haru.

Bird asked Tsuna to stab himself. Tsuna...was prepared to stab himself in order to save Kyoko and Haru. He was ready to sacrifice his life.

He stopped as Dr. Shamal, I-pin and Lambo from 10 years later appeared and knocked out both the twins.

A lot more sacrifices showed. A lot of sacrifices.

Then, last but not the least the sacrifice...of....Yuni...

She knows, her lifespan is short because she bears the orange pacifier. It is her fate.

Tsuna and Byakuran started fighting. The attack of Byakuran, a black hand fell and it was going to Yuni. It bounced off from Yuni's flames.

Yuni is engulfed by deathperation flames. She started giving off flames to the pacifiers and in exchange, her life.

She's going to sacrifice her life for the other arcobalenos and the safety of Tsuna and others.

"wait, Yuni! You don't need to sacrifice yourself to bring back the arcobalenos!" Tsuna yelled.

"No" said Yuni, softly.

"I must revive them to ensure that you all go back to the past safely" Yuni continued.

"and many lives will be saved in the process. I finally have the opportunity to use my power foor good. This is the only gamble I can take. One I cannot avoid. This is my fate" she said.

Byakuran and Tsuna started fighting again. Yuni's flames became small. She fell on her knees and she started crying.

'I'm scared of dying' she thought.

Then, the dolphin of Basil came. Basil attacked the barrier with the help of the box animals.

"super nova ocean!" Basil yelled.

Then Gamma came in and jumped to the hole. He was able to go inside the barrier.

"my flames are for you to use" he said.

Gamma hugged Yuni. "I won't let you do this alone" he said.

Tozaru and Nozaru tried to stopped him but failed.

"do you still remember the time you whispered in my ear. Here's my reply" he bent to her ear and whispered something.

Yuni cried. "That's not what your mother thaught you" said Gamma.

Aria did say that if you are happy, smile from your heart.

Yuni smiled and hugged Gamma for one last time and they both disappeared, leaving their clothes and the pacifiers.

That's it...I'm gonna cry. Yuni...

Even if this is just anime...their deaths....are sad and I can't take it.

Sacrifices are to be made, for a better future. Sacrifices are to be made to save someone or something. Sacrifices is to be made to protect.

The screen disappeared. It revealed the phoenix. 

"now, you know how to make sacrifices and why we should do it. Now, the hard part comes. I need you to sacrifice something important and I will make sure, the price is worth it" the phoenix said.

A trade? Sacrifice something? Like what? I wiped off my tears and thought about it.

A sacrifice that will lead to a better future. If I sacrificed something, I will pass this test, I will become stronger. If I didn't sacrifice anything, I'll fail and never leave this realm and I might die.

The phoenix also promised that my sacrifice will be worth it. He'll do something to make it worth it.

"how big is the sacrifice?" I asked. I just want to make sure.

"any. Just sacrifice anything but, if it's too small, it will not be worth it. You might even fail. It depends on what will you sacrifice" the phoenix replied.

What will I sacrifice? My life? No! My stay in the KHR world? My life in the real world? I know many otaku's want to live in the anime world and they give up on reality but I love my family. I want to bring back my family. I want my parents to be back together.

What will I sacrifice to pass? My sword? no. My memories? NO! 

"if I already sacrificed something, you'll tell information about yourself and about the ring, right?" I said. He nodded.

"is that the exchange?" I asked.

"no" he said.

I took a deep breath and thought about it for the last time. I thought about the consequences and the future. 

Okay, I made up my mind. I know what will I sacrifice. Before I tell him, I'll ask first something.

"if I already told you my sacrifice, can I change it?" I said my final question.

"No. You cannot change it. Once you said it, I'll get it away from you" he replied. For a fire phoenix, he's quite patient.

"okay, i'll tell you" I said and took a deep breath for my heart is beating like crazy.

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