Chapter 35: I Know Now

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I woke up and I see myself in a forest. Not the forest of the metal dragon.

"hello, Leggendia" I heard a voice from behind I turned back.

I saw the metal phoenix. The phoenix has grey flames.

"did I...die?" I asked.

"no. It was a matter in seconds. Only few seconds left and you would have died, but good thing you killed the last monster" he said.

"now, let me introduce myself. I am Severo, the metal phoenix" he said.

"so I passed the test?" I asked. He nodded.

I looked at my left, right and above me.

" long was I out?" I asked again.

"for 1,440 this realm" he replied.

I was shocked by his answer. For 1,440 days?! It means...1 day in the KHR world! x2 so it means that when I go back...I'm at day 77 already!

"why so long?"

"because it took you time to heal. And in this realm, healing is in a very slow process"

"....." I was just silent. "do I age? In this realm I mean"

"no, no one ages in realms of the dragons and phoenix'. Not in mind, body and spirit. All stays the same"

"so...about Maggiore...why can't I hear or see him in his true form?" I asked as I look at my ring.

The phoenix sighed. "my friend, Maggiore, you can't see or hear him unless you pass all of the tests"

"so far, you passed 6 tests. 8 more to go" he said.

"what is the price of this test?"

"you can go bloodlust or not. It depends in your will. You can control it"

"now, I guess that is all. Goodbye, Leggendia. You will meet the phoenix of nature" Severo said.

My surroundings changed. I am back in the KHR world, the future.

DAY 77

I went out of my room. I'm hungry for I slept for 1,440 days!

I looked at the clock in the kitchen and it's...12:00 pm. So in a minute, it'll be my 79th day?!

DAY 79

I went and grabbed food in the fridge. I got milk and cookies. Chocolate chip cookies! Yum! My favorite!

I was about to take a bite of the delicious chocolate chip cookie but-

"Jewel-chan!/hime" all of them were at the door, rushing towards me.

"asdfgh!" I was startled. I even almost drop my cookie!

The girls hugged me in worry. The boys face's were pale. Hibari is not here of course.

"where did you go?!" Haru asked.

"uh....I came from the present time and I'm still doing training with the 'Ps' and 'Ds'" I replied.

They sighed in relief. They were really worried, especially that I am being targeted.

"what are you doing here, Jewel-hime?" Gokudera asked.

"I'm hungry!" I replied.

"hahaha! People do get hungry after training. Hahaha!" Yamamoto smiled.

"yup! I agree to the extreme!" Ryohei nodded.

I ate some cookies while Kyoko and Haru cooked for me. The cookies are enough for me but they won't stop.

They cooked meat and my favorite takoyaki! I ate lot's of it! I stopped eating after I was full.

I chatted with them so my stomache would ease down before I go to sleep. It's already 2:33 pm and I went to my room.

While trying to sleep, I thought of something. Oh yeah...I forgot to ask where's Reborn.

And before I attack the last metal monster...what memory appeared again? I know it's me but...what is it?

I totally forgot about that last memory. I concentrated more in finishing the test.

After that I went to sleep.

I woke up at noon...yeah, I know I slept for 1,440 days but I still sleep for a very long time.

I went to eat lunch since it's 12:03 in the afternnoon. We all ate and there was a small fight, a fight between Gokudera and Yamamoto. After 10 years...they still fight?

"uh...guys?" I caught their attention.

"where's Reborn?" I asked. They were silent.

"did I say something wrong?" I said, confused.

Then, I realised it. "is he...dead?"

"no, he's alive and still kicking" Tsuna replied.

"then where is he?" I asked. They were dead silent.

The door to the kitchen opened. It revealed a figure.

"chaos" it said. That phrase! It's-

"I'm back" Reborn said. He's still wearing a fedora, a black suit and still has Leon. He is in adult form.

"so why are you-" he noticed me, seating beside Kyoko and Haru in the table.

"Jewel, can you go out for a minute?" he said.

"uh...okay?" I followed his order and I skiddled going outside.

Just as the door closed, I heard banging. I also heard some yells and shouts.

Of course who wouldn't go in and stop them? Why are they fighting?

I first went and got my katanas before I enter. When the door opened, a bullet was about to hit me.

'bloodlust mode, activate!' I thought. My blood boils for a fight.

I swayed my sword and it cutted the bullet in a perfect half. Perfection!

"now" I said dreadfully as I turn to the fighting hitmen.

'bloodlust mode, deactivate!' I thought. I am back to normal.

"why are you fighting?" I asked.


The reason is...Reborn told them not to call me yet, from the present. Not until he comes back.

But because the Torbido goes to the past more lately, they called me. Reborn got angry and went on a rampage.

Oh, and with him was Lambo and I-pin. The 3 went to look for information of the Torbido.

Reborn chose the 2 because I-pin is the 3rd in the most trustful person in this era. And Lambo for he has the ten year bazooka.

Reborn must have made Lambo his lackey during the task. Poor Lambo.

Then, a question entered my mind.

"why am I still here after 10 years?" I asked.

They were silent again. And they stayed that way for a minute.

"did...did I fail?" I asked, nervous.

It took time for someone to answer. "yes, you failed" Tsuna's eyes were full of sorrow.

The others too. Their eyes are full of sorrow...sadness.

"a-ah...okay" I said, disappointed.

"I-I'll be going b-back to my r-room" I gave a forced smile and I left the room.

I rushed to my room and locked the door from the inside. Then, I released my tears.

I failed? I didn't get a chance to fix my family? I...I failed?

I sobbed in my room. I cried in my room.

Then half an hour passed. I stopped my crying but I'm still in my room.

Then, I remembered the hollow part of my bed. It was under the bed, the lower part.

I lifted the bed case and checked for any handles or something. None. No any handles or something.

I stood up and sighed. "I guess that's really just a design of the bed" I said as I leaned on the table.

I hitted something and it made the lower part of the bed open. I quickly turn to my back.

I accidently hitted the lamp. The lamp used at night for studying. I thought that lamp is permanently placed in the table.

I lifted the lamp up, it was stuck to the table. I placed the arc of the lamp back in place and it closed the lower part of the bed.

My sadness disappeared and in exchange, excitement came rushing in.

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