Chapter 4: I'm In The KHR World!

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Tsuna's POV

"Poor Jewel." I said and Reborn nodded.

Here it's day and there, it's night.

"I wish I can help you." I mumbled. (At that same time, Jewel wants someone to save her.)

Her tears dropped to her phone, which she's holding.

Suddenly the device stopped working. The screen went blank.

"Huh?" I said, just realised that it went black.

"Is it broken?! Why did it go blank?!" I panicked.


I looked at Reborn and his gun is pointing at me.

"Die, Dame-Tsuna" he says.


A portal suddenly appeared above the device and both me and Reborn frozed. At that same time, my friends just entered my room and saw it.


Jewel's POV

I was crying then suddenly, something circular appeared at my bed.

"Huh?" I said and wiped my tears.

The circular thing became big and I fell into it.

"Aaaaahhhh!" I screamed. I hold onto my phone tightly. My suroundings was rainbow colored, keeps on changing colors.

I was screaming until I landed.

"Where am I?" I turned to my left and saw people. Those people were Tsuna's friends.

I blinked a few times and I rubbed my eyes to make sure. I can't be wrong, It's Tsuna's friends!

"Ciaossu, Jewel." A familiar voice said and I looked down, seeing an infant who wears a black suit, wears a fedora and has a green gecko.

I backed away, realising who talked to me and who I landed on.

"Ouch, my back hurts." A boy with brown hair sat back up.

"Juudaime! Are you alright?" a silverette guy went beside the brunette.

"It's that UMA's fault!" he pointed at me.

Veins popped and I got pissed.

"I'm not an Unidentified Mysterious Animal!" I shouted as I backed away.

"How did you know the meaning of UMA?" Gokudera asked. "that UMA can read minds!"

"Gokudera-kun, she's not an UMA and don't hurt Jewel." Tsuna calms Gokudera down.

He knows my name? Since when?! I'm a big KHR fan and I should be freaking out that they're infront of me but in my current situation, I have lot's of problems.

"She came out from the portal!" Tsuna pointed at the ceiling.

"I'll explain later, just calm down a bit." Tsuna says.

Irie, Spanner and Gianini came in.

"Where's the portal!" they all shouted, but sadly the portal's gone.

The three turned pale after that. I don't know what happened but everyone was shouting and fighting.


Three continuous gunshots was heard and everyone turned silent and turned to Reborn, who fired it.

"Everyone, be quiet or I'll cut your heads off." Reborn threatened and it send chills down my spine.

Kyoko and Haru isn't here but Dino is. Chrome, Mukuro and Hibari is not here as well.

"Everyone sit." Reborn ordered and my body moved by it's own and I sat.


Reborn and Tsuna explained everything. About a device that can see different worlds and about me.

So they were watching me?! For two days! Stalker!

"Jewel, sorry if we were watching you." Tsuna apologised.

"Ah! No need!" I sweatdropped.

"But we were invading your personal stuff and problems." his facial expression changed, feeling down.

So they saw Carl cheating on me, Molly's betrayal, and my family's problem. Wow... I have issues.

"It's okay, you just wanted to make sure if I was safe or not and knowing that your an anime, of course you'll watch." I showed a sad smile.

"Can you tell us who you are and were you came from?" Reborn asked. Tsuna was about to stop him but I nodded.

"I'm Jewel Caster. I live in Canada. I'm half Canadian and half Japanese. I have two older siblings and I'm 14." I introduced myself.

"In your world, we're an anime, correct?" Reborn says and I nodded.

"An anime? That's rediculous! We're real!" Gokudera yelled.

"But in our world, you guys are really anime. Check it for yourself." I got out my phone and showed KHR episode one.

Tsuna and Reborn was shocked to see themselves. Everything went accordingly.

"That's me during when I first met Reborn!" Tsuna pointed at my phone.

"Ooh! That looks fun!" Yamamoto smiled.

My phone showed Tsuna going to dying will mode.

"Reborn!!!" Tsuna in the video said as he's clothes were torn and his boxers was shown.

"Hieeeee! They showed that?!" Tsuna asked.

"Yes, worlwide and videos are posted in the internet." I stated.

"Eeehhh?!! So embarassing!" Tsuna turned red.

"Don't worry, all the people think that your a fictional character." I said.

"That's even worse. I'm real!" Tsuna stopped turning red.

I paused the video. "And there it is. In my world, your all an anime." I pointed out.

"Why am I not there?" Gokudera asked.

"You'll be shown in episode two." I replied.

"And why is the graphics low?" Dino asked.

"It was made in an early year, where anime's wasn't that much developed but as years passed, the graphics became good." I explained.

"So we're just an anime?" Reborn asked, which is like the second time already.

"You guys are an anime and manga." I stated.

"A manga?!! A Sci-fi one?" Gokudera asked with his hopes up.

"No. Do you call Tsuna and your life Sci-fi? You're all on battling and fighting." I crushed his hope. Sorry Gokudera. "It's more on Action and Fantasy."

Gokudera was disappointed.

"Now, the question is, is it still ongoing or not?" Irie asked.

"It's not. It ended already." I replied.

"Where did it end?" Spanner took out a notebook and pencil and started scribbling.

"In the anime, it stopped when you guys defeated Byakuran and you went back to the present." I stated.

"In the manga, they stopped where Reborn told Tsuna that he will make him become the Neo Vongola Primo." I continued.

"That was a month ago!" Tsuna reacted.

"A month ago?! The manga ended years ago!" I said.

"Then, that could be bad." Spanner said. "We don't know how to open a portal to your world."

"You'll stay here for days, months, years or probably forever." Gianini made my feelings worse.

"If a month here is equal to three years..." I fell to the floor. I wanted to faint but it seems I didn't. "If I were able to go back... it would be decades or centuries later!"

"Jewel! Are you okay?!" Tsuna grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Yeah... maybe." I replied.

"So when can I go home?!" I panicked. The tree technicians stayed silent.


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