Chapter 42: My Mission

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DAY 131

Tsuna's POV

The cube fell on her. I was too late. I didn't save her.

I felt despair but I took it back when the cube teared apart in half.

It showed Jewel with monsters made of metal.

"wrath of the phoenix: 100 metal monsters" she said.

10 monster were there, surrounding her. When did she...she didn't show that during training.

The monster attacked the Torbido.

"guys! If you ever see monsters made of metal with red eyes, don't attack them! They are on our side!" I yelled at the earpiece.

Jewel's POV

I won't die! I won't die! I'll protect everyone, I'll protect my friends! I'll protect Tsuna and won't let him die.

The main forces of the Torbido arrived. They have heavy weapons with them. They have tanks, bazookas and weapons that needs flames.

Gokudera and the rest took care of them. Then a lot of soldiers arrived. They outnumbered us in the front.

"The fear of fears, Impavida's Fear!" I yelled.

I swayed my katanas, making a barrier surrounding the soldiers.

Multiple screams was heard. Screams of the enemy. Screams of their fear, their worst nightmare or something to be feared of.

Others fainted, others started killing each other due to the illusion. All of us went forward.

We were inside the base. Their base has 30 floors and 50 basements. Has a total 1,456 rooms.

The amount left of metal monsters are 56. My barrier is still alive. Maybe around of 879 of the enemy has died...and more to go.

We all were seperated. Their plan is to seperate us. All of them are on the first floor while I am on the 5th one.

"lava of the red dragon! The Stranger's death!" I yelled.

I striked the floor and it made a huge crack. The enemy was about to kill me but lava came from the crack.

It hitted me and the enemy. The lava stopped flowing and I stepped out of the lava. It won't hurt me or my allies. Only the enemy.

How did lava appear? Even the metal monsters and the barrier? It is the power given to me and the ring supports it.

I may be OP (overpowered) but it is not enough to destroy the enemy base.

It took me time to annihilate the next floors. I don't know why but the soldiers suddenly disappeared.

I tried calling Tsuna but it seems my earpiece is broken. This is weird.

I became cautious. I walk slowly, eyeing the place.

I am probably at the 25th floor. No one to be found.

A figure appeared infront of me. I prepared my katanas.

"hello Jewel" it greeted. The person is covered with a hood and cloak. This person has a voice of a man.

"who are you?" I asked.

"hihihi! Why, I'm your main enemy" he said.

I prepared myself to attack him.

"I am Ray, the unchosen" he said as he removed his his cloak.

He has black hair. About the same age as me. Seconds after showing himself, I was thrown back. I hitted the wall, made a hole and fell to the ground.

Yeah...I was bleeding. I hitted my back, I am still alive. I am NOT normal anyway.

I healed myself by using the powers of the phoenix of nature. My wounds are healed, including my broken bones.

Rei came down from the 25th floor. When he landed, he made the ground crack.

"wondering why 'the unchosen?'" he asked.

"let me guess. You weren't chosen by this ring and the others" I replied.

He didn't replied.

"hah! I knew it!" I mocked him.

He stared at me with eyes prepared for killing.

"come at me bro" I said.

"you are just a nobody!!" he yelled and charged at me.

"the red phoenix' sacrifice!" I yelled.

I attacked him with my katanas. When my katana hitted him, it was suppose to make him gamble with his life but he was uneffected.

He grinned. "you know what? What did they see in you? What made you special?" he said.


I tried to move but I can't! I'm petrified!

"my family knows the secret of the ring. They now all of it. That is why, my parents were sure that I'll be chosen to inherit the power of the creators and the ring.

Then, I saw you, entering your school. I felt something strange when I saw you.

Then...the Immortal ring suddenly vsnishef from our lair during my inheritance" he said.

So he came from the real world?

He walked closer.

"then, at the floor, there was something written in it. 'you are not chosen'..." he stopped.

He strangled me. I tried to struggle but I can't.

"do you know what it feels like? The feeling that the most powerful item was taken away from you? That you can almost make the world yours?" he said as he tightened his grip.

"guah!" I spat blood.

" why....y-you weren't...c-chosen" I said, trying to free myself.

"huh?" he looked at me, confused but with hatred.

"y-you d-domination-aaaahhhh!" I screamed as he tightened it more.

"no! The ring chooses whoever can take the pain!" he defended.

In this state...I'll die and I can't stop him from killing Tsuna.

I closed my eyes as I am running out of air.

"øň mý øřđęř, ťhə wœřđš öf țhē fôŕbîđëņ, łęť həŕ ğø" a voice said. (on my order, the words of the forbiden, let her go)

That language! That's the forbiden language!

Rei suddenly removed his grip on me. I fell to the floor and I breath for air.

"who's there!" Rei yelled. "why can't I go near her!"

"that is because I used the forbiden language" a small figure went out.

"Misora! What are you doing here? Run!" I yelled as I healed myself.

"forbiden language?" he said, as he is readying himself to kill her.

"Misoraaaa!" I yelled.

Come one! Heal faster!

"a language that what ever you say or order, it will happen" she said.

Combattente said that I was the only one who he taught that language. You cannot easily learn that language. Once you memorised it, you'll suddenly forget it.

"why you!" Rei yelled.

"Misoooraaaa! Run! Please!" I yelled.

Could it be...

"die little girl!" Rei charged at her.

that she's the...

"Misoraaa please!!!" I yelled.

one who'll die...?

"Misooorrraaaaa!!!" I yelled.

Why won't she listen? Why can't I move?

Time suddenly slowed down. Tsuna and the others were rushing towards us, slowly.

I looked at Misora. Only she, Rei and I can move. Rei stopped charging and he laughed out loud.

"ahahaha! What are you going to do now, Jewel? Your husband is here and your only daughter is about to die?" he said.

"what husband?" I asked.

He looked at me, confused. He laughed even more.

"you don't know? Or they didn't tell you?" he said.

"just tell it already" I yelled.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi is your husband! And now I realise...this girl is your daughter!" he said.


I remembered the time where Tsuna told that Kyoko is his wife...he looks like he regrets it.

Then...the time where a picture of me where I am wearing a wedding ring...

Then...when baby Misora called me mommy...

I...I...can't believe this.

Tears rolled down my cheecks. I still can't move from Misora's order.

"mommy, I am sorry" Misora said.

"I used the forbiden language on you also" she said.

Ray was about to stab her with a dagger to her chest but it seemed time went even slower.

"I am sorry for not telling you the truth...if I did...I can't complete my mission. My mission of making you happy, mommy.

In the future, in my time. It is actually daddy who died. Yes...I never met Tsuna in my time. You were the one who took care of me.

I never had the chance to talk and touch him. I know I was a baby and he is still alive but...of course as a baby...I don't have memories of him.

It was just only when I came to this world that I met daddy.

Then, this idea came to my mind. I let the 5 years ago bazooka go malfunction and I hopped into it.

In the always think of daddy. You cry always. That made me think of doing this.

If I, from the future, sacrificed myself, daddy will live. Then, you and daddy can be together. You and daddy can always have me after, right?" she said.

Then time was back to normal. The dagger stabbed her chest.

It made my blood rush.

"øň mý øřđęř, ťhə wœřđš öf țhē fôŕbîđëņ, đïë!!" I said. (on my orders, the words of the forbiden, die)

Rei collapsed before Misora did.

I rushed towards her. "MIIISSSOORRRA!!" I yelled.

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