Chapter 73: Poker Face Here And There

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DAY 269

It's been days ever since the get-along happened. And's chaotic as ever.

Today, I'll be going to buy groceries. All by myself, I don't mind though. I'm happy that Tsuna has a friend that he can relate to.

So, I was out of the house. I'm just going to buy some vegetables and other things. I'm currently in the shopping district.

"my my~ Isn't it the cutie from yesterday" Julie came out of nowhere placed an arm over my shoulder.

"oi, get that off me or you'll face both Adelheid and Tsuna's wrath" I threatened.

"woah, easy there" he said as he removed his arm.

"thank you, it's highly appreciated" I said with a poker face.

"come on, let me help~" he stated.

"no thank you" I'm just like Fran here...

"no need to be shy! Julie Katou is a friend of all girls!" he said.

Ugh... "I said no thank you. So please leave"

"a tsundere now are we?"

"leave or else"

"a tsundere won't hurt me~" he placed an arm around me.

"die you pervert!" I did an uppercut. "sheesh..." I said as I continued my shopping.

Then, I stopped by a stall near a clinic. "Jeweeeeel-chaaaaan!" I heard Shamal's voice from behind.

I did a sidestep and dodged his hug. It lead him to crash to the cold hard ground.

"ow...why would you that?" Shamal asked as he rub his back.

"first of all, I have a boyfriend. Second, you're a pervert. And third, you're older than me" I said, like Fran again, with a poker face.

"but your boyfriend ain't here. So let Dr. Shamal comfort you!" he tried to smooch me.

I kicked him in the gut and he fell to the floor. "come any closer and you'll regret it" I warned.

After finishing the groceries, I planned on buying some stuff I want. So, I went to store to store, stall to stall, shop to shop and department to department.

As I looked for clothes, I heard a familliar group of voices. I turned back and saw some of my male classmates. The usual group...

There's a joker-type, tough-type, smart-type, the handsome but selfish-type and the troublemaker-type. Those form one group...

From what I can tell...they're trying to hook up with some girls. I just ignored them and continued shopping.

I went to the cute clothes part. I bought a shirt with a matching skirt and a heart shaped necklace.

Then I went to the cool, punk, tough section. I was trying to look for a bad-ass jacket and some pants.

"woah! What's a cute chick doing here in a section like this?" I knew it...those guys would come and pester me...

I just ignored them and picked up a black jacket with silver accents and spikes. Then, I got pants with chains.

"ignoring us eh? Show us your face" one made me face him. I just showed an emotionless face.

"Jewel from our class?! What ya doing here alone? Aw, did your dame-boyfriend leave you? That's why you should hang out with us!" the handsome but selfish-type said.

"yes, I am Jewel from your class. I'm here because I want to buy things. I am alone because I want to. Tsu-kun didn't left me, he's with a friend who he didn't meet for a long time. And I don't want to hang out with you guys" I answered him fully.

"so, mind as well excuse me. I'm going to pay" I said as I walk pass them.

"hey! We can't just leave you all alone, now, can't we?" one said I paid the clothes I bought.

I ignored them and walked out of the department. "how about I'll be your boyfriend for a day? How does that sound?" one placed his arm on my waist.

A vein popped.'re looking for trouble.

Just when I was about to kick their ass, I saw Tsuna tapping the one who's holding me. "can you please let go of my girlfriend?" he smiled, giving a chance.

"hah?! Isn't it dame-Tsuna. Screw somewhere else! Me and my girlfriend are on a date" he pushed Tsuna on the shoulder.

All I can say is 2 words. Wrong move. Tsk tsk!

Tsuna looked at the ground. Then, he turned his hands to a fist.

"ha! Scared now aren't you?!" he said.

"she's my girlfriend and no one else's you f*cker" said Tsuna, yandere mode.

Well...that shocked me. Tsuna's now swearing. Is this his yandere mode?

"what did you just-" the pridefull man finally noticed the look on Tsuna's face and he finally noticed Tsuna's friends behind him.

" dare touch juudaime's girlfriend and my imouto?!" Gokudera crackled his knuckles.

"an enemy of the Vongola is also our enemy" Enma said.

"hey, I don't like what you just did there to my friend. You do know that she's taken right?" Yamamoto smiled sickly.

"you scums must be cleaned!" Adelheid stated, holding her fan.

"anyone who touches my cutie-" Julie noticed everyone's stares.

"I mean whoever touches an ally, will be doomed" he changed the word. For goodness sake...-.-

"w-we're out of here!" they ran in fear.

"Jewel! You okay?!" Tsuna asked, worried. He's back to normal!

I sighed. "yeah, but I can take care of them anyway. You guys didn't need to do that"

"but still, what he did was wrong" Tsuna pointed out.

"true..." I said.

"hm...this town needs more cleaning and purifying" Adelheid stated.

We just sweatdropped.

And was another chaotic day. I was been greeted by lot's of perverts and annoying people.

But...I like it if it's chaotic...because you don't get to see and join this everyday, not when your in the real world anyway.

Hm...I think my poker face is perfect! I should probably do a poker face to keep me from being pissed.

??? POV

If I continue this...things will go well. I smirked from the thought.

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