Chapter 76: Hobby

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DAY 275

Byakuran invited us to see Bluebell's swimming contest today. And we are here...waiting for the contest to start.

I didn't knew Bluebell joins this kind of stuff. No wonder her box weapon made her have a mermaid tail...

"tch! I can't believe we're watching some little girl's contest" Gokudera said.

Ouch...that'll hurt if Bulebell is here, listening to you. "Hayato!" Haru scolded. Yeah! Go Haru! Go Haru! Go Haru!

"sorry, for the wait. Now, let us introduce the contestants!" the announcer said.

"first, we have Bluebell! She has won 49 competitions so far! If she wins'll be her 50th win! She is known as Bluebell the mermaid!" the announcer said.

"second, we have Aquarious. She has been a swimmer since she was a baby! And, she is known for Aquarious the water nymph!"

And it goes on to up to the tenth person. "ready, on your mark" said the referee.

They all did a stance ready to swim. "get set...go!" then they all dived. Actually...Bluebell is the youngest of them all and she's the first!

"woooo! Go bluebell!" I cheered.

They all just stared at me. "what? Yesterday's enemy is today's friend" I stated.

"yeah...also...they're our allies now, right?" Tsuna said.

"see? Even Tsu-kun agrees with me!" I smiled.

Bluebell's POV

I'm swimming. And I'm first! While I was swimming, I can hear the Vongola cheering. I can hear them even if I'm underwater.

'sheesh...what a noisy bunch...' I blushed. Bluebell the mermaid...

In the future, the battle between us and the that parallel world, I had met an accident. So...I was hospitalized. I never swam since then...until I met Byakuran-sama. In other parallel words...I was a ruler.

I snap out of the thought, I focused in swimming. The other contestants try to catch up, but to no avail. And I am already at my first lap.

They are way too early to challenge me. They all have goggles and swimming caps, me? None.

Well anyway...I love this feeling. The feeling like no one can beat and stop you in the thing your best at. I love this feeling when I swim...I love swimming!

Jewel's POV

And Bluebell won. She held champion. Next, she'll be challenging different countries.

So, we all went down from our seats as the people began to lessen. We, the Vongola and Millefiore were there to congratulate Bluebell.

"good job Bluebell~" Byakuran patted her head. I quickly looked at Yuni...she doesn't seem jealous...

"congratulations, Bluebell" both me and Tsuna congratulated.

"hmp! I don't need your praises!" she looked away.

"teme! How dare you say that to juudaime and my imouto!" Gokudera enraged. Haru managed to calm him down.

"but Bluebell, you really like swimming don't you?" I smiled.


"I noticed you kept on smiling during the match. I guess you love swimming" I stated.

"n-no! That's not it!" she blushed and defended. We just chuckled.


I don't know how and Bluebell were sitting in a bench near the lake. The one were Tsuna had his test with Aria.

"um...where do you think they could have gone to?" I asked Bluebell.

"they probably are fighting, getting hostaged, kidnapped or killed" she replied.

'what kind of an aswer is that?!' I sweatdropped.

"you want your comrades to die?" I asked.

"no, but those are the conclusions I thought off" she replied.


Tsuna's POV

"..." The Millefiore were intensely looking at the Varia.

"..." The Varia were glaring at everyone.

"..." The Shimon were releasing some bad intent towards the Millefiore and Varia.

"..." We Vongola are troubled.

Of all things that could happen...why this?!

"ah! Tsuna, my little bro-" Dino came out of nowhere but noticed the intense aura. He and his subordinates were emitting also an intense aura.

Why is the Millefiore, Shimon, Cavallone, Varia and Vongola all in one place?! This is not good!

"minna! Let's stop this!" I broke the intense glaring.


Jewel's POV

"they sure are taking time to buy snacks..." I pointed out.

"probably their are a lot of people at the snack shop" Bluebell commented.

"..." silence filled the air.

"ne Bluebell, what kind of ruler were you at the future?" I asked.

"believe it or not, I ruled the pacific ocean" she replied with a bored face.

'that's something...' I sweatdropped.

"do you have any hobby that you really love?" Bluebell suddenly asks. "I'm only asking because it's boring" she defended.

Yeah right...

"well...I love drawing" I stated.

"well that's boring" she said bluntly.

I felt her words stab me. "that's mean..." I said.

"give every valuable items you have or I'll kill this brat!" a man suddenly came out of nowhere, holding a gun, pointing at Bluebell's head.

"this brat won the swimming contest right?! Hand over the reward!" he demanded.

"the reward is with someone else...but I have money greater than the prize" I said.

Bluebell had a scared look. It seems...she remembers a past. I would now because I've made that face before.

"put...her...down..." I ordered.

"hah?! Oi, shut your mouth or she'll die!" he hitted Bluebell in the hitted with the gun.

"kyaa!" Bluebell screamed.

"come on, give me your money!" the man ordered.

"then give me Bluebell" I said.

"trying to order me around?! Put the money down!" he yelled.

I slowly put my shoulder bag down and kicked it so it would be below him. He got the back and checked the things in it.

"canadian money?! Hah, no wonder you don't look japanese" he pointed out.

"now, give Bluebell" I said.

"as if!" he throwed Bluebell off to the lake. Her left leg hitted the rails. Then, she fell to the lake.

"Bluebell!" I yelled as I dived in.

Bluebell's POV


In every parallel word...I would always get into an accident. Every single time...

I won't be able to swim...This is it for me I guess.

I chuckled underwater. Atleast I get to die in the water. The one that I love is the one that's going to kill me.

I ran out breathe. Just then...someone pulled me out of the water. It was Jewel.

I coughed for I drank water. "Bluebell, you okay?" she asked, her hair covering her face. I nodded in response.

Jewel's POV

I went out of the lake, to see the man counting the money I handed over. That'll be the death of him. Who would be stupid enough to stay still and count the money when we are still here?

Well, that will be the death of him. And I don't plan on showing mercy.

Finally, he noticed that we are still alive. "still alive?! Why don't you just die?!" he aimed.

"øň mý öŕđęř, țhə wõŕďş őf țhē fœřbîđėń, śţåý pĕŕféçťĺý šťïłľ" I said, with rage on my eyes. (on my order, the words of the forbiden, stay perfectly still)

The man froze. "why can't I move dammit!" he cursed.

"you dared to hurt my friend...You dared to threaten her life...You dared to kill her...I will never forgive you" I said with rage.

Then, I layed Bluebell on the ground. "wait here...Onee-chan wil take care of things" I said to her as I faced the man.

"hieeee! Please spare me!" he begged.

I got pissee by his words. "why?! Did you think of sparing us awhile back?!" I yelled.

"please!" he begged.

"my answer is no-" I was about to kill him but two warm and familiar hands stopped me from doing so.

Tsuna held both my arms. He wasn't in HDWM but his face looks like he is. "Jewel, don't" he said.

"but he hurted Bluebell! He hurted a friend and ally!" I yelled.

"Jewel! Kill him and what?! You'll gain nothing, so please listen to me" his eyes pierced me.

My eyes soften and I calmed down. Tsuna hugged me and managed to calm me down.

I don't know why but...all our allies were there. Surprisingly, Kikyo took care of the man.

When I turned back to Bluebell, she fainted. I just smiled at her sleeping form.

"I'm glad your safe..." I muttered.


Bluebell's POV

I woke up in a hospital. I looked at my legs and they were perfectly fine. My left leg wasn't bruised or anything.

The door opened and showed Zakuro. "what happened to my leg?" I asked.

"you don't remember? Oh...I forgot, you were unconscious, stupid" he said.

I almost hitted him when he called me stupid. "the Vongola Decimo's girldriend healed you. Also, I think she left something for you. It's beside the vase. Bye stupid" he left.

I looked at the side table. Beside the vase was a panel, it was upside down.

I took it. It was a canvas drawing of the water. The water showed plenty colors...different feelings...

On the side was words written in it. 'don't stop swimming. Also, if anything's wrong, Onee-chan will be there for you! By Jewel Caster'

I just smiled at the drawing. A tear rolled down my cheek.

This is the first time I felt something like this. She called me a ally. She saved me back then...and healed me...

And she...made me her imouto...

"drawing as a hobby isn't bad afterall..." I grinned.

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