Chapter 79: What's With You And Throwing Wine Glasses?!

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DAY 279

"eh? Squalo wants a duel with me?" I asked Yamamoto.

"yeah...well...he knows you use swords...and he wanted to challenge you...ahehehe..." Yamamoto sweatdropped.

"when?" I asked.

"" he anwsered, unsure.



I sighed. "well, I guess it's fine...since I haven't use my sword for a long time. I should polish up my sword skills" I pointed out.

"VOOOOOOOIIIII! I know you're in there! The trash's girlfriend!" we heard Squalo from outside.

"where's Tsuna when I need him?" I cried.

"Hm...Reborn did say that he'll be training Tsuna...maybe..." Yamamoto said.

"VOOOIIIIII! Come out!" Squalo yelled.

"okay...let's go!" I said to Yamamoto as we went out of Tsuna's house and was greeted by an impatient Squalo.

Where's Tsuna? He's being chases by Xanxus...

"isn't it captain loud shark!" I mocked.

"VOOOOIIIII! How dare you call me that!" he yelled.

"you called my boyfriend trash" I reasoned.

"Come on! I want to test your sword skills!" he said, swaying his sword.

"hai hai..." I said.

"race you to the shrine!" I grinned as I started to run.

"VOOOOIIII!" he yelled he chased after me.

"oh! Let me join too!" Yamamoto said as he also ran.

I was ahead, Squalo followed and Yamamoto was at the end. "nyahahaha! Sharks are slow in land!" I teased.

I can see veins popped in his head. "you'll regret that!" he yelled as he suddenly boosted.

'oops...' I thought.

Then, he passed me. He looked back at me and yelled. "ha! In your face-" his face hitted a pole

"Ahahahaha! Nope! In your face sharky!" I yelled at the irony.

Because of that, Yamamoto was behind me and Squalo was at the end. "VOOOOIIIIII! You'll pay!" he yelled...coming like a demon.

"not my fault that you hitted a pole!" I sweatdropped.

"hahahaha! This is fun!" Yamamoto smiled.

"not when a sword-fighting demon is chasing after you. Wait, wrong, I should rephrase that. Not when a sword-fighting, captain loud shark, demon is chasing after you!!! But is fun!" I grinned.

"dragon wave!" I yelled as flames became like waves and it boosted me going to the shrine.

"see you later!" I waved. "whoever get's last will throw a glass of wine at Xanxus! Mwahahahaha!"

I can almost hear their thoughts...'that's suicide!'

"Jiro! Kojiro!" Yamamoto yelled as his swallow and a Hachiko-looking dog appeared.

The two animals helped Yamamoto run faster. "ahahahaha! Sharky's la-"

"VOOOIIII! what did you say?!" Squalo suddenly was on top of us, flying with his box weapon, a shark of course.

He's suddenly the first. "that's unfair! Shark's can't fly!" I yelled.

"shut up you brat!" he yelled from above.

"what type of shark are you?! You run in land, you swim in water, and now you're flying in air?!" I yelled.

"I shut up you cocky brat!" he yelled from above.

We were near the shrine, and us three are at the same pace. "lose dammit! I don't want to throw a glass full of wine at Xanxus!" I yelled.

"you're the one who made it up!" Yamamoto commented.

Unfortunately...we won simoultaneously. It's a tie...a one won...

"so...everyone will throw a glass of wine at Xanxus?" I asked.

Squalo smacked me in the head. "what's with you and throwing wine glasses at the boss?!" Squalo yelled while Yamamoto sweatdropped.

"Ittai..." I rubbed my head.

"did you scums called my name?" a very familiar voice interrupted.

"" I said as I turned to see the boss of Varia.

"where's Tsu-kun?" I asked. I thought Xanxus was chasing him?

"don't say his filthy name" he said, veins in his head.

'he lost to Tsu-kun..." I thought.

"you lost to-" Squalo was cutted off when a bullet almost hitted him.

"VOOOOOIIIII! You almost hitted me!" Squalo yelled, enraged.

"shut up trash" Xanxus said.

Then...they started fighting. Me and Yamamoto quietly and slowly tried to escape this mess.

The two glanced over. Me and Yamamoto jolted up. "run Yamamoto!" I yelled as we run down the freaking stairs.

"those two are in a bad mood right now! We should avoid them at all cost!" I pointed out.

"yeah" Yamamoto said, sweating.

Behind us were the two demons. "Hiiieee! Run for your life!" I panicked as we run at full speed.

"come back here trash! I'll get revenge!" Xanxus yelled, firing bullets.

"VOOOIIII! Our sword battle!" Squalo yelled, swaying his sword.

"how did I get into this mess?!" Yamamoto asked.

"I don't know! You joined the race!" I replied back.

"but it seemed fun!" he reasoned.

"COME BACK HERE!" the two Varia's yelled from behind.

"hey, in your world, do they have swords?" Yamamoto asked as we are below the shrine.

"uh...few. We don't sword fight..." I replied.

"eeehh? That's a shame..." he commented.

"yeah, so...there is no one that chases you with you swords" I pointed out.

"how about guns?" he asked again.

"yeah, we have" I answered.

"oh...okay. In your world, what are your weapons?"

"mostly guns and bombs. That's all. No swords, scythes, staffs and something like that. But people sometimes use knives. We have bows's just for hunting" I explained.

" you have a gun?"

"no! People can't just have guns! It's a dangerous weapon!" I stated.

"oh...okay" Yamamoto said.

"wait a minute...why are there no more bullets firing at us or any screaming?" I noticed.

"let's take a look" Yamamoto suggested. We both looked back, no one was chasing us.

"uh...I wonder since when did they stop chasing us..." I said.

"no clue..." Yamamoto sweatdropped.

A/N: By the way, are my chapters too short? One chapter has probably around 1,000 words. But if it's still to short, please do tell me. Cause if it is, it's too boring right?

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