Chapter 82: Trouble In School

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A/N: This will be extra long! That is because I reached 5,000+ votes! Yeah, thank you minna! :)

DAY 283

"Ts-Ts-Tsuuuuunaaaaa!" I cried in his chest.

"eh? Eeeh?! Jewel! You okay?!" he panicked.

"my family..." I said.

"eh? What about your family?" he asked. "you went back to your world?!"

I nodded in response, still crying. "from the looks of's in bad shape..." he pointed out.

"mom...she's with another man...a former suitor. Then, my brother joined the fraternity! My sister did 'that' with her boyfriend! And..." I was shaking up a bit.

"and what they said about dad is true! He did cheat! Just a while ago...he...he...he and a woman...Waaaah!" I just let it all out on Tsuna.

"Tsuuuuna! What should I do?" I sobbed, hugging him.

He hugged me back. He leaned his head on top of mine and his caring hands were at my back. "it's alright Jewel...I'm here...We're here..." he said, his voice really calms me down.

"Tsuna-kun...w-what should I do?" I asked him, looking up to see his face.

"first, you need to calm down and let it all out" he hugged me tighter.

"Tsuna...why is this happening to me? I don't after another...why? Doushitte?" I clenched on Tsuna's shirt.

"I don't know...but without those happening, you and I wouldn't meet" he stated.

"that is why...everything has a bad side and a good side" he continued.

"Tsu-kun...arigatou...Thank you for hearing me out" I tried to wipe my tears so I'll stop crying, but my tears keep on falling.

"of course I would...I love you" he kissed my forehead.


From episode 1 to episode 203...'ve changed. You changed for the better. You're more mature and you care a lot.

That Dame-Tsuna who has failing scores, bad at physical education, who was been hit in the balls by a volleyball and who stripped and went out with only just now more mature, more caring, more lovable, and he really really treasures his friends.

This Dame-Tsuna is my boyfriend. And no one will be. And Carl will stay forever out of my life.

I don't care how many times he has been bullied, humiliated, made a fool of himself, or how cowardly he was, I don't care! I love him!

Tsuna is the one who can comfort me, the one who can protect me, the one who will love me with all his heart. But...can I do the same?

Of I course I can...I'll love Tsuna for the rest of my life. And I'll never give up on him.

"but you know...Jewel...I thought I had lost you there" he hugged me even tighter.

"Gomenasai...Tsu-kun..." I tried to smile.

"I thought you already went back there...and you are never to return..." his hands supported the back of my head and he made us forehead-to-forehead.

"Jewel...I love you..." he said, lovingly.

"I love you too...Tsu-kun" I replied back.

I think we had stayed in that position for the longest of time.

DAY 286

19 days...

19 days left and my days here are over...

I just sighed as I looked out the window from my seat. I'm currently in class, English class. And Dino is our teacher...

"Jewel! Please answer my question!" he caught my attention.

So, I stood up and just looked at him. "uh...kindly repeat the question?" I asked.

"Jewel, please kindly listen next time, okay?" he said. "hai..." I replied as I sat back down.

Nothing to do...

And suddenly, the door to our classroom opened. It revealed...I don't know, a hot chick?

But you know, I swear, if there's a hot chick, it won't end well. It will be chaos!

"can I excuse Jewel Caster?" she said, snapping her finger and smiling widely to get Dino's attention.

"uh...hai" Dino replied. "Jewel, you can go" he said to me.

This is what I get. Think that this is boring and trouble will appear. Uhuhuhu! I take my words back!

The girl infront of me was just silent, until we reached an empty room. Well, not really empty but I meant that there's no people.

"yes? What can I do for you?" I added some accent to my speaking.

"I'm just really bothered. Why is Sawada Tsunayoshi your boyfriend?" she raises a brow like she doesn't believe it.

"is that the reason why you called me here?" I asked, eyeing her.

"yes, so speak up" she said it impatiently. I hate her attitude.

"I know what you're thinking, you hate my attitude. Well, I hate your guts" she pointed out.

"thank you for being honest" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"just get on with it!"

"I love him, okay? That's all! He may be a Dame, a weak person, or a failure, but I love him. And one can ever change that" I stated.

"hmp!" she wanted to laugh. "who would've thought that fairy tales would come true?"

"FYI, for your information, fairy tales do come true. So excuse me, I'm missing class" I excused myself.

When I got back, Dino said I was just in time for his announcement. Hm? What announcement?

"class, this friday, we will have 7 wonderful people joining us. They'll be watching this clasd the whole day, so please behave" he begged.

"they'll rate us, and of course, we want it to be high, correct?" he winked.

"hai sensei!" we all chorused.

"okay, that is all for today. Wait for your next teacher" and he left.

The gang surrounded me...of course. "so, who do you think are those 7 wonderful people?" Kyoko asked.

"kyaaa! I hope their dashing!" Haru squealed.

"tche! More people coming in?" Gokudera complained.

"ahahaha! Calm down, it's just for a day" Yamamoto laughed.

"I'm lookinh forward to it" Chrome says with her soft voice.

"Jewel, by the way, why were you called?" Tsuna asked.

Oh crap...lyinh to him is useless! He has hyper intuition! He can tell if you are lying or not!

" see-"

"go back to your seats now!" the next teacher yelled as he entered.

All my friends and Tsuna rushed to their seats. Whew! Saved by the teacher!

Now...I wonder, who are those 7 people?

DAY 288

I knew it...I should have known...

"we are the 7 people that will watch over your class" said a man im a suit, and a fedora with a yellow stripe. You guessed it...Reborn.

Reborn and the rest of the arcobaleno are here! I should have known! That number...that suspicious number 7...

Aaaaah! This is going to be hell!

With Reborn, Colonello, Skull, Fon, Mammon, Verde and Yuni...I don't think this will end well. Everything will be desintigrated.

And I can the future, ten years from now, they trained me like there's no tomorrow! Those arcobaleno are blood, sweat and tears!

And I don't plan on experiencing that again! Nu-uh!

Me and my friend's reactions;

Before: -_-

After: ⊙_⊙

Our eyes went larger than before. The. Arcobaleno. Are. In. There. Adult. Forms.

How?! Just how did that happen?!

"now, we are going to introduce ourselves" Fon said politely with his red chinese robe.

"I am Reborn" Reborn says. He smirked and fixed his fedora. The girls squealed as I covered my ears.

"yo! Colonello here, kora!" Colonello smiled with his bandana on his forehead and in his military suit.

"I'm Skull" Skull simply said with his punk make-up.

"he's my lackey" Reborn added.

"Oi! I'm not-" Skull defended. Reborn gave a deadly glare that even I can't say 'no' to.

"hai senpai..." Skull said in a hushed voice.

Verder cleared his throat before he spoke. "I'm Verde" he fixed his glasses.

"hmp, I should be paid for this, but oh well. I'm Mammon" Mammon says with his hood on, not showing his face.

"konichiwa, I'm Fon. It's nice to meet you" he smiled and bowed. More girls squealed.

"I'm Yuni des! Please take care of us!" Yuni smiled sweetly.

The boy's heart melted, except for my friends of course. All of my male classmates were all attracted to Yuni, and that earned them a killing aura by the male arcobalenos, especially Reborn.

Wait...if Yuni's here...It's impossible that Byakuran will leave her side. He must be somewhere close by!

And if Byakuran's here...there is a high possibility that Bluebell is here too! That is not good!

And if the whole arcobaleno is here...especially Colonello...Lal must be somewhere hiding as well! If she is indeed in this school...I confirm that she really loves Colonello.

"okay, class, any questions for our observers?" Dino asked. Almost all of us raised our hands, and Dino picked at random.

"what do you do for a living?" a boy asked.

Anything but that!!! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

"I'm a hitman" Reborn brought out his gun.

"I'm a top soldier" Colonello saluted.

"I'm an extreme stunt man!" Skull says proudly.

"I"m a genius scientist" Verde grinned.

"again...I should be paid for this kind of stuff. I'm an illusionist from an assination squad" Mammon replied honestly, which surprised me.

"I'm a Karate master" Fon smiles.

"I'm a Mafia boss" Yuni replied with a smile across her face.

Did she really said she'a a mafia boss?! Yuni! Why?!

The class was very silent. I even don't know if they believe them or not. Well, they might believe in Colonello, Verde, Skull and Fon. But for the rest...nope.

"ahahaha! Okay, please seat at the back" Dino laughed nervously.

They sat behind us and started observing. When Dino was in the middle of teaching, Reborn stood up, and throwed a chalk that came out of nowhere.

"as your tutor, I am very disappointed in you, Dino!" Reborn said as Dino dodged the chalk.

"instead of being a better boss and stop being clumsy, here you are, being a teacher!" Reborn just kept on throwing chalks, that becomes dust when it hits something. Seriously, where does he get it?

"ah! Reborn! Please! I'm trying to teach here! And for one, this is school!" Dino pointed out.

"a pro hitman doesn't care about that! It is not my responsibility!" Reborn replied.

"come on!" Dino complained.

"whoever is causing a ruckus, I'll bite you to death!" Hibari came in from the window.

"Hibari?!" me and my friends chorused.

Then, Hibari glanced at us, and saw an adult Reborn. Then, he glanced at Dino. Oh...not good.

"ah! Kyoya! Ahahaha! We're just demonstrating on how Italians do things!" Dino reasoned.

'lame excuse, Dino...Lame excuse...' I thought and sweatdropped at the same time.

"kamikarosu!" Hibari raised his tonfas.

"Kyoya!" Dino just took one step backward and he stumbled.

Really? Really?'re  more clumsy than me...

"Kyoya!" Fon called out. Now Fon is joining!

"hm?" he glanced at his relative. I don't really know what is there relationship but...I know they are related.

"kamikorosu!" he charged at Fon.

Fon sighed. "really, you must control your temper" he said. No...that is not temper...

Suddenly, Fon removes his robe. He's now only in his white wide pants.

"Ooooof!" I said as I looked at him.

He has a pack of abs, muscles and he has a frickin chinese dragon on his back! Plus that single braid on his hair? Perfect!

"kyaaaaa!" the girls had major nosebleed.

Because I was staring at Fon, Tsuna just frowned at me. Oooh~ Is he jealous? Aww...Tsu-kun.

Fon ran to the window and jumped off, Hibari did the same. "this is the third floor!" my classmate's yelled and their eyes largened.

Thanks to Fon, the class went back to normal. Reborn stopped his tricks and the class just went back to it's original pace.

After 3 minutes...Just after 3 frickin minutes! Trouble descended!

"oi! How dare you leave me out?!" Lal came in her usual clothes. Shorts, red rank top and her red hight-tech goggles.

The boys drooled and had a nosebleed. "ah...Lal...calm down" Colonello sweated bullets. Lal wasn't informed about this, until now, that is. Well, my hypothesis is wrong, but still, she came!

"Colonello! Were the one who left me out?!" Lal rushed to Colonello and pulled him back and forth.

"woah! Calm down Lal!" Colonello tried to calm her.

"I will not calm down!" Lal yelled.

"but Lal! Let me explain!" Colonello is trying his best.

Do you know the meme that shows to people or anime characters, and then on the next panel, there's a drawing holding two dolls or figures? And on that panel, there are words of "then kiss".

All of them just looked at me. Uh-oh...did I just told that out loud?

"Jeweeeel!" Lal got furious and ran going to me.

"I'm sooooorry!" I was about to run but Reborn shot a bullet towards outside, catching all of our attention.

"Lal, it was I who didn't invited you. You were busy at that time when I planned on telling everyone" Reborn stated.

"..." silence...

"hmp, fine. But next time, tell me first. I'm leaving" Lal was about to leave but...

"Lal" Colonello called out.

"huh?" Lal turned to look at him.

Kyaaaah! Go go go! Whoooo! I love this pairing so much!

"I missed you" Colonello smiled.

Lal blushed furiously that lead her face to have 50 shades of red. "baka!" and she left.

"Reborn, thanks for saving me!" I thanked Reborn.

"no problem" he blowed the smoke coming out from his gun.

"uh...back to our topic" Dino sweated and continued.

Again...after 3 minutes, the trouble didn't end! The girl who excused me from clasd showed up!

"I can't believe they let 6 handsome guys observe this classroom while goofs observe ours!" she complained.

And from that, my classmates stood up and tried to keep her away. And then, everything just went flying! Chalks, board erasers, pencils, ballpens, notebooks, books, bags and more!

"Jewel!" Tsuna suddenly grabbed my wrist.

It's like time went so slow. From all this mess in the classroom, my mind was set on Tsuna. And then, time seemed to go back to normal and Tsuns pulled me out of the room.

"Jewel are you okay?" he asked as we're outside of the room.

"yeah..." I replied, trying to recollect on what just happened back there.

Tsuna sighed in relief. "good...I thought you got hurt from all the things that went flying"

"hihi!" I grinned and Tsuna looked at me, confused.

"a-ri-ga-tou, Tsu-na~!" I pecked him on the cheek and smiled.

He just went red and flinched. I giggled.

"I love you!" I hugged him, it's so comfortable...being in his chest, his arms wrapped on my waist, and mine wrapped on his back.

A/N: Um...I have a proposal to make! No, not that kind of proposal that you'll get married!

*clears throat*

Okay, I want to publish the next chapters in one go. Yeah, I'll publish the next chapter until the very last in one go.

Do you want that?'ll take a lot of time.

Chapter 83 to the very last, the epilogue, I'll publish it in one go. I'm asking you, do you want that?

Or I'll just retain this style? Update 2-3 chapters in one week.

Choose, thank you for reading this. Please tell me your answers.

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