Chapter 93: Listen To Me

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DAY 303

"Ohayou, Jewel!" The brunette is here again, great...

"Eh? You haven't touched your food? Then what did you eat last night? If you didn't will you recover?" He looked worried.

"It's none of your concern. The nurses are being payed here to serve me my food, that is their job, not yours." I glared.

"I can be your personal nurse, though I may be clumsy at times." He laughed at himself, crazy.

"No, I don't want you. And I don't like you. Get it? So leave." I told him, crossing my arms.

"So, what do you want to eat for breakfast? Oh wait, it's already beyond 10 AM, so let's have your brunch! Or you want it to be your breakfast to be sepersted from your lunch?" He tilted his head.

"I am not hungry." I simply told him.

My stomache suddenly growled. The brunette smiled. "Your stomache does not lie."

"It made sounds because I'm full, so shut up." I defended.

"Okay, I'll just order a burger for you then." He completely ignored my earlier statement.

"I'm not hungry!" It made another  growling sound after I said that, but this time, longer.

"A burger with fries maybe? Or the classical bacon with eggs and orange juice instead?"

"Whatever, whatever, whatever!" I yelled.

"Okay, the classical sounds good. So, wait for me here." He left my room. How stubborn!

Tch! He is really annoying, stubborn, and he is such an eyesore!

When will they realise that they won't fool me? And what is with the Ohayo or something?

The door opened. Huh? Isn't it too much fast?

Looking at the door, I see other people instead. I tensed up. They have weird hairs again, and they are in a black uniform or somewhat.

"So I see that the trash is doing fine." Said a man with scars on his face.

"Who are you calling trash, biotch?!" I glared.

"Bossu! How dare you call the boss a-" the guy that has a mustache and a beard is been cutted off.

"Her aura is indeed different than the last time. It's like she's completely a different person. Even her attitude has changed." Said a guy with colorful hair and has sunglasses.

"Shut it, gay." I told him.

"Huhuhu! Jewel is so mean!" He cried.

"Why, what do you call yourself?" Said a boy with green hair and he has this weird huge hat.

"Mama Luss!" The gay cried.

"He meant what gender are you. Shishishi!" One blonde guy grinned. How does he see with that kind of hair?!

"Voooi! Will you be quiet?!" Yelled a guy with long white hair.

The more it became noisy. "Will you all just shut up and leave?!" I yelled, glaring.

"All of you are strangers and don't disturb me!" I continued.


The moment he said that, I threw a vase at him. I don't care if he dies from that or gets injured. He calls me trash? How dare he!

Silence dominated. "Do you remember anything now?" They chorused.


"Just now, you threw a vase at his head..." the brunette pointed out.

"So what now?"

"You always throw glasses of wine or anything made out of glass at his head. Shishishi!" The blonde continue to grin.

"Do you weirdos just came out from the mental hospital? We just met, so how can I throw vases or whatever at him? Leave or else, this is final." I narrowed my eyes.

"You're telling us to leave?!" The man with umbrellas yelled.

"Minna...calm down-"

"Yeah, I'm telling you to leave." I replied back.

"Do you want to die, trash?!" The man with scars pointed a gun at me.

"Go, shoot me. End my miserable life. I would be more than happy to die." I told them.

Awkward silence filled in the room. "Tss, let's go." Said the scarred-man, bringing his gun down.

He left, then the rest followed. Tss...weak. He couldn't kill me afterall.

"Jewel..." the brunette frowned.

"What?! And what are you still doing here? Leave." I growled.

His phone rang, what a perfect timing. He checked out who messaged him and he said that he'll be out for a few minutes. It's better if he didn't come back.

Umpleasant memories flashed, which I shrugged at. Having enough, I stood up, feeling pain on my waist.

Still, I insisted on going to the balcony just beside this room. Every time I take a step or move my waist, it hurts so badly.

Opening the glass door and going in, a cool wind passed by, making my hair go with it as well.

When it stopped, I stepped forward once again. I kept on repeating moving forward slowly, until I reached the railing.

Looking down, I see nothing but pink trees, benches, and the ground. Good, there's no people to see me suicide.

"I hate this world." I muttered.

Well, time for me to go. Breathing in deeply and breathing out, I was about to let myself fall, but someone hugged me...from behind. That someone hugged me from the waist.

Of course, it hurted so much. Later, I can hear a sizzling sound. Looking back, I see the brunette, holding a small tool...with yellow flames?

" for a bit." He looked sad.

Feeling sleepy, I closed my eyes. The last thing I saw is the brunette.

Opening my eyes once again, I see my room, dark. It's night again. Did I sleep for almost half a day?

Sitting up, the brunette is no where to be found. "Ah, Jewel!" Oh, wrong. He is here.

He came to my side, which I just glared at him. "What do you want, brunette?"

"Uh...I am Sawada Tsunayoshi, just call me-"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! I don't want to hear your freaking weird name!" I covered my ears.

"You know, Jewel, you're the exact opposite when we first met." He smiled. Why can I still hear him?

"You're kind, outgoing, energetic, you loved anime so much, you enjoy other people's presence, especially your friends, and you accepted everything of who I am." He continued.

"La la la la la!" I kept on chanting louder.

"But now...why are you like this?" Why can I still hear him?

"Ugh! Will you please shut up?! You look like loser, you're ugly, weak, skinny, short, weird, stupid, a retard, and a fake! Stop talking and stop bothering other people's lives if yours is like a dump!" I yelled, losing all my patience.

There, I think I went too far. He tackled me off the bed, making us fall to the floor. Weird enough, my waist didn't hurt.

Opening my eyes, he placed both hands on the floor, beside my head, slamming it actually, where I whimpered. Then, his knees are just beside my legs.

"Kill me, kill me now. I said a lot of painfull words. Do it. I don't want my's full of lies. My whole life is destroyed, everything that I have left is gone." I don't know why but...I'm crying.

Closing my eyes, I expected him to strangle me or beat me up. Instead, I felt his hand on my chin, making me open my eyes.

He lifted my chin up, making me look at him. His eyes...his's different. It's not soft as before, and he looks like he has the authority.

Is he finally showing his true colors? Will he be the one to kill me?

"It seems being kind and being the way I am isn't working." He said. Huh?

"What if I become the opposite too?" He leaned closer his head, I can feel his breath on my ears.

"Let me again introduce myself." His words tickled my ear.

Going back to his original position, he looked at me, his gaze is on me. He looks like he is watching, observing me closely.

"I am Sawada Tsunayoshi, the Vongola Decimo. The tenth mafia boss of the strongest famiglia in the underworld."

Famiglia? Where have I-

"And being the Neo Vongola Primo, I am the boss of bosses." He suddenly leans his head closer to mine.

Our noses are almost touching. I started sweating, and I am losing all emotions. I started to show fear, and I try to escape. When I did, he slammed his hand again, I whimpered.

"In your current state, you are just a nobody. You are the weakling, not me. I am a mafia boss, you are just normal. See difference?" His aura is different from before, he turned intimidating.

He started nibbling on my ear, and I started to cry. Is he going to rape me?

But thinking about it, all of the mean words and actions I showed him, I think he also has the right. But virginity!

He lowers down to my neck, and I cried silently. "Back off! Back off...back off..." I said, crying, trying to push him away.

He bites my neck, and I cried even more. His hands roam on my back, his hands are cold, which I arch myself when he feels my back.

"Stay away! Stay away!" I can feel my hot tears flow.

He gets back one hand and passes it through from my neck to my stomache. I almost jumped when he passed my chest.

I just bit my lip, crying. I guess, I'll suicide after this. A time of my life that will be full of torture of pleasure.

"Let you die? Why would I end your life so peacefully?" He's going to torture me?

"And besides, I want our relationship to be back to normal."

"You, Jewel Caster, a normal human being, is given a choice. First, I'll let you die painfully, and second..."

"Be my girlfriend again." He said, wiping the tears off my face, and his gaze turned soft.

"Our relationship before? We're lovers, but you just need to have an accident that causes amnesia, didn't you?" He chuckled lightly and he leaned his forehead on mine.

I can suddenly hear explosions, but it sounded like-

"It's just like this during the time we first kissed. It's new year, and there were fireworks. We kissed, our foreheads are touching, including our noses."

"I'm glad that you are my first kiss, did you know that? Though, I know that yours is stolen by someone who isn't worthy of you." He looked sad.

"Jewel, can we start again? Forgetting Carl, forgetting your memories with him...can you start anew with me?"

"Jewel, I love you." He kissed me, in the lips. I just closed my eyes and tried to seal my lips.

I felt his hand behind my head, pulling my hair gently, he raises my head. That leaves more entrance, and he succeeded kissing me.

Tsuna's POV

After that, I let go. Seeing Jewel's face, she's crying, like she's scared.

Did I scare her? Did I push her to her limits? Did she think that I would really do that to her?

So...I didn't succeeded. She still has amnesia.

Frowning, I tried to hide it. "Jewel, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I  really am so sorry. I'll just order to make you feel better."

I stood up and started walking away, feeling depressed once again. Maybe, on her 305th day, I'll just visit, say thank you, and maybe that's all.

"No! Tsuna! Please, don't leave me!" I suddenly felt her hugging me from behind. I can feel hope starting to rise.

"Tsuna...please...don't leave me." She sobbed.

"Sorry...Sorry...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for all the mean things that I have-" I shifted to her, breaking free from her hug.

I don't care anymore...

"Jewel..." I kissed her again, on the spot. She's back...she's back...she's finally back.

After a long kiss, I backed away and breathed for air. "I was scared. I was so scared that you might leave from all the mean things that I have said when I was not myself." She cried again.

"When you said you loved me, and then kissed me, I remembered everything! Then realizing all the painfull-"

"'s alright. No need to explain, you're back. That's all that matters... You're finally back." I hugged her tightly.

"'s good to be back." She replied.

"Tsuna...I'm really sorry..." she cried in my chest.

"Shh...I told you, it's okay. I don't care of what you have said to me, it's all worth it...cause you came back. Jewel, I almost lost you. I almost gave up. Actually...I did. Jewel..." I hugged her so tight.

"Tsuna...I did so many things... I hurted my friends. I hurted them..." Jewel cried.

"I want to say sorry, I want to apologise...or I won't be able to forgive myself." She looked at me.

"Jewel, it's night. Why don't we-"

"No!" She yelled, which made me flinch.

"Sorry." She looked down. "It's just that... I made them upset. I hurted them..." she tried to explain.

"I think they're still in the hotel. We should hurry, they may already leave." I told her.

She nodded, determined.


Jewel's POV

Holding hands with Tsuna, we stood straight infront of the hotel door. He tighten his grip on mine, and I inhaled.

Opening the door, the people there flinched. There...I see them all. My friends...

Gokudera was the one who turned away first. Feeling my tears appearing again, I swallowed a big lump on my throat.

"Haya-nii!" I yelled, and it echoed across the room, and died out immediately.

There eyes went large, shocked. "Yamamoto, Ryohei, Lambo, Mukuro slash pineapple head, Chrome, Haru, Kyoko, I-pin..." I yelled again in the silent hall.

"Everyone! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being such a big heartless, cold, jerk-"

"JEWEL!!!" They all yelled and hugged me.

"Your back! Jewel!" Haru cried, hugging me.

"Jewel, we missed you!" Kyoko is also hugging me.

"Jewel... you have your memories back!" Chrome cried.

The girls are hugging me, while the boys just surrounded me. "Yeah...I'm back, minna." I smiled.

"Jewel." They all made way for Gokudera.

I just looked at the floor, ashamed. "Haya-nii..."

He suddenly hugs me. "The Jewel we know is now back. The Jewel we know is now infront of us..."

"My little sister is back." He smiled. "I never gave up. Yesterday, I just kinda stormed off and I was actually upset, not mad. I'm glad you're back."

"Haya-nii." I looked up at him, smiling while tears flow. He really is my brother... Even if we are not blood-related, we are like siblings.

"Now, Hayato, get away from her or your juudaime will get jealous." Bianchi joked. "Add Haru."

"O-oh!" And he released me from his arms.

"Bianchi!" Tsuna yelled, blushing. "Of course I won't be jealous!"

"Bianchi-san! W-why you say that? J-Jewel is my friend!" Haru also blushed.

We all had a good laugh. Oh...I'm glad I'm back.

Wait... "By the way, where's Maggiore?" I asked.

It became suddenly silent. "Minna?"

"He's not in the condition to meet you right now." Cheshire suddenly appeared in human form.

"Not in condition?" I asked.

He gestured for me to come, alone. "Be carefull." Tsuna pointed out, and I smiled in response. So, I followed him inside an empty room. There, we suddenly appeared inside a palace.

"Woah..." I said, in awe.

"Follow me." Cheshire walked.

I just stared at his walking figure, confused. Right now...he is wearing a knight's armor?

Walking behind him, he opened a very huge door that looks like it's for giants. Opening it, light shone upon us.

Finally, getting used it, I was in awe. The room is beautiful.

It may be empty, but the glass windows are beautiful. The walls have colored glass windows, showing heroes, knights, kings, a kingdom. Pillars supported this whole room.

This room is reflected by the light outside, and this room is in a shade of light blue. Shadows, light... they surround the room.

In the front, is a stair, going up to a throne. Sitting on the throne is... who?

"My lord." Cheshire bowed.

Wait...this scene...those actions.

"Chesire." Said a man with king's clothed. He has a crown on top of his head, he has long blonde hair, and he has golden clothes except for his red cape.

Is this...

"Maggiore..." Cheshire placed his arm over his chest.

I knew it.

Looking at me, Maggiore frowned.

"Leggendia." He said.

Something's wrong. Why is he sad? Why does he look...upset?

"Maggiore?" I said.

"I am deeply sorry." He bowed his head.

"I was unable to protect you from harm. I was unable to be there for you." He started saying those things.

"Maggiore, it wasn't-"

"It is my fault, no matter what you say." He stated, his eyes are fierce. He's scary...

"Maggiore, let's just forget all about this and-"

"No! As your protector, I have failed you." Maggiore yelled, and it echoed. Cheshire just stood beside him, silent.


"Please, kill me." He threw a sword at me, and it landed near my feet, it's blade in the marble floor.

"There is no way-"

"Do it." He's serious.

I took the sword, went closer, and pointed at his neck. Cheshire just looked down, like he doesn't agree to this.

"Your choice." I said, there's no turning back.

"Do it." Maggiore said, not afraid.

I raised it and was about to hit Maggiore. Cheshire just looked like he really disagrees with this.

"Like hell I'll do this!!!" I swayed the sword to the floor really hard, it cracked. It also destroyed the marbled floor.

"Listen to me, Maggiore!" I gripped his red coat with white fur on the sides.

"Leggendia!" Now he's frustrated and mad.

I took off his freaking crown that's made of gold and full of gemstones from his head. Then, I wore it.

"No, you listen to me!" I ordered.Cheshire just gaped at my actions.

"I am the one wearing the crown, not you. So, listen to me, Maggiore! It is me who is at fault, not you! It is me who forgot you and left you in my room. So it is my fault!" I yelled.

"Now you!" I pointed at him.

"You will listen to my every command and order! No buts, ifs, and nos! It is a final! If you disobey me, I will leave no choice but to destroy your expectations from me. I'll ruin the world, so you better stop cutting me off!" I yelled louder.

He just looked at me, shocked. Then, he suddenly laughs. He ruffled my hair and smiles.

"You are really something, Jewel." He laughed.

"You even took off my crown." He laughed harder.

"What? It shows that I have the authority." I told him.

"I know..." he smiled.

"So...this is you in human form, huh." I said. "A good-looking king." I laughed.

"You need to explain this." I gestured to the room.

"And that." I pointed at the glass windows. You know, the same ones you see at church.

"This, is my palace, my throne room." He got back his crown and wore it.

"Oh...wait, why do you have a human form?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Basically, we were once human." He smiled.

"Hah?!" My mouth dropped open.


Yo guys! Um...yeah, the story will be ending. And I'm here to say that...

If I ever made any promises that there will be a second book of this story, I'm sorry. I can't do it.

For me, as the author, I think the story has reached it's limit. And so, no second book.

I know, I'm such a jerk. Still, I'm so sorry for raising your hopes up.

I promise, this story will get a good ending, that I assure you all. If not...then curse me all you want or send death messages, I don't care.

So, that is all! No second book, please respect my decision. I want to end this amazing story.

Also, I want to publish more stories! I want other stories too! There are lots of KHR stories popping out of my mind!

Well, let's see if I will publish one KHR story, cause I mean, really, there are lots of stories popping out of my mind. And I'm working on a new story to publish later on this month.

Please respect my decision. I tried, I tried to make the story intetesting, good, and nice. So please, I hope you understand.

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