Chapter 95: Let Me Go

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I woke up, and...where am I? My heart suddenly beats faster. Wait...this is not my room in the real world as well. Then...where am I?

"Mommy!" Someone hugged me.

"Eh?" I looked down at my waist.

"Misora?!" What?!

"Mommy! Mommy!" She cheered. She's wearing a frilly white dress with laces. There's also a huge ribbon placed at her back. She's like on of those magical girls with the huge ribbon.

"Misora, why am I here?" I asked.

"Huh? didn't come here on purpose?" She tilted her head on one side.

"No...I just woke up, and here I am." I replied.

"Well, anyway...mommy!" She snuggled in my arms.

We both laughed. "Misora...since you are here...that means I will come back? To this world?" I asked.

Her face saddened. "Mommy...the future is indefinite. I'm not sure if your future will be the same as this."

"Oh..." I frowned.

I looked around, the room is amazing. It's wide, it's more on blue and green, there is a huge window with large curtains...this is really amazing.

"Who owns this beautiful room?" I asked, smiling.

"You." Misora smiled back.


"Yes." She nodded.

"For this huge bed...I only sleep here? This huge room belongs to me?" Really?

"Yup! Cool isn't it?" Misora smiled as she sat beside me.

"'s the future?"

"Hm...fine, really. Nothing much, no complications or anything." She replied.

"Eh? Maybe you're lying again. Maybe you're not telling me things just like last time." I stared at her, not believing.

"Eh?! How do you know?!" Misora panicked.

"Maggiore showed me what happened after I left." I crossed my arms.

"You sneaky little girl." I pinched both her cheeks.

"Ow, ow, stop it mommy!" She said, then I stopped pinching her. She just rubbed her cheeks, pouting.

"Hihihi, you're so cute when you pout!" I hugged her.

"Sorry, mommy." She hugged me back.

"It's fine." I smiled at her.



"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure!" She smiled, waiting for my question.

"How many years did it took before I came here?"

She said something, but I didn't heat it. Suddenly, I opened my eyes. What the? Looking at the clock beside me, it's 5 AM. Was it a dream?

Looking down on my hands, I see a lace. Wait...this lace is from the dress of Misora! wasn't a dream! It's real! I did went to the future!

Too bad I didn't hear her answer though...I also tried to figure out what she said by the movement of her lips but...I just don't know.

Everyone's also awake when I woke up. I just showed then a smile.

Be happy, try to be happy. Like what Aria told Yuni, when you are happy, smile from the bottom of your heart.

And...I am happy! But it's just...I'm also sad and scared.

They smiled back at me too, and that's it. I can feel the atmosphere, it's gloomy and sad. I know...this is a really tough day...

Even the almighty noisy Varia are so quiet than ever. The kids are quiet as well.

"Um...come on everyone! Let's go have the final feast!" Haru clapped, sounding cheerful.

One by one, they try to be normal, to be happy. But there are really some who can't.

Maman came when we were getting our food. "Jewel, is true that you're leaving?" She asked me.

So, they told her. "Yeah...sorry...Maman..." I bowed my head.

"Your going back to Canada? I understand, just come back when you have time, okay? We'll be right here, waiting, always." She smiled.

Oh, so they lied. They didn't really tell that I came from a different world.

"Yes, I will." I smiled.

We ate, we laughed, we told stories, we did a lot of catching up. It was quiet and gloomy though.

An hour before noon, we made an excuse to Maman that we all will go to the airport. Before leaving, she wanted to talk to me for a bit.

"You know, Jewel, you are such a sweet girl." She smiled.

"You always cheer up the house and try stop the fights. You also play with Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta. You also became a good influence to my son, Tsu-kun." She said.

"You know what, I like your for my son. You always made sure he's happy and fine. You two would go great." She hugged me.

"Your giving me your blessings?" I tried to joke.

"My husband and I are giving our blessings. So, if my son aks for your hand, I would be really happy." She smiled again.

"Goodbye, Maman. You are a great and wonderful mom." I hugged her back.

"Goodbye, I love you, Jewel."

"I love you too." I wiped the tears coming out of my eyes.

It was painful parting away from a kind and caring woman who treated you as her own. Maman, accepted me in her household, even though it's obvious that it was full. She cooked for me, she helps me, and treats me like her own daughter.

Maman is the best, Nana Sawada is the best mom, best woman ever. I respect her a lot, and it is painful saying goodbye to a woman like her.

We actually went to Irie's lab. There, the machine is waiting. I still have this guilt that I made them repair this for me to go back home, even though that the ones who will are the Creators.

"Irie, Spanner, Gianini, thank you. Arigatou!" I smiled.

"No problem, Jewel. As long as you go back home safe." Gianini assured.

"Jewel, if you however stayed here more than your limit, what will happen?" Irie asked.

Good question. "I would disappear, that's the consequence. My entire existance, gone." I replied. Maggiore told me this once.

It took half an hour to reach here, so a half more to go before I leave. With me, I have my diary that I wrote in it everyday. My memories are placed there.

"Jewel." Reborn hopped on my shoulder and gave me a gift box.

"Open it." He smiled.

I pulled the ribbon and removed the cover of the box. There, I found one big and thick album.

I scanned the pages, and a smile slowly appeared on my face. These circumstances, events, little things and big things, all of it are here.

"So, you were stalking me?" I joked.

"It's not stalking, it's following." Reborn smirked.

"Thanks for the album, Reborn. Thanks for the effort, strongest hitman." I smiled and hugged him, then put him down.

I placed the album on my bag, so that I won't misplace it, or miss it, or leave it. That is the last thing that I want to happen.

The Varia came, include Mammon. "Jewel, without you, we wouldn't be having this much fun." Fran said.

"And if you didn't came...maybe we will be more merciless." Squalo admitted.

"You treated us, Varia, like we're normal. You throw wines at Xanxus, making all of us laugh." Lussuria laughed.

"Shut up." Xanxus said, scary...

"Ushishi! We Varia only have fun when we kill, now, we experienced it in different ways." Bel pointed out.

"We actually thought that you can be our cloud guardian." Levi nodded.

"Without you, maybe I wouldn't havr made such a profit." Mammon stated. I just sweatdropped.

"Jewel." Xanxus started.


"Ya better come back or else, I'll beat up your boyfriend and take the place as Decimo." He blackmailed.

"Nah, you wouldn't. You're already happy being a parr of Varia, the strongest assassination squad. And...I'll come back for sure!" I smiled.

"Hmp." That's Xanxus reply and they left.

The Millefiore are next. "Jewel, what is the reason to why angels have wings?" Byakuran asked.

" fly down to earth from heaven?" I replied, unsure.

"True, but that's not what I'm looking for. Angels have wings to find and guide the person they need to help. Now, why do angels lose their wings?"

"Cause they did something wrong?" I replied, unsure again.

"Yes, but they also failed to protect the person they're supposed to guide. Now, why do their wings go black?"

"Cause they turn evil?" Again, unsure.

"Hm...maybe, but it is because they lost their way to the right path." Byakuran went closer.

"Now, compare those to me." He ruffled my hair.

"Um... I don't know..." I laughed nervously.

"I once had wings, because I had a goal in life, and that's to rule the world, to make things right. To do justice to us who were great people, but instead, we were placed in a time that we don't deserve." He's scary right now...

"I had black wings, cause I went down the wrong path. I went crazy about power. My beautiful white wings that was full of power turned to ugly black ones." His gaze softened.

"I lost my wings because I failed to protect someone, and that is Yuni. I let her die and think of her as a toy, an entertainment." Byakuran tried to smile.

"But that happened in the future, the future that is sure to never happen again. Now, I have back my white wings, but it cannot be seen. I have a goal in life, and that is to protect Yuni. I have been given a second chance, and I'm'll be given a second chance as well to come back here." He smiled.

"That's one nice story, Byakuran. I like it." I smiled. "Thank you."

Dino came over along with Romario. "Jewel, thanks for being my little sis." He ruffled my hair.

"Thank you for being my big bro as well." I said back at him.

"You know, I'll miss you. With all the crazy times we spent together, it wouldn't have happened if you weren't there. Who will be my little sis if you aren't here?" He frowned.

"I would still be your little sis, it's just that I'm far away." I told him.

"Miss Jewel, or should I say, Jewel. You inspired our boss, Dino. Thank you for having us, and thank you for being our friend." Romario smiled.

"You're welcome." I replied.

Next, is the Shimon family. "Yo, winner-Enma!" I greeted.

"I'm not a winner...yet." he smiled. There, that's more like it!

"You better be a winner if I come back here! I should hear that you aren't being bullied anymore!" I crossed my arms.

"I, we, will make sure that he will be a winner. Since we don't like seeing our boss getting beaten up." Adelhield nodded.

We all said goodbyes and thank yous. I think the Shimon are the ones who I talked to the longest.

After them, Fuuta and Bluebell came. "Jewel-nee!! We will miss you!" They cried, hugging me.

I kneed to their level and patted their heads. "I'll miss you both too. You both are kind, adorable, and caring kids who have the potential. When I come back, I must see that you both are responsible." I hugged them tightly.

"We will be..." they both chorused.

They left and now it's Bianchi, I-pin, and Lambo's turn. Bianchi is holding the both of them. "Jewel, where are going?" Lambo asked, about to cry.

"Going back to my home." I replied, smiling.

"Why don't you stay here?" I-pin asked next.

"Then I'll have to pay the heavy consequence. But don't worry, I'll come back. I'll bring lot's of you like!" I tried to cheer them up.

"Jewel, thank you for everything." Bianchi spoke.

"You softened the heart of Hayato, and made him find the person he loves." She smiled.

"I owe you a lot, Jewel. Your kindness shall be payed." She continued.

"Jewel, thank you so much for everything." Ryohei came and hugged me. It's just like this when I was in the future.

"Without you, maybe and Hana wouldn' know what I mean!" Ryohei blushed.

"Hahaha! Just make sure not to forget to explain about the whole mafia thing. Take it slowly, calmly, and explainable. Oh wait, just call your friends instead and let them exolain it!" I laughed. What I just said is Ryohei's opposite, so...just call a friend!

"Thanks Ryohei. Thanks for being my sun that will light up the way. You always been so energetic and outgoing." I thanked him and hugged him.

Yamamoto followed. "Jewel, thank you for staying here with the so little days you've been here. Thank you for all the fun and sword fighting." Yamamoto smiled.

"Thank you for being the rain that washes away the sadness. You always cheer people up, you inspire us, you inspire me. You don't get hot-headed easily and you try to understand. Continue being who you are, Yamamoto." I smiled and hugged him as well.

Mukuro and Chrome came in next. "Jewel...arigatou!" Chrome bowed.

"Don't bow, hug me." I said as I hugged her instead.

"Jewel...thank you so much! For everything! For bringing me back to my parents, for being here with Mukuro...thank you..." she cried.

"And Jewel, ever since, your insults didn't affect me at all. Instead, I find it amusing." Mukuro admitted.

"So...pineapple head is fine?" I asked.

"As long as it's you. Kufufufu." He smiled.

"And your laugh? I don't find it annoying, I find it funny actually." I laughed.

Hibari came in. This is tough one...I bet...

"Once you come back, I'll fight you, kamikorosu. If you don't...I'll make sure you'll experience hell." He blackmailed.

"Uh...handshake?" I raised my arm. "I know you don't want a hug, so...a handshake instead."

He closed his eyes and accepted my handshake, then left. Gokudera followed.

I hugged him immediately. "Thanks for being the best brother I have ever had. Even though we're not blood-related, you accepted me and treated me as a younger sister. And even if you are not my real brother, I treated you as one." I stated.

"Thank you for everything. At the beggining, we fight and yell at each other a lot. I curse, you get mad at me. It's really funny how we are back then, look at us now!" He smiled.

"When I come back, you and Haru would still be in good terms, okay?" I made sure they would.

"Yeah. And thank you, I found Haru, that once annoying idiotic woman is actually the person who I love." He ruffled my hair.

Next is Kyoko and Haru. They both hugged me and I hugged them as well.

"We'll miss you.. " Kyoko cried.

"I'll mis you both too..." I cried.

"Don't leave!" Haru said.

"But I can't." I cried even more.

"Kyoko, Haru, grow up to be strong women. Still be caring, kind, sweet, and still be a cake-lover." I smiled.

"We promise, when you come'll have lots of gifts from all of us!" Haru stated.

"Then, we'll serve the most delicious food in the world!" Kyoko followed.

"There'll be a grand party! Then, we all will have fun!" Haru smiled.

They both looked at each other, smiling. Then they nodded.

"That sounds nice. You better keep your promise!" I smiled.

"We will!" They nodded, determined.

Then, the arcobalenos with Basil came. "Jewel." Reborn said.

" the future, you guys trained me. I promise, it was hell. I think Fon is the only one who let me have a normal training." I sweatdropped.

Reborn smirked. "Then, when you come back, we'll make you train a lot to keep you in shape." There goes his evil smirk...

"And, Jewel, arigatou for coming here. The Vongola wouldn't be the same without you." Basil bowed.

"Same goes for me. My life will be the same without you all." I smiled.

And last but not the least...Tsuna came. He's in a suit, a mafia suit...a tuxedo.

"Jewel..." he hugged me, and I hugged him as well.

"I love you..." I smiled.

"Jewel, don't go..." he cried.

"I need to."

"It's painful..." he gripped his chest.

"Mine as well." I placed my hand over my heart.

"Stay here."

"I cannot do that."

"Why?!" He's crying.

"Tsu-kun...Tsuna...please...don't make this hard for me." I cried, covering my face with my hands.

Tsuna removed my hands from my face and made me look at him. "I love you, and I find nothing wrong with you here!"

"But I need to go! I need to go back!" No...please...Tsuna...Don't make it hard for me!

"You can always stay here!" Tsuna insisted.

"I need to go back! My family is waiting!"

"You have a family here as well, a very big one!"

"My family, my real blood-related family. Even if I turned the world over and over again, they are and they will be my family." I stated.

He just gritted his teeth. "And existance will disappear." I continued.

"You have Maggiore!"

I shook my head sideways. "There are things that cannot be changed."

No, it's Maggiore and the Creators who decided that I'll go back. They can let me stay here, but no. Or else, their will be a disruption of time and space here in this world.

Especially that Tsuna and the rest changed the future...they stopped Byakuran. And then I too went to the future to stop a person who came from the same world as I. There have been plenty of time disruptions...

We need to rest, this world needs to rest. Or else, if I stay also...this world may disappear with me.

" promised, right? All of you promised that you'll find a way for me to come back. In my world, there is no such thing as flames, vongola boxes, a mafia that is strong as this...none. So the technology we have there is not as advanced as this. You guys are the only ones who can make our wish come true." I tried to smile and stop crying.

"We did promise...but-"

" patient." I said.

"Before a happy, true, and everlasting relationship, it must go through trials and challenges, just like this one. So Tsuna...please accept the fact and truth."

"You are the sky, you envelope all. You are as accepting as the sky, so please...please accept it." I continued.

Suddenly, I can feel pain through out my body. I ducked down and clenched my chest.

"Jewel!" Tsuna kneed to my level and held my shoulders.

"I guess it's time..." I tried to smile.

"No!" Tsuna cried.

"Jewel!" The rest yelled and went closer to me.

"Irie, prepare the machine." I said.

"H-hai!" The three technicians went to prepare it.

"No!" Tsuna disagreed, making the three confused on what to do.

"Do it!" I yelled.

"Don't!" Tsuna insisted.

"Tsuna!" I glared, gritting my teeth. "Don't fight me now!"

"Stay!" He tightened his grip on my shoulders.

"Tsuna..." I said softly, calming down.

"Let me go." I tried to smile while crying.

It's clear in his face that he's frustrated. "Tsuna...please...Let me go."


"Please?" I tried to smile again. I cannot hold it longer, the pain is increasing.

"'s time." There goes Maggiore.

"Cheshire cannot hold the power to transport you any longer. Go."

"Tsuna...I love you. And no matter what happens, I will always love one else. You will always be the sky that guides me during day or night." I hugged him, making him hear my heartbeat in my chest. To let him know that it's alright.

"No matter will always be my Tsu-kun..." I let out my one last tear.

"Goodbye...I will always love you fully...Tsuna..."

My body starts to disappear without using the machine. "Jewel!" Tsuna holds my hand tightly, as if not letting me go.

"Tsuna, let me go." I smiled again.

This time, he followed. Now, I start to float going up. "Goodbye...minna." I said my final words, smiling and waving goodbye.



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