Special Chapter 2

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"Okay, it's time for me to go. I need to attend school." I rised from my seat.

"Isn't it that today is your school's 100th anniversary? That means you all will be celebrating it, am I right? As I recall, outsiders are allowed to enter as long as they are close to a student that is enrolled. And there will be no lessons this day, it's all merry making." Maggiore showed a smile, and sparkles are all around him. His smile says 'You can't fool me, Jewel. We are going to visit wether you like it or not.'

Damn. And I thought I was able to escape without them knowing.

"I'm going!!!" I yelled and ran out of the mansion and into the school. Before that, I snapped my finger and the Varia are free.

Man, their are a lot of people. Parents, cousins, friends, grandparents, good thing our school is freakingly huge!

I went to the classroom, and found all my classmates there. No one is allowed to roam around until the adviser gave out the reminders and announcements.

All our adviser said was things I already know. No fighting, be kind, show that this school is an ideal school, be responsible and blah blah blah.

"Class is dismissed, have fun." Our female adviser, Ms. Serry said and we all stood, going out of the classroom, except me who stayed a little bit. There's nothing to do anyway.

When I went out, I found myself pinned down to a wall by no one else but Carl. "Let me go, or else." I glared.

"The one yesterday, is he really your boyfriend?" Carl asked.

"Shocking isn't it? He's every girl's dreams, right? But his looks isn't the one I'm after, nor his money or status in life. I love him becaue of who he is. He's kind, caring-"

"Stop talking about that crap!"

"My boyfriend isn't a piece of crap or sh*t! You, shut up and let me go this instance!" I pushed him away and ran away.

There is no holding back, run at full speed. I knew it, I outran him. Heh, I'm different anyway.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a huge crowd. Shoot! They're here! Hide!

Turning to the opposite direction, I see the beautiful and handsome creatures. Double shoot!

"Jewel!" That's Tsuna's crazy large group.

"Jewel!" There goes the 14 magnificent creatures.

All eyes were locked on me, a school girl surrounded by hot people. How did it turn out like this?

"Isn't that Jewel?"

"Why is she hanging around such handsome and beautiful people?"

"Are they models?"

"No, maybe actors!"

"Singers? Dancers?"

"I don't care! They're hot!"

Swallow me, earth! Swallow me alive! This is really embarassing! I'm surrounded by more than 70 people! But wait, I like the attention. Hahaha!

"Hello! May we know what are your relationships to Jewel?" Molly asked, stepping up.

"We are here family." They all answered.

My heart shot out. This might be the worst and best day of my life at the same time! Worst, because they all see me with hot strangers, I'll be bombarded with lots of questions. Best, because this is epic and awesome. Me, surrounded by beautiful people? Ha! In your faces you jealous students!

"We are her current family." Maggiore smiled at Molly and Gem.

"Current family? Impossible! Jewel has her own family..." Gem is baffled.

"Her biological family is broken, and you can say we took their place little missy." Cheshire has this look in his eyes that says 'beat it, scram.' How cool can this get?!

"Or you can also say that she is the princess and we are her loyal knights." Natura smiled, I know what it meant. 'So you are Gem, die.'

"Jewel." The Creators kneeled and placed an arm over their chest. Kyaaa! This is so awesome! I thought that this can only happen movies, books, and anime! "Our dear princess." They added.

Then they stood and looked at the two girls with this smirk on their faces. The two just stepped back.

"And we are her dear friends." Yamamoto pointed out. Go Yamamoto!

"A-ah... Okay, thank you for telling. Um, we'll go now." And they ran out of here.

Now, all of my companions just stared at me. "Fine, go do whatever you like. Just don't destroy anything or I'll send you back to the mansion and paralyze you." I threatened.

Now, they all went seperate ways. Seriously, they're like kids.

Just glancing to my right, irk marks appeared on my head. Ahaha, flirting huh?

I went closer to Tsuna and my adviser, Ms Serry. Make it Ms. Flirty.

"So, what are you doing here?" My adviser asked, twirling her black locks.

I ain't gonna hide it, she's beautiful, more beautiful than me. But less beautiful than the female Creators. She has huge busts, which my male classmates always looks at. She has a perfect body, and she's an ideal woman.

Despite being a teacher, she's young you know. She just got accepted this year.

"Oh nothing, just looking at the school." Tsuna smiled. Jealousy, ugh.

"Hey, with your suit... are you a business man?" Serry touched Tsuna's tie. I just bit my lip, typical jealous girl I am.

"Hm, nope." Tsuna replied. Stop entertaining her.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Serry asked. Say yes!

"No." That one word made my blood boil in anger. No?! Then what am I then?! I was about to go nearer and slap him but...

He went over to me, grabbed my waist and went back to Ms. Serry. "But I do have a fiance." He raised my hand with the ring from the Vongola box and kissed it.

Jewel, now that I found a way...

Now that our dream is fulfilled...

Will you be forever mine?

Tears flow down my face. I covered my mouth with my hand, the other, holding the paper and ring.

He held my hand, then got the ring. Holding it, he kneed infront of me, smiling.

"Jewel Caster, will you be forever mine?" The brunette man who's wearing a suit said, putting the ring with a huge diamond in the middle and it has small orange stones surrounding the frame.

"Yes...Yes...Yes...Yes!!!" I smiled, shouting.

I went and hugged him when he stood. "Tsuna, I'll be forever yours!" I hugged him tightly.

Oh... that...

"Isn't that right, Jewel?" Tsuna smiled at me and I blushed. I can't believe I was about to slap him.

"O-oh..." It's clear in Serry's face that she's embarassed.

"So, Ms. Serry, get off my fiance and don't flirt with him. " I smiled at her. She left, humiliated.

"Jewel, next time, don't be jealous. You will always be in my heart." Tsuna kissed my cheek.

"Y-you baka..." I flushed.

"No flirting in the campus." Carl appeared, glaring at Tsuna. His fists clenched.

"Carl, how many times do I have to say that I don't love you anymore! I'm happy with my boyfriend now! Stop making my life so miserable!" I am so frustrated. Why do I have to keep on entertaining him?

"Jewel, why don't we go home? Let's call everyone and have a better time back in the mansion." Jewel looked at me.

I nodded. "Okay."

"What's the difference, Jewel? I have a mansion, he has a mansion. I'm rich, so as he. I am an ideal man!" Carl is full of anger right now.

"See, that's what I don't like. You always compare with others. You make me think that you are greater. I don't like people like that." I stated.

Tsuna got his phone and dialed someone. "Gokudera? Yeah, call everyone. We're leaving." And Tsuna ended the call.

"Jewel isn't leaving." Carl said, gritting his teeth.

"Yes, she is." Maggiore came with the rest of the Creators.

"Daddy!" I smiled with relief.

"Daddy?" Tsuna and Carl chorused, looking at Maggiore.

I only call Maggiore that if I feel comfortable or glad. "Let's go home, please?" I begged, acting cute.

"Daddy? No way."

"He's married? What a waste..."

"At such a young age? He already has a highschool daughter?"

"He's married?! Noooo!"

"And I thought I would have my first boyfriend!"

"My dreams are shattered!"

"Sure, Jewel." He patted my head.

"Yehey!" I hugged him. My head is at his lower chest, yup, he is that tall.

"Juudaime, we're here." Gokudera said.

"It's time to go back, I believe." Enma said.

Enma changed for the better. He is not anymore getting bullied, he is slowly becoming brave as well. Though he always wears a band-aid on his nose.

"She's leaving, wether you like it or not." They all chorused and we all started to leave.

When we reached home, I jumped into one couch. "I'm beat..." I groaned.

"Hahaha! Already?!" Tsuna laughed.

"Ugh..." I groaned again.

"Jewel, don't groan." Tsuna said.

I sat up, and pointed at Tsuna, who's just beside me. "And you!!! Flirting with my own advisor!" I screamed.

The air cracked, literally. You know why? The creators snapped.

"Oh? Is that so~?" Aqua smiled, it's so creepy!

"Tsunayoshi Sawada, I expected more from you." Cheshire crossed his arms, bad aura is coming out from him.

"Tsunayoshi, you have disappointed me." There goes Maggiore. Hmp. Do what they want. Tsuna deserves it.

"Jewel... A little help please..." Tsuna sweated.

"N-O. This is your punishment. If you get jealous, of course I get jealous too. Try to survive their wrath. I survived them for a million times already." Literally, I survived for more than a million times!

And so, a chase started. The Creators vs. Tsuna. Currently, Tsuna is still alive for 30 minutes. Lets see how far can he go.

"Jewel! Please forgive me!" Tsuna yelled when he passed me.

"Die, you wolf!!" I countered.

The creators passed me as well. When Tsuna came for another round, this time he picked me up from the couch and I am now in his arms.

"Wah?! Bring me down!" My cheeks flushed.

"Not until you forgive me and tell them to stop!" Tsuna glanced at the Creators.

"Your fault! You-"

"I love you and only you! I would gladly die for you, but not like this! I want to die, with you as my wife!" He said, determined.

"I plan on having our wedding day on a private beach resort with the rest! I already planned our honeymoon! I want to have three kids! Our home will be a mansion! And I want you to be with me everywhere I go!" Tsuna yelled.

I just blushed and hid in his chest. So embarassing and cute!

"Please Jewel, if I die here and now... what will happen to our future children?" Tsuna said.

"Alright, alright, alright! Minna, stop!!!" I yelled, blushing hard.

Gladly, they stopped, but their glares remained. "Well, he did say that I was fiance." I scratched my cheek.

"I told you, I love you." Tsuna kissed my forehead.

"Fine, we'll let him go, just this once!" Sparky said.

"Um...can you leave us?" I asked.

"Make sure you're still two, not three." Natura joked and they left.

I just blushed on her statement. Ugh...

"So, why did you told them to leave?" Tsuna asked.

"Actually, about what you said earlier... It reminded me of something." I rubbed the back of my neck.


"Um... about children? Yeah... It reminded of someone..." I told him.

"Don't tell me you... You have a kid?!" Tsuna panicked, or maybe fumed.

"Tsuna! It's not that-"

"Who's the father?! Carl?!" I can see rage on his face, especially in his eyes.


"Are you currently pregnant? Is the baby already born? How many years? One or two? How many months?" Tsuna placed his hands on my shoulders, gripping me tightly.

"You know-"

He didn't let me finish, he just rested his head on top of my shoulders. "Jewel, it's okay... The father... I don't care... The baby? I'll accept it. But why hide it from me? I won't get mad." He said, looking at me.

I rised one eyebrow. "Okay, maybe I'll go nuts... but still... you know I won't hurt you and I won't do anything that you would hate."

"Okay... I have baby..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tsuna looked... sad.

"Well... I was waiting for the right time. To tell you..."

"Tell me, now... Please?" He pleaded.

"The baby... belongs to you." I smiled.

"What?" He looks at me, shocked.

"Really?! Hahaha! What?!" He's smiling, while he spun me around in his arms.

Then, he placed me back to the floor, standing. "But when? I don't remember anything that would make you-"

"Ahahaha! Tsuna! Ahahaha!" I laughed, tears coming out from my eyes.


"I can't believe you fell for it!" I held my stomache. Ouch, it hurts! And I can't stop laughing!

"So... there's no baby?"

"None, silly! I told you, I'm a virgin and I wouldn't want Carl to be a father of my child. Anyway... you're so fun to tease! It was epic!" I laughed even harder.

"Then... what was all that? All this? What do you mean by it reminded you of someone? It was all an act?" He frowned.

"No! It's true that it reminded me of someone. Do you remember everything when you went to the future with Reborn?" I asked.


"Do you remember the ice cream girl? The one who entered the room with lots of ice creams?" I asked again.

"Oh, her? The one who... The one who called me Daddy?! The one named Misora Sawada?!" His eyes went big.

"Yup! It's true! She's your daughter!" I smiled.

"Then... who's the mother?" Tsuna asked.

I just raised my hand, showing the ring he gave me. "It's no other than me of course!" I continued to smile.

"Really?! She's our... child?!" He yelled.

"Don't believe me?" I pouted.

"No, it's just that... wow..." he placed a hand on his forehead.

"And, she came from the future, 5 years from the future itself. When I went there, Misora's still a little baby. Then, baby Misora exchanged places with her 5 year old self. Cool, huh?" I smiled sweetly.

"Misora huh? She looks like a sweet child. She's beautiful just like you, she has your eyes, your nose, your aura..." he cupped my cheeks.

"Of course, I'm her mother." I replied.

Someone cleared their throat. We just looked around and found Reborn leaning on a wall.

"Sorry to interrupt your sweet time but-"

"Oh, Reborn. Did you find anyone at all? Anyone to... LOVE?" I smirked.

"Ha, funny question, Jewel. I can't stop laughing." Reborn said, lifting up his hat, hinting sarcasm.

"You didn't find anyone?! Hahahaha-" A bullet almost hitted my cheek.

"One more-"

This time, it's him who was cutted off when I placed my sharp sword on his neck in one swift motion. "Ho-ho-ho, did you become dull?" I teased.

Reborn rested his gun on my forehead swiftly. "No, it's you who has dulled." He smirked.

"Maggiore." I smiled.

Now, behind Reborn is my partner, Maggiore. "Yes, Leggendia? Want me to dispose Reborn?" Maggiore crossed his arms, he's in his beast form.

"As I was suppose to say earlier, we want to know your decision. Continue to stay here in this world? Or go back to ours?" Reborn asked.

"Are you an idiot? Of course I would go back to the KHR World!" I squealed, jumping up and down.

"Don't call me an idiot." Reborn crossed his arms.

"Maggiore, tell everyone... to prepare to leave! We'll be living in the KHR World now!" I ordered, pointing at him.

"That means, you will be working in the mafia." Reborn stated.

"And that means, I will never leave your side. And I won't let anyone have you." Tsuna placed an arm around my waist.

"And I won't let you flirt with anyone." I laughed.

"Well, come on! Let's go tell everyone!" I yelled.

"We already know." The whole gang is just behind us, smiling. Include The Creators.

"We're going back home!" I threw a punch in the air.

"We're going back home!" They followed.

"We're going back home!" We all yelled again.


Yo minna! I already published the very last chapter of this story, which is the very chapter you are reading right now.

Thank you so much for all the support! I already published the sequel. The title is "Days Of Countdown In The KHR World"

There will be more info there. Find the story in my profile or just search it. Anyway, go check it out!

Can't wait to continue the epic story of Jewel! Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

Bye bye minna! Thank you! Arigatou! Thanks for the support! Support me in the second book as well! Bye bye!

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