30: Lion Guard-KionXRani

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Day: 30
Prompt: Feint
Pairing: Kion and Rani
Fandom: The Lion Guard

Kion wrestled in the grass with the snake. It appeared to be some sort of python. It wasn't very large, but it was oddly colorful. It lunged at him. That was all he remembered, apart from Rani's cries for help.

"Kion!" Everything went black.

The next morning, Kion had woken up normally. A brown lioness stood before him, looking worried.

"Kion? Are you alright?" She asked.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" He spat, getting into a battle position.

"K-Kion? It's me, Rani!" The lioness said. Kion growled.

"I don't know anyone named Rani. Get out of my den!" He hissed and swiped at her.

"K-Kion..." Rani's eyes welled up with tears. "You d-don't remember?"

"It's that snake bite!" A different lion said. One of Rani's friends, perhaps.

"I said get out!" Kion roared. Rani and her friend tucked their tails at Kion's outburst.

"We'll discuss this with Makini immediately." The male lion said as he lead Rani out of the cave. Kion's tail flicked.

"Don't come back." He muttered.

He spun around a few times, then laid on the rock. His rock. Who were these lions? How did they know him? Lion felt a searing pain in his skull. He put a paw to his head and groaned, swaying back and forth.

"Kion? Are you ready?" Rani stood beside him, her eyes sparkling.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He had replied. He was marked with some sort of blue triangle on his head. Wait, he had a conversation with Rani before? Did he... know her?

A feint memory stuck in his head. He heard crying outside the cave. Curious, Kion got up and stalked over to the entrance.

"Makini said there's no known cure..." The voice of Rani sobbed.

"Hey, it's ok, we'll figure something out-"

"Baliyo! He's my king! We are one! I don't how I'm going to live if he doesn't recognize me!" Rani shouted. Kion heard the male lion, Baliyo, sigh.

"I'm sorry." He said. There was muffled crying. Rani must have had her head in his shoulder.

Kion cocked his head. Her.... king? He slowly crept out of the cave, keeping his eyes on the two lions. He passed under the light and they noticed him. Rani tried to stop her sobbing.

"I'll ask again. Who are you?" Kion questioned, less threateningly this time.

"Kion, it's me! I'm Rani! Your... partner. Don't you remember me? And this is your friend, Baliyo. We're all a team... The Night Pride? You and I... we rule this place?" Rani explained.

"I'm sorry." Kion said. "I don't remember."

Rani's face fell as she tried not to cry again. Baliyo looked down at his paws. Rani came closer to Kion, causing him to growl in warning. She ignored him.

"What's your problem?" Kion asked, angry and a bit frightened. Rani didn't say anything. She got even closer and planted a kiss on Kion's lips. He froze, claws showing, but didn't attack. Something inside him... clicked. Hadn't this happened before? Kion blinked.

"Rani?" The lioness stepped back.


"Um.... what happened? To the snake, I mean. Is he gone? Is our pride safe?" Kion immediately addressed the situation as if nothing ever happened.

To this day, he still doesn't remember not remembering. He does remember a rejoicing Rani, who had told him the snake had bitten him. Kion apologized, but Rani told him it wasn't his fault. She was just happy to have her other half back to normal.

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