When the Past Haunts You

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Did you have something bad happen to you and you can't get that out of your mind? And you want to forget all about it but the memory is always haunting you. It's constantly at the back of your mind, waiting to pop out when something triggers it and when it does, you'll have to bear the weight and hurt till it passes. I know that feeling all too well.

If you don't know, when I was 4, my grandpa died of cancer. Everything was so graphic and my selective photographic memory doesn't make it any better... I remember everything and that was just the start of my depression. I try not to think about it too much but it will always rear it's ugly head up whenever it gets the chance. So...yeah.

When it comes to these thoughts, you have to understand that the saying, "Time heals all wounds," is crap. You will hurt and hurt till you die if you can't let go (like meh). It seems almost impossible to let go. In this case, time doesn't heal all wounds, it can make you forget and it can make you accept, but that's it. I still haven't accepted this and most things are just unforgettable. All in all, most of those sayings are complete shit.

You don't have to forget, no matter how much you want to. You don't have to accept, no matter how much you feel the need to. All you need to do is ask the question, why did it happen? You need to find the answer to that and you need to know that it wasn't your fault (it's mostly not your fault 70% of the time). You need to remember that if that didn't happen to you, would you even know the people you do now? Would you be the same person? Will you ensure that it won't happen to another soul as long as you're still standing? What will you do?

If it's something so bad, you have to fight to make sure no one will suffer the unbearable pain you've been through. Ok, you don't have to but I'm very sure that's how most people would feel, am I right? You gotta get up and remember that there might be others with the same problem. You need to remember that you're not alone. We are all dealing with something. From the past or not, you are not alone. We are not alone! There will always be another person out there who is willing to listen to you. If you're reading this and looking at my profile, you're looking at one of those people. I'll be glad to listen to you... Don't bottle everything up. Cry your heart out. If they judge, fuck them. They have no idea what pain you've been through so SCREW IT! Only you will ever know how much pain you've been through and no one can or is allowed to compare.

Everyone has something to deal with and I bet more than one of you have ghosts from your past. Don't be afraid to tell your story and don't be afraid of people. We are all here to help, this network of people are all on your side. And I'll never leave! I wish I could hug you!😙💖💗❤💕💞💜 Hope you understand. We doing a poem instead of a quote today. Don't forget to vote and comment, if you please💌


It hunts you down, like a ghost of time
Which you left so long and buried inside

Things that fell, were meant to fall
Left by yourself, no one to catch your call

You tried to erase, but it got engraved
Choking on remorse for the choices you made

It picks you up, drags you through this hell
Tells you something that you don't want to tell

-Arpit Sehgal

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