Dare #8

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"Sean: I dare Kate to smack Travis and Varvatos Vex as hard as she can"

Kate:*devilishly smirk already on her face*

Phoenix: that's not good *looks at Kate*

Crystal: Thank Yotalia it's not me!! Thank you Sean_Campbell!!!

Kate: I can finally get revenge since ever since that last dare, Travis thought I was Bisexual! So I'm getting revenge and for Varvatos, I'm getting revenge on what he did to us when he betrayed the royals

Phoenix: ok, cool 👌. TRAVIS!!!! VARVATOS!!!!

*Travis and Varvatos Vex enters*

Travis: what is it, Phe?

Phoenix: you got a dare well. Not exactly got a dare but whatever, kate has to smack you too as hard as she can

Varvatos: wait, Lady Kate has to Smack the great Varvatos Vex? Varvatos will not allow it

Kate: alright...gimme a second *walks to behind a table*

Everyone: *confused*

Kate: won't allow it, Vex?

Varvatos: No

Kate:*runs onto table and jumps off b*tch slapping Varvatos in the air and landing gracefully*

Varvatos: OOF! *Has a giant red hand mark across his face* What in Gaylen's core!?

Travis: haha NOPE! *whoosh*

Phoenix: HAHAHAHA!!! OMG kate you went on the table, jumped and just slapped him! HAHAHA!!

Crystal:*backs away from her psycho sister*

Kate: Where's Travis!?

Phoenix: oh god, he escaped

Kate: ha! I'll find him! He's getting slapped whatever he likes it or not!! *runs out*

Phoenix: welp she's gone psycho...here Vex *gives Varvatos ice for his face*

Varvatos:*grumbles something while putting ice on the mark* how knew that Lady Kate would pack such a slap

Phoenix: Everyone did...it's kate


Travis:*hiding in his closet in his room*

From the hallway: Travis~~ come out~~ let's play~~ hehehehe *creepy giggle*

Travis:*quietly gasps and covers his mouth while shaking*

*his door opens as a figure stumbles in*

Kate: 🎵Ding dong, I am inside your room now, no need to ask for permission🎵 *sings creepily*

Travis:*shaking as he stayed quite* please go away *whispers*

Kate:*continues singing* 🎵Knock knock I'm inside your room now. Where is it you hid? Our game of hide and seek's about to end🎵 *creepy psycho smile*

Travis:*nearly crying"

Kate: *senses Travis and turns to the closet* Could you be inside the closet? *walks to it*

Travis:*holds himself* please no...

*closet door flings open revealing Kate as intense scary music plays*

Kate: 🎵Finally found you dear!!🎵 *starts laughing evily*

Travis: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *screams like a girl. High-pitched*

Kate:*slaps Travis across the face. Hard, leaving a red mark as well*

Travis: OW!!! *Breaks down in the closet*

Kate:*smiles cheerfully* great! Dare done! *cheerfully skips out room, ignoring her terrified brother*

*time skip*

Travis and Varvatos:*in the corner, terrified of kate now*

Everyone:*sits on opposite side of kate, making the couch tilt left while kate sits alone on the right*

Kate:*innocently* what?

Phoenix: you're scary!

Kate: oh *shrugs* that was the less worst I've been


Kate: Wusses but yeah thanks Sean! again remember to send in dares and asks!

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