An Angel is Born

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It was an adjustment going from three men living almost like bachelors with a muted home color scheme to three married men with two small children. The explosion of color and constant mess were the most noticeable. Then the slight shift in personalities.

Candon became that annoying overprotective parent we all read about. Single-handedly he must have spent a mini fortune ensuring every sharp corner, drawer, cabinet, and outlet was protected. He had someone come in and make sure the televisions, electronic devices, shelves, dressers and so on were kid proof. No one was getting squashed by a dresser under his watch. The sliding door had an alarm to alert us if the door was open to prevent them from sneaking into the back yard. The whole security system was even re-done.

Paul and I couldn't keep up. Hell, we needed help getting into the cabinets and opening doors. The house wasn't just kid proof, it was adult proof! I begged Danielo to find him more work.

My darling Paul turned into a big kid. He colored and played with them all the time when he wasn't at work and he started using kid-speak. For a while, I thought he was regressing and going into that little space thing I've read about on some of the bdsm websites. But he never spoke like that with me or Candon so I let it go.

I think I became a mother hen. I nagged everyone about their messes, their obsessions, and their spoiling of the children. It was bad. They gave in to the kids for everything which made it harder for me when I set boundaries and limits on them. If I said no the kids ran to Paul who would try to sweet talk me into it or Candon who would say yes behind my back.

Two months in, the oldest told me no and threw a tantrum. I sent the kids to my sister's and called an immediate meeting with my husbands. They tried to gang up on me and get me to loosen up but after threatening no sex, they wisened up and got on the same page with me with regard to limits and discipline.

It was a stressful time for sure. Paul's mother began to deteriorate but she still tried to keep up a positive front. We moved her in with us so she could be surrounded by people she knew in her final days. The kids loved it.

We still hadn't located Candon's baby mama. We did, however, find his brother Glen. Candon damn near beat the brakes off him when they found him hiding out in Puerto Rico. Glen and his step mother confessed it was so they could blackmail him into handing over the business. But since he already did it, there was no point.

So what the hell did that mean for the child that was conceived from all this that was due sometime in October or November?

We doubled our efforts to find her. This was our child. It was part of one of us. What's one's is the others'. I wanted this child to be raised with our other two.

Through not so legal means, I found her almost at the last minute. She was trying to get paid for the baby through some shady adoption agency. We paid them double what they were asking then Paul and my sister posed as a couple looking to adopt and met with her. Candon wanted to bust in and have her arrested. But we needed evidence.

With the help of Danielo and Gil, we found all the evidence we needed. We were at the hospital in disguise when she gave birth. Only Paul and my sister could be in the room since they were the 'adoptive parents' so Candon and I paced the hallway.

After eighteen hours (that I prayed were agonizing to no end) Paul came out pushing a little plastic crib. His eyes were sparkling and a huge smile lit up his face.

"Candon, Jay, meet our little girl."

My eyes filled with tears as my heart swelled with love for this little angel. She had her little eyes shut tight and we could see black hair peeking out of her little pink hat. She was wrapped in a muted Winnie the Pooh blanket we brought with us.

I looked over at Candon. His eyes were shining as tears rolled down his cheeks. Paul lifted her out of the crib and handed her to him. At first he acted as if he was afraid to hold her. We helped him into the chair and sat on either side of him.

"We actually found her," Paul whispered.

I nodded and touched her little cheek.  "And just in time."

Candon sniffed the top of her head taking in that new baby smell.  "She's beautiful."  He kissed both of us and smiled. "Thank you."

Those two words held so much meaning. He wasn't just thanking us for being there in that moment. He was thanking us for being in his life from the beginning. For trusting him. For loving him. For not giving up on him. For giving ourselves to him. For fighting for our relationship with him and our children even when it seemed hopeless.

I kissed his cheek and put my head on his shoulder. As I looked down at our new angel, it felt like our family circle was becoming complete.      

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