Mixed Blessing

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(because I suck at jewelry descriptions)


Don't ask me how we got to be so loved and blessed. With only eight hours notice, we managed to  get fifty of our closest friends, family, and a few close coworkers over to our favorite restaurant on a Saturday and one of our lifestyle officiants to do the commitment ceremony. We each said our own vows to each other and gave each other matching bands that were a combination of everything we wanted. Paul wanted black. Jay wanted diamonds and I wanted silver.

Kohl and Danielo helped us out finding a house that met each of our needs. We didn't know what was going to happen with that nut job of a woman but we wanted a big yard and and a playroom for a kid or two downstairs. Jay is the major chef in the house but we agreed we did not need a million stainless steel stoves or granite countertops.

We argued forever on the pool issue. Paul said it wasn't safe for kids.  Jay argued we were drown proofing our children so a pool would be fine. I suggested enclosing it with a door with a lock. They were sold.  We picked up the keys to our new house and moved a month later.

Jay bought Paul a new car for his graduation. He argued Paul's 1994 death trap of a Honda Accord was not up to the latest child safety specs. He took the keys grumbling the entire time but we both knew deep down he was ecstatic.

Jay and I were in the office late one evening going over a few case files. Paul just happened to be there helping out with some data entry when Jay's phone rang. I ignored it and continued working until he dropped the files in his hand and sank to his knees, head down, phone still to his ear. Paul and I looked at each other. What the hell happened?

"Y-yes...I...I'll be right there...Yes...Thank you." He sat on the floor, not moving and not speaking, completely blank. Paul and I sat on the floor beside him but didn't say anything. Finally, we saw a tear roll down his cheek.

I put my hand on his shoulder.  "Jay?"

He seemed to snap back to reality.  He collected the fallen files and quickly stood. "I have to go to the hospital."

I felt my chest constrict. Who was hurt?  Did someone die? Those were the only conclusions I could come up with for his behavior. I took the files from him and tossed them on the desk. Those could wait. I put my hands on his shoulders and turned him around to face me. "What happened?"

His bottom lip trembled slightly and tears filled his eyes making my heart tighten.  "Liz. Terrance said there was a fight with her and the kids' father and he...he...stabbed her. She died on the way to the hospital."

Paul gasped. "The kids."

"They asked me to take them for the night since we're close."

I hugged him tightly. "We'll go with you."

His parents text us the floor and room number on our way. I tried to keep my thoughts at bay and focus on what needed to be done.  Jay needed me and Paul to keep it together so he could focus on the kids.  We'd help out but it was all his call.  Whatever happened regarding the kids, we'd hop to as he commanded.  

We had to stop by a Walmart on the way to pick up two car seats since both kids were under eight years old. I was just thankful I had the truck to work.  When we got to the hospital, we saw Jay's brother and parents in the hall. His mother quietly cried in his father's arms while the two men sat stoically beside her. His sister was sitting with one of Liz's children in her lap and the other beside her.

Jay's father looked up when he saw us and gave us a slight smile.

"Where is she?" Jay asked. His father pointed to a door across where they were sitting. "C-can I see her?"

He nodded. I turned to Paul.

"Why don't you go over with the kids. I'll go in with Jay."

He looked over at Jay then back to me.  "I'd like to go."

"With what's happening with your mom are you sure you can handle it?"

He bit his lip thoughtfully. I didn't think it would be a good idea but if he thought it was ok then so be it. He looked at me and nodded.

He exhaled and squared his shoulders.  His browns met my hazels and I saw the spark of determination in them.  "I'll do it for Jay."

I nodded. Jay slowly opened the door and we walked in. The room was dim and the only lighting was a soft white light near the bed. There were several monitors nearby all of them silent. The rails on the hospital bed were down and white sheet was pulled over the body covering it from head to toe. Jay maintained his composure until I slowly pulled the sheet off her face.

There were angry red gashes on her forehead and cheek and her left eye was bruised and swollen. Her soft pink lips were busted and purple. There were fingerprints on her neck and bruises on her shoulders.

The rage inside me was indescribable. I wanted to run from that room, hunt that sorry piece of shit excuse of a man down, and let my hardcore sadist out. I clenched my hands into fists at my sides and chewed my bottom lip.  How could he do that to her?

Jay threw himself on her.  I lost all the fight in me as the most heart-wrenching, soul crushing sound came out of him.  He cupped her face in his hands and covered her in kisses as his tears dripped down his face.

"No, no, no, no.  Nooo! N-not my Liz! God, please! Anybody but her!" Sobs wracked his body as he squeezed her hand.  "This can't be happening!  This isn't right!"

Paul put his head on my shoulder and cried quietly as he rubbed Jay's back.  I put my arm around Paul's waist and my other hand on Jay's shoulder just so he knew we were both there for him.  

"How could he do this to her?!  Why?!"

What could we say? Some people are just monsters.

When Jay was ready, we covered her back up and joined his family in the hall. They all stood and everyone hugged one another. His sister handed us the sleeping kids and we decided to leave since it was so late. We couldn't go back to Liz's for the kids' things because it was taped off by the police so we got a few things from Walmart on the way back and took them home. 

 We didn't want them to wake up and be scared in an unfamiliar place all alone so we told Jay to sleep with them in our bed.  He didn't want to sleep alone so Paul and I put Jay and the kids in the middle of our bed and we took the outer sides.  It was a squeeze - with two buff guys, a waif, and two small kids- but it was warm and cozy.  Despite my anger and the uncertainty of the kids future, I found sleep easily enough.

In the morning when I woke up, there was half a tiny body on my head. I frowned as I turned on my side trying to figure out how the youngest managed, not only to turn upside down, but end up all the way at the top of the bed. A smile touched my lips when I saw Jay and Paul spooning each other, about to fall off the bed, with the oldest child sprawled on his back laying across them. I quickly grabbed my phone and snapped a picture before waking them up. For some reason, in the back of my mind I thought, it wouldn't be so bad to wake up like this every day.

*Anyone a wild sleeper?  The poor kiddos.  What do you think is going to happen?

**Shoutout to these faithful folk for their votes or comments -DNyshaNorris, DEVisBOTH, direfaery, Dannyk56, Gunnolf444, RedHatNicky, EnderXen, ShinoTheShadowShinx, kaprishunshine, angeleyesgrn, zoeleigh16, directwriter, Cheyenne432, GodVenus, lets_colour, liljeannie, OliviaNV, JeffyStarship915, LittleTwistedSmiles, Luckyluve2100, foodielittlefj, archs_flower, taytay_stargirl, LilangelfukDanzig, MioSasakiMM, LiljaBlack, Em_Rose1606, TabatabaCoco, Christy016, dequeen_herself, EacMoon-dancer, naahnaah.

***Shout outs to all the people who added, followed, or silently read.  Thank you!

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