Chapter -03 Most of the characters who live in this world are grey

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Though it was a holiday my boss woke me up early in the morning. I heard him tapping on the door and it was like a huge explosion early in the morning because it echoed inside my ear drums. 

"Laya, remove all your jewellery and wear a gray or a white suit, quickly."

Actually I had no jewellery. I only have three hoodies and few pants with me. Except those I had only few coat kits and full suits for office wear. However, I dressesd myself with a black full suit. Who knows whether it is an important work?

Our company provided food for all the occupants in this apartment. We had a small snack outside the apartment. There was only one dining hall for all of us and it was underground. Even the workers building consists of such a dining hall. I gulped down my soup and took my breakfast in one mouth and went along with my boss. I was not the only person there. Alltogether nine people including Toru and that handsome lad.

(Why, OH God! All of them are freaking cute. Aww my poor heart.......... This Korean guy seems cuter than Toru. Yes, and he looks more innocent than him as well.)

He took us to the mountain situated near the beach side. There was a huge, terrifying abyss. If a person falls into this abyss, they will die for sure. A staircase made out of rocks placed on each other and a wooden railing supported us to climb down th abyss. Our boss took the initiative like a big brainy monarch and lead us there. Even though we tend to ask where the fuck he's taking us, he didn't spit out a single word. So we followed him by making ourselves prepared to face anything that comes in our way.

This dude took us to a creepy place. We couldn't even imagine that such a place exists in an abyss like this. Though it was too dark the whole mansion was magneficent. 

People clad in black cloaks and gray belts tied onto their waists were scttered at few places by covering up their faces with masks. They were holding swords in their hands. My heart began to accelarate after seeing all these.

We were taken along a corridor. The lady whom I met on that day was standing near the doorway. Her ugly smile welcomed us and she took us inside. It was a large hall where long tables were kept. This literally gave me Harry Potter vibes. it looked like a dining hall. They gave us a gray cloak and a number. That cloak was really comfortable. My number was 111.

They told me to go near the tables placed at the right side because my seat was reserved there. So I went there and got seated on the chair which had the number 111.

If I say that I didn't feel scared it will be a whole damn lie. There were about 1000 people, I guess. Ahm....... I can't tell that properly. It's kinda exaggerated right."

Nothing happened on that day. They gave us anice meal with BBQ chicken and hamburgers but we were not allowed to speak a word. Just like in libraries. Everywhere I could see boards saying "Be Quiet."

We can't say anything until tomorrow. Though nothing happened today we can't predict what will happen in the future. 

This hall was covered up in gray. Actually I felt hella scared and I was about to pee on myself. The theme of this village was gray. I asked the reason for this theme from that woman then she told me that "In this whole world there's no any character who can be fully assured to be black or white and that there are onlyb gray people. Those characters might be light gray or  dark gray but we can't predict when and where this colour chane takes place. That's the nature of people."


Everybody attended as usual for their daily chores. No one uttered a single word about that journey. Today Toru was out of the village due to some work assigned in the delivery section. 

While I was walking around the factory I met that cute guy.


"Mm, Yes."

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, You can"

He took me to a lonely place where there's no any sight of a man.

"Madam, I've seen you somewhere before you came to this factory."

"Ha? Me! but where?"

"At the airport & the hotel you stayed the night"


"Yes madam, Yes. You must be careful from these people."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you think that people  living here are strange?"

"To speak the truth, honestly they are a bit strange. Are you afraid of the people living here?"

"Yes, madam"

"Aww.....You silly boy."

I patted on his head while saying those words.

"Haaaa!!! Wait a second.😳 Ayo..... why did I act like that? Dang it. when did I ever do such a thing with a boy?"😕🙄

His name was Byong-San-Hun. Since the first day I saw him I sensed that he's a bit strange but those cute little eyes which looked like a kitten's eyes tickled my heart.


Toru returned soon from outstation. He acted like a freak.  He came running towards me like a horse and pulled my hand & took me away. 

"Oyi.... Laya, Why did you talk with that boy?"

"Yes, I had a conversation with him so what? Why do you need to act like a maniac for this?"

"Don't move on with him."

"Move on? Where? For a drink?"

"Does this sound like a joke to you Laya?"

"Since you know me for a long time you might be aware of my level of patience Toru?"

"Yes, I know, but the only thing I need to say is that he is a queer being."

"Ha, ha, alright."

Actually my wrath was about to rise to it's peak today, but Toru stopped his argument. Though I didn't reveal it even I too sensed something strange about San Hun."


It wasn't a holiday but the company gave us a special holiday due to a special reason but they didn't say what it was. Our boss took us to the same place again. This time it felt really,really strange. He sent us straightaway into a large hall. They offered us grey cloaks and a small book.

We got together and formed 10 lines with 50 people standing on each row. I was also among them, adorned in a grey cloak.

"We warmly welcome you all to this place. Members who are given number 1 standing on the left side are wearing dark grey while others who are in the next five lines are wearing light grey. You'll get to know the reason for this later.

I wanted you to gather here in order to announce something really special. Now we are going to commence the real activities of our sect.

So Listen carefully,

           There are 250 people wearing dark grey cloaks and another 250 with light grey cloaks. Now a light grey and a dark grey should become partners. For example the member with number one clad in dark grey must form a couple with light grey member who has got the same number. In that way all of you must find out your partner and form 250 couples.

The one who spoke infront of us seems to be the chief of this sect. According to the features this person should be a woman but we couldn't see her face properly because the vision of her face was disturbed with the big gray cloak.

I got number 111, The exact same number which I got on that day. I got the chance to couple with light grey colour member who got the same number as me. For my surprise it was Toru. Sanhun got number 110. He was also wearing grey and he met another cute girl as his partner. This girl literally suits Sanhun. My heart flew towards her as soon as I saw her pretty face. I tamed my heart and held it back.😂😂

We were informed about the things going on and my whole body began to shrink down and my belly began to cramp.

"This is a sacred sect. I will explain everything about our sect to you today."

Some people say that this world is a dark place but some diverts from that opinion and says that the world is a bright place but those opinions are incorrect. This world ids grey. 

In this world there's no any black and white character but only grey people exist. Try to realise this truth. Here, there are people from lot of countries. People from North East, asians from  west and Europeans are present among the gathering but remember here we all are equal.

Under this roof we all are grey. We all are the same. Now take out the books on your hands. You all should try to remain until you read the last page of this book. I quickly rushed to the last page when she said so but there was nothing written in the last page and all the other pages were blank as well.

Beneath the cover a phrase was written.

"Annyon Pangawa"

The meaning of this phrase was "Hello! and welcome."

The leader of the sect again proceeded in her speech.

"Did you turn the pages in that book now? but it was blank isn't it? There are 49 pages in this book. Each and everyone has received the same number of pages. Though this book looks empty there's something written on each page. when the right time comes they'll be visible to you. I gathered you here to show you something special. It is death. That's because we alla re ardent followers of death.

On that day they didn't let us go away. They gave us uniforms for the respective people who wore light grey and dark grey. It was the only thing that we had to coverup our body. Everyone here wore the same uniform. Sometimes it was difficult to identify our partner.

We had to sleep inside a big hall. When we were put inside we felt that there won't be any escape for us. It was possible to understand that all 500 youths were entrapped in a tragic problem. People who came from other places also had connections with our company. We all were turned into prisoners in this gloomy world.

There's a king and a queen in this sect. They are the people who caused the inauguration of this sect. According to the rumours their son has taken over the control of the sect. This sect of death was said to be strengthened under him.

Think about the things said by that woman. Are there grey characters in this world?

Comment your idea. ◽◽◽

Author: @jinwoo96
Translation :@TharushiRanasinghe5

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