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It's been around a month since the Doctor last had a day off. Of course, being the person who's in control on Rhodes Island, it's expected that there's a lot of work to be done. He doesn't mind working if it means that everyone on the moving facility would be able to get more comfortable with their schedules and their accommodations, but he's been starting to see the reports he has to look over in his sleep.

For two weeks.

Thus he voiced out his problem to Kal'tsit, who promptly told him to stay away from his work for at least three days and try to relax.

Now the Doctor was aimlessly wandering around one of the many corridors in Rhodes Island, wondering what he should do.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, only to find a grinning Petram staring at him.

"Hey, Cuora," the Doctor said. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, Doctor!" She replied with a grin. The Doctor felt himself smiling back at her. She always seemed to have this aura that lights up the room, and has quite the infectious laugh.

"I just wanted to ask if you want to play baseball with me and my friends!"

The Doctor thought to himself for a bit. Baseball... Nearl had told him about the game once, but he never found much interest in it. Since he didn't have anything better to do, and Cuora was looking at him with some of the most adorable puppy-eyes ever, he decided, why not?

"Sure thing. But you're going to have to run through the rules with me, I'm not that familiar with baseball."

"Alright! Come with me, let's go now!"

With that, the Petram grabbed onto his sleeve and dragged him through the corridors of Rhodes Island. After a few minutes of near-running, the two stopped in front of one of Rhodes Island's gyms. Cuora pushed the door open and there were a few people in the room doing some stretching. The Doctor's eyes widened at the sight of operators he never thought would join to play baseball.

"Projekt Red, Ansel, Fang, Leonhardt?" The Doctor said, slightly shocked at the operators who were in the room. Red gave him a small smile while Leonhardt was waving enthusiastically at the Doctor to come over.

"Hey, Doctor!" Leonhardt said, slapping his arm on the Doctor's back. "How are you doing on this fine day?"

"It was pretty bad earlier but I finally got a chance to take a break. Also, no, I have no authority to change your punishment for pranking the operators that ghosts exist to take away all our noodles. Try to voice it out to Kal'tsit and I think your punishment will be extended to two years."

"Damn it."

"Anyways," Fang quickly said, giving a weird look to the blonde Cautus. "What are you doing here, Doctor?"

"Cuora over here invited me to play. Though I heard we need nine people for this?"

"It's fine, it's fine!" Cuora exclaimed excitedly. "We can do a modified version with six people! We just need three people in the field, one batter, and two others on the other team! We're just doing this for fun since I can't find more people anyways..."

"Alright. And Cuora, I'll try to convince the rest of A4 to join us next time. I think they'll enjoy it," Ansel said, right after Cuora's face lost a little of her glee and showed how sad she felt about the number of people who were able to play with her.

"Yeah, I'll try to see if A1 would be able to come next time too," Fang reassured. With that, Cuora's smile was back on full blast and the mood in the room elevated to a much more comfortable level.

"So," the Doctor started, grabbing a baseball from the floor and throwing it up into the air lightly, catching it a short while later in the same hand.

"How do we start?"


The baseball session surprisingly went a whole lot more smoothly than anticipated. The best batters out of all of them were Projekt Red, Leonhardt and Cuora. Ansel came pretty close to making the top three, but after batting the ball into the Doctor's... really sensitive spot... while he was waiting around third base, the Doctor wished that he wasn't included at all to the rankings. Ansel agreed quickly, his face growing more red with every millisecond that passed.

Leonhardt was laughing so much that the Doctor proposed making his punishment extend to three years. He never heard even a snicker afterwards.

"Alright!" Cuora yelled, jumping into the air after she managed to dash her way to a home run. Fang quickly went to grab a water bottle and threw it at her, which Cuora gladly accepted and drank with glee.

"How many more rounds are all of you up to?" Fang asked. The Doctor pondered a little.

"Maybe five more? This game's a pretty good stress reliever."

"B-But, um," Ansel stammered, still not over the accident. "You managed to hit a couple of the lights, Doctor. Maybe, uh, we should stop here?"

"It'll be fine, I can just pay for them. I don't think Kal'tsit would be that angry," the Doctor responded.

"Didn't she also give you a punishment for the noodle incident?" Leonhardt asked.

"She seemed pretty mad," Red added. "It's been a while since I've seen her that mad. She said it was because you were too dumb too."

"I- you know what? She can have this one. But! This time will be different. I can actually pay for these mistakes! I don't think she'll be worked up over these lights. We even cleared them to the side so no one gets injured. It's not like this is the worst accident that happened in Rhodes Island too. Remember when Thorns nearly flooded a whole corridor with his experiment?"

"Weedy was really mad." Fang shuddered. "I never thought I would ever see an angry Purestream too. This is probably a lot more mild than that..."

"Then it's settled!" Leonhardt exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Five more rounds, and maybe more on the way! I need something to do while I wait for Ayer to finish his extra training anyways."

"You could always join him?" Cuora asked, tilting her head to the side. Leonhardt only responded with laughter.

"Okay..." the Doctor said. He lifted up his bat. "Places, everyone!"

Cuora was standing in front of him. Grinning widely. She threw the ball up in the air a little, trying to make it spin a couple times before she grabbed it, and threw it at him with immense speed. It was a whole lot faster than she had previously done, so the Doctor was pretty shocked. So shocked that he lifted the bat in front of his face to protect himself instead of aiming to actually bat the ball.

The six of them watched as the ball soared in the air, before smashing into yet another light. Projekt Red ran away from underneath it swiftly, it was as if they had not been playing this sport for nearly three hours now. However, not only did the destroyed light fall down, so did the wires attached to it. Followed by part of the ceiling.

As the mess fell to the floor of the gym, only silence was present.

The six of them stared at the pile, and simultaneously looked up to the rather large hole in the ceiling.

"Well..." Leonhardt started. "You managed to create a big hole using the main light in this gym. That's an achievement on its own!"

"Hush, you reckless Cautus!" The Doctor said. He sounded as if he was just shy of screeching. "I can't get someone to fix this before Kal'tsit finds out!"

"Before Kal'tsit finds out about what?" A cold voice said, chilling the bones of everyone else in the room.

Six heads turned to the entrance, where Kal'tsit herself was staring at all of them. She soon eyed the hole in the ceiling, followed by the mess underneath it.

"Anyone cares to explain?"

The six of them shuddered, practically withering under Kal'tsit's glare.

Soon after, the lights in the room flickered off. A couple of yelps were heard, with Cuora instantly clinging onto Projekt Red who was next to her. The Lupo hugged her and gave her a gentle pat on the head.

"I... uh..." the Doctor said. He could practically hear Kal'tsit's eyebrow rise up.

"Gotta go!" He yelled, running off in the darkness. Kal'tsit sighed and snapped her fingers.

With that, the baseball session ended with the Doctor getting pinned to the wall by Mon3tr after slamming into said wall by accident. Kal'tsit huffed as she dragged the unconscious Doctor away from the gym.

At least the session was widely spread around the large facility. Now there's a lot more people going to Cuora asking if they could join her in playing baseball. While one suffers the consequences, the other gains immensely from the incident. A pretty good trade off, for everyone who was not the Doctor.

(Haha, couldn't resist having something dumb for the ending. I hope you enjoyed it! I didn't update because I didn't have the motivation nor the proper ideas to write this to completion. Now though, I'm pretty happy with this!

I'm not too sure if I'll leave references to past one-shots in future chapters, so think of them as fun Easter eggs I guess? Lol

Also, if anyone wishes to see a specific operator in a new one-shot, feel free to suggest down below! I'm not really able to write about other operators unless someone tells me lol, or if I really like the op and have a bunch of ideas that would fit for them. I can't guarantee I'll churn out the goods within a week, but I'll be sure to write something over 1000 words for them :D

Anyways, since this is getting too long, I hope you enjoyed this again. Have a great day/night!)

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